Thursday, May 14, 2015


Dear Friend~

What if there were a love that was limitless, full of passion, and without end? What if this love could fulfill every desire within you and make you feel you can do anything? What if it were accessible any time of day, no matter where you are? In fact, what if it weren't just available to you, but actually sought you out, offering all it had? Have you dreamed of a love so perfect that it continues long after you have messed up? Have you been searching high and low for a love that truly satisfies?

This love won't be found in a new job, new house, or new spouse. No, this is a love that can be compared with no other. It won't be satisfied through likes on Facebook or Twitter retweets. It's a once in a lifetime love, and once you've tasted of it, you'll be changed forever. It'll shake you to the core and make you live to pour that love upon everyone around you, even the most unlovable characters in your path. Friend, if you've been searching all your life for true love, I'm here to tell you, it has been found. May I introduce to you: the matchless love of Christ…

In His Grip,
Katie Marie

Friday, May 8, 2015


Jesus, all I want is more, more, MORE of You. This world is tasteless without Your spice. It is gray without Your color and lifeless without Your spark. To pull You out of the scene means a life devoid of all meaning. Help us to find You in the in-betweens of life ❤️

Katie Marie

Monday, May 4, 2015


Spring is an enchanting season of rebirth and renewal. It's a time when the barren winter trees are once again covered with the vibrant green of their lush leaves and budding flowers. 

This season always reminds me of the redemption God longs to bring to each of our lives. Whether you're suffering the loss of a relationship, a long-standing career, or perhaps even a loved one, Jesus yearns to rebuild each of the barren places of your life. He desires to bring you into a season of restoration, bursting with His goodness and grace. 

I encourage you to approach this season of rebirth with a sense of expectancy and awe, allowing your Creator the creative license to bring about His beauty in your life. And as you witness the leaves returning to the trees, thank Him for the new things He is bringing forth in your life...

"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19 NLT)

In Awe Of Him,
Katie Marie