Saturday, November 20, 2010


Happy day to you!

Have you ever read a verse from the Bible and been shocked to realize it was the first time you’d ever seen it? Have you been more astounded that you don’t recall ever hearing it? This one hit me today:

“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” 1 Cor 5:20

Wow…if I could sum up my own interpretation, it would be: “Meet Him…then LIVE Him.” As I was thinking about this short, power-packed phrase, I really realized a mistake we Christians often make. Sometimes we’re so caught up in speaking out about Jesus that we forget to take some time and investigate the atmosphere we’re putting out in the world. Is the message we’re sharing evident and visible to a complete stranger brushing by? If our words were taken away, do our lives still convey His powerful gift?

We are clearly called and required to share Christ’s gift of salvation with everyone we cross paths with. But, if we are just talking a lot without evidence of His real love, grace, freedom, and power in our own lives, what are we? A resounding gong, it seems. We’re just another voice in the crowd, talking a “good game.”

This world is full of talkers…people who speak just because they enjoy hearing themselves. I do NOT want to be one of those people. Who on earth wants the life we have in Jesus if all they hear is talk and never actually experience Christ through us? I don’t want to be just a chattering noise for Christ, void of real life and joy.

Jesus said, “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” John 10:10 (Message) Who wouldn’t want that? IT’S AWESOME!

It blows my mind, but this is the life we are freely given to live out and to offer others. Let us not just talk a “good game,” but as Ambassadors for Christ, let’s each take some time to review our relationship with Him. As essential as it is to speak of our Mighty God’s Salvation, it’s just as important to stop and investigate the atmosphere we are cultivating in our circles of influence.

So how do we do this? How do we powerfully radiate Christ’s love, compassion, freedom, power, and grace? We seek HIM, first and foremost above all else. We search Him with all our hearts, we set our minds and thoughts on what He thinks about every single situation, and we simply love on Him.

It seems simple, but I believe when we do this, all else falls into place. God rewards us for our hearts turned in His direction and He responds by opening His floodgates. He sprinkles our Divine conversations and interactions with His anointing and POWERFUL things happen…lives are changed eternally.

Suddenly, we experience a deep joy bubbling from deep within our cores and we can’t get our minds off Christ. In turn, we can’t seem to do enough to show others how much He loves them, too. We even catch glimpses of Jesus as we pass our own reflections and smile thinking, “Wow, there’s Jesus in me…”

That sounds pretty powerful, don’t you think? “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.”

Experience…investigate…then radiate.

In Christ’s AWESOME love,
Katie Marie :)

Monday, November 15, 2010


"Your hands made me and formed me..." Psalm 119:73

Hi awesome friends,

As I was reading through Scripture this morning, I caught a glance at this verse. My eye was drawn to a tiny note I had penned next to it almost a year ago. Simply put, I had written, "You did not speak me, You touched me..." I'd like to expound on this for you today.

God explains in this portion of His love letter that His heavenly hands made us and formed us...WOW. Do you realize what he could have done? This is the God of the Universe - He could have simply breathed, spoken, struck a random rock upon a mountain, or coughed to create us, for that matter. He could have chosen any means He wanted, but none of those were good enough for our Heavenly Father. No, out of His great love, He longed to touch us with His own mold and form us from absolutely nothing into who we see reflecting back in the mirror each morning. Considering these things, doesn't this verse just drip with God's love and sweet adoration?

"Your hands made me and formed me..." Psalm 119:73

Now, not only did God take the time to knit and form us each with His hands (Psalm 139:5, 13), He also reminds us of His method for our creation over and over in the Bible. Why? So we would know just how prized, beloved, and treasured we are in His sight. We are His blessed children...the crown of His creation.

You, my friend, have been touched by the very hand of God. I speak of the One and only God who knows the exact number of hairs on your head this moment, precisely how many millimeters your fingernails have grown over the last 6.5 hours, and is keenly aware of all details surrounding your precious life.

Take a moment to stop and look down at your physical self. Each extremity and part you see, even the intricate systems you don't, have been lovingly touched and formed by the hand of Almighty God. He loves you, so much so, that He wouldn't settle for a second-rate means to create you. It wasn't enough to speak you into being; He wanted to touch be involved in every single step and detail of your formation. Wow, what great love and undivided attention has been poured into each and every cell of your body! Will you recognize this today? And with a heart of thanks, will you lift your praise to Him who formed you?

When God created you, He touched you. This is still His be an invaluable part of your existence; your day-to-day everyday. There is no detail too small, no issue too huge for God's attention and care. After all, He is already present in the midst just waiting for You to let Him in. He wants you to share all of your life with Him.

God is the ONE faithful Father who is always there, intensely gazing, carefully listening, and deeply longing to share this life with you. His hands are the beautiful instruments that molded and formed you. Let Him touch you again today...

In His Great Love,
Katie Marie

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hi, precious people!

I just want to share a cool little moment and insight I had this morning. Today I ducked away with God to the end of a very special private pier extending into Lake Michigan’s waters. At its concrete and metal edge stands a lone light pole with white power-pox attached. In the night, it brightly shines its red beacon to welcome boaters and announce the pier’s presence...hmmm - much like God, don't ya think?

This is the scene where I absolutely love to be, with arms wrapped tightly around this thin pole, perched atop its little power-source. This my beloved “Jesus Spot.” It’s the place I love most in this whole world to sit and hang out with my Savior King. Through countless seasons and years, God has faithfully met with me here. I’ve never once been “stood up” for one of our dates, though many times I was long, long overdue for our rendezvous. I guess that’s why He’s God and I am not ☺

As we sat there this mild, sun-soaked morning, my Creator wrapped me up in Divine comfort and drenched me in His unmistakable love. I couldn’t help but close my eyes, as I always do, to take in the gentle noise of the waters lapping as they hugged around the massive pier’s head. I looked out upon the open waters splayed out before me, watching the sunlight dance upon the rolling waves and knew I was being delighted in my Father in Heaven. The chilly winds of late fall nipped away at my cheeks, but I didn’t mind…I was warm everywhere else.

There I was, so fulfilled and enveloped in love, yet I found myself still desiring something more from God. I wanted hear His sweet voice echoing back at me…I wanted to know what was He was planning to unfold for my day, week, year, and life. I thought I needed Him to tell me what was on His mind for me for that moment...I did. Though His words came out differently than I expected to hear, He whispered forth the phrases I needed to hear most.

As my eyes followed the waters being pulled along by the channel’s current, God suddenly spoke so tenderly: “Come away with Me…don’t think about another thing, don’t take another step today; just come away with Me.” I clung tightly there to that trusty light pole and, yet again, released all of my designs and plans. I unraveled every strand of my tight-knit will for the umpteenth time.

Though sometimes, God reveals His plans and steps to me, today He wanted me to simply sit…to come away with Him. He wanted me to search out our own little nook in the world, away from the clutches of life, free from the tick-tock of time, and just sit in His loving arms. My Heavenly Father wanted to take me away to that special place…His embrace. That’s it.

This point is simple, but God sometimes is simple. He’s incomparably creative, complex, and mysterious, but every once in a while He strips all of that away to get down to the bare bones of it all:

He just wants you…
He just wants me…
He just wants us…
To come away.

Cozy up in your favorite blankie and oversized chair; sprawl out on your back and gaze upon the illuminated numbered and named stars; hike to your favorite overlook; bury your toes deep into your favorite beachy sands; grab the keys and take that one special drive only you and God know about. Whatever you do, wherever you go, whenever you can, carve the time out and get away with God.

Then close your eyes to hear Him gently calling out to you much like He did to me today: “Come away with Me; don’t think about another thing, don’t take another step…just come away with Me.”

Friday, November 5, 2010


Hi everybody!

I wanted to post an excerpt from the devotional I wrote this morning...I keep thinking I'm done with the content of my book, but then God decides to download more!!! What can I do? I'm just His lil typist...hope you enjoy!

Excerpt from "Walls of Water"

Looking at my life and the lives of those around me, I have come to conclude it is rare that we are completely satisfied with our place in life. Much like the Israelites, we have each been redeemed, justified, protected, and delivered; yet it is not enough.

Some of you are free from your oppressors, but today you awakened to realize God has led you into the desert. This arid climate you find yourself in can be an uncomfortable place…wildly vacillating temperatures and conditions leave you questioning your resilience and ability to endure. Food can seem scarce…spiritual, emotional, and even physical sustenance can be hard to come by day-to-day.

You may seem to have no sense of direction or plan for escape. Which way is north? South? East? West? Is there a purpose and plan in all of this? There must be…there IS.

If the Lord of all Creation is your God, He has chosen you…set you apart, and placed you exactly where you are today. He wants you right where He has you and though we may not understand why, we have to trust and KNOW that He does understand why.

There are so many awesome lessons and insights we could glean from those faithful saints who have walked the paths of faith and trust before us. There are countless generations who have put their every decision and moment into the hands of God and allowed Him to lead…wherever, however, and whenever He decided.

We cannot get caught up in the discomforts of our current roads and climates so we become distracted and impatient. It breaks my heart to read the countless stories of the Israelites in their desert times…how time and time again, God rescued and provided for them…how He led them faithfully and loved them despite themselves.

“He divided the sea and led them through; He made the water stand firm like a wall. He guided them with the cloud by day and with the light from the fire all night. He split the rocks in the desert and gave them water as abundant as the seas; He brought streams out of a rocky crag and made water flow down like rivers.” Psalm 78:13-16

More to come, my friends...thank you for staying with me on this journey we call LIFE!!!

In His AWESOME Love,
Katie MArie