Today I joined a room full of hundreds of people as we celebrated the life of a man who left this earth far too soon. Through tear-filled eyes, I witnessed my precious friend dancing her last time before her beloved husband. I honestly don’t know how she found the strength to even step up on that stage, much less move so gracefully to their favorite song. It must have been Almighty God carrying her along...
It’s impossible to understand why some things happen the way they do...why a father of four beautiful daughters had to leave them so prematurely...why my dear friend is left to sleep alone in a bed where her love laid beside her just a few short days ago...why it all had to happen right before the most joyful time of the year – Christmas.
My mind cannot find any answers to these questions; the more I try to figure them out, the more I am left puzzled and confused. And so, as many of faith do, I must relinquish my questions and lift them to the One who knows all, sees all, and whose heart breaks along with ours...
It’s so difficult to move on once a life has been taken from among us. It makes us all realize the magnitude of our frailty and the precious nature of this life. It forces us to bow down to our Creator and, if even through tears, remind ourselves that someday He will make all things new.
Until that time, though it hurts, we must trust. We must grab hold of each precious loved one and moment we are given. And when we don’t understand the mysteries or devastation we face, may each of us remember to lift our eyes and praises to our Jesus. For He is the one who stepped down to earth over 2000 years ago in the form of a helpless babe so He could, once and for all, take away the eternal sting of death and sin.
What a comfort to know that we who love Christ will not be separated from our loved-ones forever. One day in the future unknown, we will be gloriously reunited with those we hold so dear and will join together in the presence of our mighty Savior!
And for this gift, through tears tonight, I praise You, my Jesus. It is quite probable that during my time on earth, I will never understand why Mark was taken from us. But it is not my job to understand or even question. After all, You are God, and I am not. You hold the world in Your arms and each of our hearts in Your priceless, nail-scarred hands. You are a friend to the lonely, father to the fatherless, husband to the widow, and Savior to the lost...
Thank You for working all things out for the good of those who love You. I can’t fathom how You will turn this tragedy around to become a blessing, but I know You faithfully will. It is so hard to pick up the jagged pieces left by death, but it is comforting to know You are the One who glues lives and hearts back together.
Thank You for being awesome, compassionate, and understanding. Thank You for sweeping this young man into one of Your loving arms, and the loved-ones he left behind into the other. Though we do not understand, we will continue to tearfully praise You tonight and forevermore, our Sovereign, beautiful God...
"Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.'" Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)
In Loving Memory,
Katie Marie
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
“His dynasty will go on forever; his kingdom will endure as the sun. It will be as eternal as the moon, my faithful witness in the sky!” Psalm 89:36-37 (NLT)
I came across these words a few years ago and instantly fell in love with them. The moment I read them, I realized the moon was essentially a huge neon sign hung in the sky that testifies, “God is there...right there...for you!” Since that day, whenever I gaze up at the moon, I recall it is God’s faithful witness in the sky...there to remind me of His everlasting presence in my daily and eternal life.
Tonight I couldn’t sleep, so I found myself staring out my window overlooking a small lake kissed by the first skim of ice and a fresh dusting of snow. The grounds were illuminated by the gleam of an almost full moon glowing upon the white powder. Though it was beautiful, I was just a foot or so shy of catching the waxing moon’s true radiance. It must have been positioned directly above the house, out of my view. So I settled for catching a few moments of the beauty from my viewpoint before getting some shut-eye.
Well, it didn’t take long to realize there was no sleep was to be found, so after over an hour of tossing and turning, I crept downstairs. There at the opposite end of the house, my eye was immediately drawn to a single window. It was the only window out of eight that didn’t have its shade drawn. Odd...
As I finagled myself around the Christmas tree to peek out the window, I was overtaken by the brilliant light streaming in. Finally, I could catch the full glory of the moon! Instantly, this Scripture again came to mind.
“His dynasty will go on forever; his kingdom will endure as the sun. It will be as eternal as the moon, my faithful witness in the sky!” Psalm 89:36-37 (NLT)
I know I mentioned that seeing the moon night after night has reminded me of these words, but there was something different tonight. As I gazed at that massive sphere suspended in space, it was as if the deep meaning of God’s Words finally hit me. He planted in me a new revelation about this rock we call the Moon, and what it proclaims about Him. Before I explain, let me share a bit about myself...
Anyone who knows me at all knows I am a traveler for Jesus. I live a life of constant change and new experiences. While this is incredibly fulfilling and exciting, at times it feels like I don’t have the everyday stability most of us rely on for security. Though part of me desires the every day “guarantees,” I love my life because I’m constantly reminded that Jesus is truly all I have, all I can depend on, and all I will ever need. As long my God is leading, walking alongside, and protecting me, I need nothing else.
With this in mind, my new moon revelation is simple but powerful. Whether I find myself in the security of home or the far reaches of an unfamiliar land, I take comfort knowing I’ll gaze at the exact same moon every night. No matter where I travel, be it cross-country or cross-continent, each clear night I’ll find the moon. I can count on its sure it will illuminate the night, reflecting the sun’s radiant beams. I could circle the globe day and night for the rest of my life, but I’ll never outrun or out travel the moon. It will be there; it truly is God’s faithful witness.
Our Heavenly Father placed the moon in the sky to prove He is unfathomably dependable. Even when hidden in clouds or the black of a “new moon,” it still remains, hovering in our darkness. Since God has been faithful with this since the beginning of time, do you realize the huge testimony our moon holds?
If we can count on the moon’s presence to appear each evening of our lives, how much more can we rely on the One who formed it? Shouldn’t we use its existence to build up our confidence that the God of the Universe is present, listening, seeing, and acting on our behalf?
The moon doesn’t promise a roof over our heads or even the guarantee of a next meal. It does so much more; it directs us to the God who faithfully provides our every need and cares about our deepest desires.
God clearly called me to that window tonight because I was longing for reassurance of His nearness inside my constantly transitioning life. I wanted to be tangibly reminded that He is my strong tower...never changing and reliable, even when my life screams the opposite.
God encountered me tonight, also, to pass a message along to you. I do not believe a single event occurs by coincidence, luck, or chance...therefore I assume you are reading these words because God wants you to hear them at this exact moment of your journey with Him.
And so, here I am at 4:24 AM, plucking away at my computer by moonlight, reminding us both to boldly trust the mighty God of the Ages with every detail, situation, and season of our lives. Why?...because more confidently than that familiar moon hanging in our skies each night, each of us can rely on our ever-present God. Day and night He is seeking every one of us out. Moment by moment, He watches over our unique circumstances, thoughts and actions. Not only that, He moves on our behalf.
I don’t know the circumstances swirling about you as you read these words, but I do know that with God on your side, you endure anything because He is the one carrying you through. He is your strength. He is your comfort, your fortress and guide. More dependable than the moon that appears when the sun goes down, the Lord will make Himself known in your life.
And should you need reminding of His presence or faithfulness, I encourage you to try something. In the late of the night sometime, when everyone else is fast asleep, tip-toe to the nearest window and take a peek. Find that majestic, beaming moon and gaze upon its radiance. Take note of how it is so gracefully suspended in space.
Trace back to your earliest memories – the moon has been there each night of your life and will be, even after your time on earth is over. Remember that you can count on it to be there each night, no matter what. It is present, even when covered by blankets of storm clouds or fog. Whether clear night, rain, blizzard, or monsoon, the moon will be there, positioned high above. No matter the season, weather, or circumstance, it hangs faithfully.
Most importantly, remember that these truths point directly to the everlasting faithfulness of the one and only Almighty God. Day and night, rain or shine, the Lord is right there, holding you strong. Even in the midst of storms when you can’t see an inch in front of your face, He is there...
Illuminated and Loved,
Katie Marie
I came across these words a few years ago and instantly fell in love with them. The moment I read them, I realized the moon was essentially a huge neon sign hung in the sky that testifies, “God is there...right there...for you!” Since that day, whenever I gaze up at the moon, I recall it is God’s faithful witness in the sky...there to remind me of His everlasting presence in my daily and eternal life.
Tonight I couldn’t sleep, so I found myself staring out my window overlooking a small lake kissed by the first skim of ice and a fresh dusting of snow. The grounds were illuminated by the gleam of an almost full moon glowing upon the white powder. Though it was beautiful, I was just a foot or so shy of catching the waxing moon’s true radiance. It must have been positioned directly above the house, out of my view. So I settled for catching a few moments of the beauty from my viewpoint before getting some shut-eye.
Well, it didn’t take long to realize there was no sleep was to be found, so after over an hour of tossing and turning, I crept downstairs. There at the opposite end of the house, my eye was immediately drawn to a single window. It was the only window out of eight that didn’t have its shade drawn. Odd...
As I finagled myself around the Christmas tree to peek out the window, I was overtaken by the brilliant light streaming in. Finally, I could catch the full glory of the moon! Instantly, this Scripture again came to mind.
“His dynasty will go on forever; his kingdom will endure as the sun. It will be as eternal as the moon, my faithful witness in the sky!” Psalm 89:36-37 (NLT)
I know I mentioned that seeing the moon night after night has reminded me of these words, but there was something different tonight. As I gazed at that massive sphere suspended in space, it was as if the deep meaning of God’s Words finally hit me. He planted in me a new revelation about this rock we call the Moon, and what it proclaims about Him. Before I explain, let me share a bit about myself...
Anyone who knows me at all knows I am a traveler for Jesus. I live a life of constant change and new experiences. While this is incredibly fulfilling and exciting, at times it feels like I don’t have the everyday stability most of us rely on for security. Though part of me desires the every day “guarantees,” I love my life because I’m constantly reminded that Jesus is truly all I have, all I can depend on, and all I will ever need. As long my God is leading, walking alongside, and protecting me, I need nothing else.
With this in mind, my new moon revelation is simple but powerful. Whether I find myself in the security of home or the far reaches of an unfamiliar land, I take comfort knowing I’ll gaze at the exact same moon every night. No matter where I travel, be it cross-country or cross-continent, each clear night I’ll find the moon. I can count on its sure it will illuminate the night, reflecting the sun’s radiant beams. I could circle the globe day and night for the rest of my life, but I’ll never outrun or out travel the moon. It will be there; it truly is God’s faithful witness.
Our Heavenly Father placed the moon in the sky to prove He is unfathomably dependable. Even when hidden in clouds or the black of a “new moon,” it still remains, hovering in our darkness. Since God has been faithful with this since the beginning of time, do you realize the huge testimony our moon holds?
If we can count on the moon’s presence to appear each evening of our lives, how much more can we rely on the One who formed it? Shouldn’t we use its existence to build up our confidence that the God of the Universe is present, listening, seeing, and acting on our behalf?
The moon doesn’t promise a roof over our heads or even the guarantee of a next meal. It does so much more; it directs us to the God who faithfully provides our every need and cares about our deepest desires.
God clearly called me to that window tonight because I was longing for reassurance of His nearness inside my constantly transitioning life. I wanted to be tangibly reminded that He is my strong tower...never changing and reliable, even when my life screams the opposite.
God encountered me tonight, also, to pass a message along to you. I do not believe a single event occurs by coincidence, luck, or chance...therefore I assume you are reading these words because God wants you to hear them at this exact moment of your journey with Him.
And so, here I am at 4:24 AM, plucking away at my computer by moonlight, reminding us both to boldly trust the mighty God of the Ages with every detail, situation, and season of our lives. Why?...because more confidently than that familiar moon hanging in our skies each night, each of us can rely on our ever-present God. Day and night He is seeking every one of us out. Moment by moment, He watches over our unique circumstances, thoughts and actions. Not only that, He moves on our behalf.
I don’t know the circumstances swirling about you as you read these words, but I do know that with God on your side, you endure anything because He is the one carrying you through. He is your strength. He is your comfort, your fortress and guide. More dependable than the moon that appears when the sun goes down, the Lord will make Himself known in your life.
And should you need reminding of His presence or faithfulness, I encourage you to try something. In the late of the night sometime, when everyone else is fast asleep, tip-toe to the nearest window and take a peek. Find that majestic, beaming moon and gaze upon its radiance. Take note of how it is so gracefully suspended in space.
Trace back to your earliest memories – the moon has been there each night of your life and will be, even after your time on earth is over. Remember that you can count on it to be there each night, no matter what. It is present, even when covered by blankets of storm clouds or fog. Whether clear night, rain, blizzard, or monsoon, the moon will be there, positioned high above. No matter the season, weather, or circumstance, it hangs faithfully.
Most importantly, remember that these truths point directly to the everlasting faithfulness of the one and only Almighty God. Day and night, rain or shine, the Lord is right there, holding you strong. Even in the midst of storms when you can’t see an inch in front of your face, He is there...
Illuminated and Loved,
Katie Marie
Monday, November 21, 2011
Hey friends!
In honor of the celebration for Jesus' birth over 2000 years ago, Brian (my brother), and I have released our fun lil Christmas jam, CELEBRATE. Head to our site at to download it FREE! You'll also find a bunch of other fun ringtones to download, too -
Also, I've joined into the twitter buzzzzzzz so feel free to follow me at!/katiemarielive
Last but certainly not least, I am SO excited to announce that I'm officially 2 songs into my upcoming new album!!! Stay tuned for more updates and sneak peeks...
Blessed holidays, precious people!
Grace and Love,
Katie Marie
In honor of the celebration for Jesus' birth over 2000 years ago, Brian (my brother), and I have released our fun lil Christmas jam, CELEBRATE. Head to our site at to download it FREE! You'll also find a bunch of other fun ringtones to download, too -
Also, I've joined into the twitter buzzzzzzz so feel free to follow me at!/katiemarielive
Last but certainly not least, I am SO excited to announce that I'm officially 2 songs into my upcoming new album!!! Stay tuned for more updates and sneak peeks...
Blessed holidays, precious people!
Grace and Love,
Katie Marie
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
“The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.” Romans 13:12 (ESV)
My, my, my…the Lord has an interesting way of getting our attention and breathing revelation into our lives at times, doesn’t He? And it isn’t always comfortable. I’d like to say I’m quite used to God’s unorthodox ways of showing Himself, but I was surprised by yet another of His unique ways of speaking to me…
Just the other day, while staying in a hotel room, I stumbled my way into the bathroom in the early hours of the morning. Much to my sleepy eye’s surprise, I was suddenly jolted to full consciousness by motion-detection lighting. It was not a welcome surprise, to say the least. While I do enjoy many facets of the newest fangled technologies of our day, smart lighting in bathrooms is certainly not one of my favorites - especially at 6 AM when I have only been sleeping for a mere 2 hours.
Imagine: there I was, startled and painfully awakened in a strange, sterile-white bathroom. With eyes aching from the abrupt shock, I realized I had been blinded and was suddenly faced with the unexpected pain of light…
This is much like of the story of Saul (soon to be renamed Paul), a man who, at one time, was possibly the greatest of all Christian persecutors. (Acts 9) That is, until Jesus spoke to him on a common road, blinded him with light, and knocked him off his horse onto the dusty path below. Saul’s eyes had been completely shocked by the light, causing total blindness. No doubt, this must have been an incredibly scary experience, but have you ever imagined the pain he must have felt as a result? I cannot fathom the excruciating pain that throbbed in his once darkened eyes…
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth).” Ephesians 5:8-9 (NIV)
Each of us was once living in total darkness, hidden by the cover of sin and shame. We had each been given the sentence of eternal death because of our fallen nature. But then Jesus, the light of the world, came down and beckoned us into His beautiful, redemptive light…
I don’t know how or when God revealed Himself to you; it may not have been a comfortable encounter. Perhaps He found you on the floor of a prison cell or a foreign bathroom. Maybe you had reached your very end, and as a last resort, you cried out for God to show up in your life. Perhaps the light of His redemption rushed in accompanied by the sting of pain. But what a beautiful pain it is to be blinded by the light of Christ…to be set free from the darkness of human fault, sin, and condemnation.
Though each of our eyes were surely used to the darkness when Christ found us, would we ever want to go back to the dark holes from which we came? If given the choice, would Paul have wanted to rewind the clock and jump back on his horse and into his former life of persecution and hate? No way - once he encountered the Living God, there was no going back…
From the moment a person has been touched by the grace, mercy, and love of Jesus’ light, there should be no point of return. No amount of pain from this light should ever be able to tempt him or her back into former darkness. So why do we, at times, allow our old ways of selfishness, self-condemnation, and even shame to lure us back into their dark pits? How can we turn back once we’ve been beckoned into Christ’s marvelous light?
As silly as it sounds, back in that hotel room, Christ shined into my dazed eyes to illuminate the importance of embracing the areas of darkness still existing in my own life. Through this encounter, I believe God desires to remind you of the same. Our Creator wants each of us to remember that sometimes the way He shines light into our lives can be painful and uncomfortable, but it is more than worth it.
“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” John 12:43 (NIV)
God exposes our darkness for our ultimate good - so we may step closer and closer to the light of freedom and wholeness in Him. He seeks to bring healing to our long-festering wounds and redemption into the broken places of our lives. So often, these supernatural events can’t take place until the pain of light shocks us, grabbing our attention away from worldly distractions and traps. Unless we work with God and allow Him to expose us, we will never find true life and completion. We will forever be running back and forth from darkness into light, eventually cowering back into the night…
So where do we go from here? What do we do when we find ourselves in life’s awkward hotel bathroom, blinded by an unexpected light? We must thank God for illuminating the darkness around us, for protecting us from the unseen things we may have stumbled upon, had He not shown up when He did. And whatever we do, we must never turn our backs to the light. We must refuse to slink back into the familiar, comfortable shadows of darkness.
Do not entertain the lying murmurs of the enemy of your redeemed soul. Precious child of God, listen, instead, to the loving invitations of your Savior and Eternal Friend. Christ’s desire and longing is that you embrace His light by taking His outstretched hand. He wants you to place your hand in His, allow Him to illuminate your face, and pull you up from the miry clay.
“…I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 (NIV)
As the Son shines upon you today and each day of the rest of your life, remember to welcome Christ however, whenever, and wherever He finds you. And though it may hurt for a time, learn to embrace the beautiful pain of His light…
Blinded and Free,
Katie Marie
My, my, my…the Lord has an interesting way of getting our attention and breathing revelation into our lives at times, doesn’t He? And it isn’t always comfortable. I’d like to say I’m quite used to God’s unorthodox ways of showing Himself, but I was surprised by yet another of His unique ways of speaking to me…
Just the other day, while staying in a hotel room, I stumbled my way into the bathroom in the early hours of the morning. Much to my sleepy eye’s surprise, I was suddenly jolted to full consciousness by motion-detection lighting. It was not a welcome surprise, to say the least. While I do enjoy many facets of the newest fangled technologies of our day, smart lighting in bathrooms is certainly not one of my favorites - especially at 6 AM when I have only been sleeping for a mere 2 hours.
Imagine: there I was, startled and painfully awakened in a strange, sterile-white bathroom. With eyes aching from the abrupt shock, I realized I had been blinded and was suddenly faced with the unexpected pain of light…
This is much like of the story of Saul (soon to be renamed Paul), a man who, at one time, was possibly the greatest of all Christian persecutors. (Acts 9) That is, until Jesus spoke to him on a common road, blinded him with light, and knocked him off his horse onto the dusty path below. Saul’s eyes had been completely shocked by the light, causing total blindness. No doubt, this must have been an incredibly scary experience, but have you ever imagined the pain he must have felt as a result? I cannot fathom the excruciating pain that throbbed in his once darkened eyes…
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth).” Ephesians 5:8-9 (NIV)
Each of us was once living in total darkness, hidden by the cover of sin and shame. We had each been given the sentence of eternal death because of our fallen nature. But then Jesus, the light of the world, came down and beckoned us into His beautiful, redemptive light…
I don’t know how or when God revealed Himself to you; it may not have been a comfortable encounter. Perhaps He found you on the floor of a prison cell or a foreign bathroom. Maybe you had reached your very end, and as a last resort, you cried out for God to show up in your life. Perhaps the light of His redemption rushed in accompanied by the sting of pain. But what a beautiful pain it is to be blinded by the light of Christ…to be set free from the darkness of human fault, sin, and condemnation.
Though each of our eyes were surely used to the darkness when Christ found us, would we ever want to go back to the dark holes from which we came? If given the choice, would Paul have wanted to rewind the clock and jump back on his horse and into his former life of persecution and hate? No way - once he encountered the Living God, there was no going back…
From the moment a person has been touched by the grace, mercy, and love of Jesus’ light, there should be no point of return. No amount of pain from this light should ever be able to tempt him or her back into former darkness. So why do we, at times, allow our old ways of selfishness, self-condemnation, and even shame to lure us back into their dark pits? How can we turn back once we’ve been beckoned into Christ’s marvelous light?
As silly as it sounds, back in that hotel room, Christ shined into my dazed eyes to illuminate the importance of embracing the areas of darkness still existing in my own life. Through this encounter, I believe God desires to remind you of the same. Our Creator wants each of us to remember that sometimes the way He shines light into our lives can be painful and uncomfortable, but it is more than worth it.
“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” John 12:43 (NIV)
God exposes our darkness for our ultimate good - so we may step closer and closer to the light of freedom and wholeness in Him. He seeks to bring healing to our long-festering wounds and redemption into the broken places of our lives. So often, these supernatural events can’t take place until the pain of light shocks us, grabbing our attention away from worldly distractions and traps. Unless we work with God and allow Him to expose us, we will never find true life and completion. We will forever be running back and forth from darkness into light, eventually cowering back into the night…
So where do we go from here? What do we do when we find ourselves in life’s awkward hotel bathroom, blinded by an unexpected light? We must thank God for illuminating the darkness around us, for protecting us from the unseen things we may have stumbled upon, had He not shown up when He did. And whatever we do, we must never turn our backs to the light. We must refuse to slink back into the familiar, comfortable shadows of darkness.
Do not entertain the lying murmurs of the enemy of your redeemed soul. Precious child of God, listen, instead, to the loving invitations of your Savior and Eternal Friend. Christ’s desire and longing is that you embrace His light by taking His outstretched hand. He wants you to place your hand in His, allow Him to illuminate your face, and pull you up from the miry clay.
“…I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 (NIV)
As the Son shines upon you today and each day of the rest of your life, remember to welcome Christ however, whenever, and wherever He finds you. And though it may hurt for a time, learn to embrace the beautiful pain of His light…
Blinded and Free,
Katie Marie
Saturday, October 1, 2011
As I’ve been studying the book of Acts, I’m finding myself more and more drawn to learn about the precious Holy Spirit. Even in the first few chapters of Acts, the Word clearly reveals the beauty of the Almighty’s Spirit and the indescribable gift Jesus gave us by laying down His life to come live inside us.
So who is this mighty Spirit? He is a person - an irreplaceable 1/3 of the God Head...God within us. How astounding to know the very presence of God has come in a form available to live within EACH of us who accepts the salvation of Jesus, the Christ!
Much like us, the Holy Spirit longs to be acknowledged...included in our lives. But allow me to ask you as I question we take Him for granted?
If you’re anything like me, this is a painful question to ask. I love Jesus with all my heart, and although flawed like every other human, I truly try to live my days with intention and purpose for His name’s sake. However, I believe God is calling His children to take the time to really get to know His Spirit and grow in our relationship with Him. Let’s dive in...
The Words says that He is our great Comforter (John 16:7), Counselor (John 16:13), Guide, (Acts 13:2, 16:7), and Teacher (1 Corinthians 2:11-13; John 14:26). He is much more to us than we could ever know. More than I could describe. But do we truly understand the gift we’ve been given as New Testament Christians?
It really wasn’t until I started studying Acts that I realized the difference between the Holy Spirit of the Old Testament and the New Testament. I’ve read stories of the Holy Spirit stirring in people (Judges 13:25) and even how He came in power to help Sampson rip a lion apart with his bare hands. But I’m beginning to grasp the difference between the Spirit visiting for specific times/purposes and the Spirit literally dwelling within my being at this very moment. This is powerful.
Today, I pray each of us will begin to wrap our minds around the gift we have been given. Jesus knew all along that He could not be with each of us at the same time in human form. So, along with dying to cover the sins of the world, He also gave His life and rose to the Father so He could come back in Spirit to live within each of us at all times, through every situation we will ever face. WOAH! And can I say again, WOAH?
Realize with me today that if you’ve called upon the name of Jesus to be saved from eternal death, the all powerful, life-giving, earth-creating, star-forming Spirit of Majestic God lives within you...He lives within me! Each of us have been given the companionship and help of the very Spirit who empowered men to rip apart gargantuan animals, push over pillars supporting massive temples, and even raise Christ to life from the pits of Hell and death.
With this in mind, I ask you today: what is it you cannot do? What should you be afraid to face? Which obstacles have the power to stand in your way? Can roadblocks keep you from walking forward in your God-ordained and purposed destiny today or any time in the future? Boldly, I say - no. If you will just allow Him the opportunity, The Holy Spirit will help you navigate around every trap and speed bump. Do not become frustrated by dead ends holding you the Guide to either bulldoze through them or lead you another way. And remember: He’s got you - wherever you go and whatever you do. He is with you until the end of this age and on through eternity.
Today, I encourage you to walk forward in the power given only through God’s priceless Spirit within. Do not take Him for granted. Do not ignore or shun Him; He wants to be included in your life.
May each of us acknowledge and welcome Him to be a part of single moment and detail of our everyday lives. After all, He is a person...the portion of God living right inside of us, and we need to treat Him as such. Let us not try to use Him for what He can do for us. Instead, let’s purpose to be available for what He wants to do through us...
Will you pray with me?
Oh God of the Universe, thank You for also choosing to be the Spirit within. Give each of us the passion to learn more of who You are and to grasp how You exist within our human hearts. Thank You, Jesus for Your gift of sacrifice and for Your glorification so You could be with each of us at this precise moment.
Holy Spirit, we welcome You here in this place...thank You for meeting with us today and for guiding us along every path we take. Our hearts’ cry is to know You experience deeper levels of Your love and freedom so we can share it with the world. Help us to walk forward in Your mighty, life-changing power this very day. We do it all to bring glory to Your name – In Christ, Amen.
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 (NIV)
Venturing on with the Spirit within,
Katie Marie
So who is this mighty Spirit? He is a person - an irreplaceable 1/3 of the God Head...God within us. How astounding to know the very presence of God has come in a form available to live within EACH of us who accepts the salvation of Jesus, the Christ!
Much like us, the Holy Spirit longs to be acknowledged...included in our lives. But allow me to ask you as I question we take Him for granted?
If you’re anything like me, this is a painful question to ask. I love Jesus with all my heart, and although flawed like every other human, I truly try to live my days with intention and purpose for His name’s sake. However, I believe God is calling His children to take the time to really get to know His Spirit and grow in our relationship with Him. Let’s dive in...
The Words says that He is our great Comforter (John 16:7), Counselor (John 16:13), Guide, (Acts 13:2, 16:7), and Teacher (1 Corinthians 2:11-13; John 14:26). He is much more to us than we could ever know. More than I could describe. But do we truly understand the gift we’ve been given as New Testament Christians?
It really wasn’t until I started studying Acts that I realized the difference between the Holy Spirit of the Old Testament and the New Testament. I’ve read stories of the Holy Spirit stirring in people (Judges 13:25) and even how He came in power to help Sampson rip a lion apart with his bare hands. But I’m beginning to grasp the difference between the Spirit visiting for specific times/purposes and the Spirit literally dwelling within my being at this very moment. This is powerful.
Today, I pray each of us will begin to wrap our minds around the gift we have been given. Jesus knew all along that He could not be with each of us at the same time in human form. So, along with dying to cover the sins of the world, He also gave His life and rose to the Father so He could come back in Spirit to live within each of us at all times, through every situation we will ever face. WOAH! And can I say again, WOAH?
Realize with me today that if you’ve called upon the name of Jesus to be saved from eternal death, the all powerful, life-giving, earth-creating, star-forming Spirit of Majestic God lives within you...He lives within me! Each of us have been given the companionship and help of the very Spirit who empowered men to rip apart gargantuan animals, push over pillars supporting massive temples, and even raise Christ to life from the pits of Hell and death.
With this in mind, I ask you today: what is it you cannot do? What should you be afraid to face? Which obstacles have the power to stand in your way? Can roadblocks keep you from walking forward in your God-ordained and purposed destiny today or any time in the future? Boldly, I say - no. If you will just allow Him the opportunity, The Holy Spirit will help you navigate around every trap and speed bump. Do not become frustrated by dead ends holding you the Guide to either bulldoze through them or lead you another way. And remember: He’s got you - wherever you go and whatever you do. He is with you until the end of this age and on through eternity.
Today, I encourage you to walk forward in the power given only through God’s priceless Spirit within. Do not take Him for granted. Do not ignore or shun Him; He wants to be included in your life.
May each of us acknowledge and welcome Him to be a part of single moment and detail of our everyday lives. After all, He is a person...the portion of God living right inside of us, and we need to treat Him as such. Let us not try to use Him for what He can do for us. Instead, let’s purpose to be available for what He wants to do through us...
Will you pray with me?
Oh God of the Universe, thank You for also choosing to be the Spirit within. Give each of us the passion to learn more of who You are and to grasp how You exist within our human hearts. Thank You, Jesus for Your gift of sacrifice and for Your glorification so You could be with each of us at this precise moment.
Holy Spirit, we welcome You here in this place...thank You for meeting with us today and for guiding us along every path we take. Our hearts’ cry is to know You experience deeper levels of Your love and freedom so we can share it with the world. Help us to walk forward in Your mighty, life-changing power this very day. We do it all to bring glory to Your name – In Christ, Amen.
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 (NIV)
Venturing on with the Spirit within,
Katie Marie
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
“You never saw him, yet you love him. You still don't see him, yet you trust him—with laughter and singing. Because you kept on believing...” 1 Peter 1:8 (MSG)
Just the other day, while attending a swim meet I happened upon a sweet little girl of no more than 6 accompanying her father. Off to my right and a few rows down, Dad was parked down upon the bleachers, little girl standing in front of him with back turned away. As her fragile frame stood before him, I noticed her tiny arms were held within his hands. Suddenly, my eyes grew as large as saucers as Dad began dangling his daughter out over the bleachers!
The moment I saw this father grasp his little girl’s wrists and lean her out over those rows of hard metal bleachers, I couldn’t help but alarm myself with how dangerous this game seemed. If her foot slipped, she would surely head face first into serious injury. If he were to shift his grip and lose his hold on her, she could tumble from row to row down those unforgiving risers. Thankfully, neither happened. All that ensued was the sweetest display of a father/daughter bond that was so strong, it personified the meaning of love and deep trust.
As I studied this little girl busying herself with the sights and experience, I realized she was not peeking back at her dad to be sure he was there. She wasn’t looking down, assuring herself of his grip. In fact, over the entire span of time, I only caught her gazing back once to catch the eye of her father. And in that one look, it was clear she wanted to show him how excited she was.
Here I was, off in the distance fighting off waves of maternal turmoil, and this little girl was living it up, growing more and more exuberant as Dad leaned her further and further forward. You couldn't have found the slightest trace of dread, fear, or even panic within her as she was held out far beyond comfort and safety. Nothing but smiles and sheer delight were painted from ear to ear, and her joy was incredibly captivating...I couldn’t help but watch and join right in.
You see, this little girl realized a simple, yet very important truth – her daddy had her, and He was never going to let go. The entire time she was looking out with her back turned to her supporter, she inherently knew Dad was there and that his loving hands were gripping her ever so tightly. She was secure and confident.
Do you see where this is going? Each of our lives with God are a unique journey and we have separate personal relationships with our Heavenly Father. He takes us down different paths and places us in situations tailored to our own specific purposes in this life.
Yet, no matter our circumstances or trials, we’re each called to trust and live lives of total, “dangling out there” faith. We are beckoned to offer our lives and our proverbial wrists to our Mighty God’s hands. He asks that we trust Him as He stretches us out far beyond our comfort zones...further and further over the ledges of our lives.
Just like this little girl I happened upon, a dangling faith journey can be exhilarating. It can be full of adventures and discovery when new details arise around every corner. And yet, there are surely times when faith and trust aren’t quite so amusing to exercise. More often it’s a bit too uncomfortable. We feel spread a little too thin, like a smidgen of butter scraped over a gigantic piece of hot toast.
In this life it seems there are endless moments when all we want to do is scream, “Stop! Get me off this rollercoaster - I’ve had enough!” But the thing is the ride doesn’t stop; we are not the ones in control. The devoted God of our Universe is; He knows what He’s doing and it is surely not a game to him.
If the journey of faith were always comfortable and fun, it would do nothing to shape us more into the beautiful image of Christ. We would simply enjoy the little rides and then settle back into our comfortable ways. Call me silly, but that just doesn’t seem to line up with our mysterious God’s ways...
Sure, the “great unknown” can be incredibly scary. We are creatures of comfort and routine. We like to arise in the morning knowing there’s enough milk for our cereal and peanut butter for our sandwich. We don’t like opening our eyes to a new day, realizing nothing but “what ifs” and “could be’s” are staring us in the face. But we shouldn’t be focusing on those temporary things (2 Corinthians 4:18). We need to lift our gazes to our one surety: Christ, our eternal Savior, and His priceless Spirit living in our beings.
So do we still obediently trust Jesus when it’s not “fun” anymore? What about when our wrists begin to hurt because we’ve been dangled out a little too long and too far over the edge? And what about when it suddenly feels like our Father’s not even holding us anymore? Do we lean out in faith then? Do we trust when it seems like we’re in a free-fall, just waiting for the smack of impact...or an impending collision with more disappointment? And can the people watching us from a distance still experience the joy within our hearts, no matter our circumstance?
“Say this: "GOD, you're my refuge. I trust in you and I'm safe!" That's right—he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you— under them you're perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm. Fear nothing—” Psalm 91:1-3 (MSG)
As hard as it is, we need to concentrate on the knowledge that our Father has His Sovereign, loving hands around our wrists at all times. He, Himself, is securely placing us out over the chasms of faith – whether we feel Him or not. He stretches us out further so we will trust Him more; so we can see life from new perspectives.
And you know, back at that swim meet it wasn’t that little girl’s job to continue checking her father’s grip or to remind him that he needed to hold her or she would fall. Much the same, it’s not our duty to remind our Father that we are being stretched out far beyond our comforts. He doesn’t need to be analyzed to see if his intentions are genuine. We should know by now that they are...true and loving right down to the core of who He is.
And though God loves our communication with Him, we really don’t need to call to His attention the times we aren’t having fun anymore. He already knows – He sees, He hears, and He will respond. This merciful, loving Father of ours has only the best in mind for us, and though at times it’s terribly hard, we must lean into the knowledge that His heart is for us...that His hands are holding us, and He will never let us go.
“So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." 1 Peter 1:6,7 (NLT)
Well, do you trust Him today? Do I? Will we rely on the relentless promise that Guardian God will not let our feet slip? That He will watch over our coming and going both now and forevermore?
Amidst the dips and dives of your faith journey, take the time to enjoy the moment...the experiences. No matter what comes, close your eyes and realize the One who holds the stars up in the sky is securely gripping every facet of your life. From this perspective life will begin to take on a whole new meaning, and being dangled out by the arms may not feel quite so dangerously unsure.
Right now I encourage you; take a deep breath and offer your wrists, your very life, to the hands of Almighty God. He can be trusted. Now it’s up to you, my friend - will you lean out a little further today?
Dangling A Little More,
Katie Marie
“You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. The reward for trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.” 1 Peter 1:8-9 (NLT)
Just the other day, while attending a swim meet I happened upon a sweet little girl of no more than 6 accompanying her father. Off to my right and a few rows down, Dad was parked down upon the bleachers, little girl standing in front of him with back turned away. As her fragile frame stood before him, I noticed her tiny arms were held within his hands. Suddenly, my eyes grew as large as saucers as Dad began dangling his daughter out over the bleachers!
The moment I saw this father grasp his little girl’s wrists and lean her out over those rows of hard metal bleachers, I couldn’t help but alarm myself with how dangerous this game seemed. If her foot slipped, she would surely head face first into serious injury. If he were to shift his grip and lose his hold on her, she could tumble from row to row down those unforgiving risers. Thankfully, neither happened. All that ensued was the sweetest display of a father/daughter bond that was so strong, it personified the meaning of love and deep trust.
As I studied this little girl busying herself with the sights and experience, I realized she was not peeking back at her dad to be sure he was there. She wasn’t looking down, assuring herself of his grip. In fact, over the entire span of time, I only caught her gazing back once to catch the eye of her father. And in that one look, it was clear she wanted to show him how excited she was.
Here I was, off in the distance fighting off waves of maternal turmoil, and this little girl was living it up, growing more and more exuberant as Dad leaned her further and further forward. You couldn't have found the slightest trace of dread, fear, or even panic within her as she was held out far beyond comfort and safety. Nothing but smiles and sheer delight were painted from ear to ear, and her joy was incredibly captivating...I couldn’t help but watch and join right in.
You see, this little girl realized a simple, yet very important truth – her daddy had her, and He was never going to let go. The entire time she was looking out with her back turned to her supporter, she inherently knew Dad was there and that his loving hands were gripping her ever so tightly. She was secure and confident.
Do you see where this is going? Each of our lives with God are a unique journey and we have separate personal relationships with our Heavenly Father. He takes us down different paths and places us in situations tailored to our own specific purposes in this life.
Yet, no matter our circumstances or trials, we’re each called to trust and live lives of total, “dangling out there” faith. We are beckoned to offer our lives and our proverbial wrists to our Mighty God’s hands. He asks that we trust Him as He stretches us out far beyond our comfort zones...further and further over the ledges of our lives.
Just like this little girl I happened upon, a dangling faith journey can be exhilarating. It can be full of adventures and discovery when new details arise around every corner. And yet, there are surely times when faith and trust aren’t quite so amusing to exercise. More often it’s a bit too uncomfortable. We feel spread a little too thin, like a smidgen of butter scraped over a gigantic piece of hot toast.
In this life it seems there are endless moments when all we want to do is scream, “Stop! Get me off this rollercoaster - I’ve had enough!” But the thing is the ride doesn’t stop; we are not the ones in control. The devoted God of our Universe is; He knows what He’s doing and it is surely not a game to him.
If the journey of faith were always comfortable and fun, it would do nothing to shape us more into the beautiful image of Christ. We would simply enjoy the little rides and then settle back into our comfortable ways. Call me silly, but that just doesn’t seem to line up with our mysterious God’s ways...
Sure, the “great unknown” can be incredibly scary. We are creatures of comfort and routine. We like to arise in the morning knowing there’s enough milk for our cereal and peanut butter for our sandwich. We don’t like opening our eyes to a new day, realizing nothing but “what ifs” and “could be’s” are staring us in the face. But we shouldn’t be focusing on those temporary things (2 Corinthians 4:18). We need to lift our gazes to our one surety: Christ, our eternal Savior, and His priceless Spirit living in our beings.
So do we still obediently trust Jesus when it’s not “fun” anymore? What about when our wrists begin to hurt because we’ve been dangled out a little too long and too far over the edge? And what about when it suddenly feels like our Father’s not even holding us anymore? Do we lean out in faith then? Do we trust when it seems like we’re in a free-fall, just waiting for the smack of impact...or an impending collision with more disappointment? And can the people watching us from a distance still experience the joy within our hearts, no matter our circumstance?
“Say this: "GOD, you're my refuge. I trust in you and I'm safe!" That's right—he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you— under them you're perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm. Fear nothing—” Psalm 91:1-3 (MSG)
As hard as it is, we need to concentrate on the knowledge that our Father has His Sovereign, loving hands around our wrists at all times. He, Himself, is securely placing us out over the chasms of faith – whether we feel Him or not. He stretches us out further so we will trust Him more; so we can see life from new perspectives.
And you know, back at that swim meet it wasn’t that little girl’s job to continue checking her father’s grip or to remind him that he needed to hold her or she would fall. Much the same, it’s not our duty to remind our Father that we are being stretched out far beyond our comforts. He doesn’t need to be analyzed to see if his intentions are genuine. We should know by now that they are...true and loving right down to the core of who He is.
And though God loves our communication with Him, we really don’t need to call to His attention the times we aren’t having fun anymore. He already knows – He sees, He hears, and He will respond. This merciful, loving Father of ours has only the best in mind for us, and though at times it’s terribly hard, we must lean into the knowledge that His heart is for us...that His hands are holding us, and He will never let us go.
“So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world." 1 Peter 1:6,7 (NLT)
Well, do you trust Him today? Do I? Will we rely on the relentless promise that Guardian God will not let our feet slip? That He will watch over our coming and going both now and forevermore?
Amidst the dips and dives of your faith journey, take the time to enjoy the moment...the experiences. No matter what comes, close your eyes and realize the One who holds the stars up in the sky is securely gripping every facet of your life. From this perspective life will begin to take on a whole new meaning, and being dangled out by the arms may not feel quite so dangerously unsure.
Right now I encourage you; take a deep breath and offer your wrists, your very life, to the hands of Almighty God. He can be trusted. Now it’s up to you, my friend - will you lean out a little further today?
Dangling A Little More,
Katie Marie
“You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. The reward for trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.” 1 Peter 1:8-9 (NLT)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Hi my friends,
I posted this online back on September 11, 2006, and felt led to share it again on this historic anniversary of our country and lives. God has not left us and He never to Him in times of devastation and blessed today and always.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Hi again,
After SUCH a long trip home yesterday (and into the early morning today) from touring, I was so excited to revel in the comfort of my own bed this morning. After waking up a little, I turned my TV on and flipped thru the channels. Within 30 seconds, I settled on watching the Songs of Solomon Choir singing Josh Groban's popular "You Raise Me Up" live in New York City. To my dismay, the cameras switched from shots of the choir singing to scans of countless tear-streaked faces in the onlooking crowd.
I was immediately stabbed with the realization that the anniversary of one of the most horrific and unforgettable days our country has ever seen had arrived again for the 5th time. Today is September 11th.
Tears immediately welled up in my eyes as I watched mothers and daughters holding each other, both unable to stand alone, but finding strength in one another. There were those with their heads in their praying hands, and so many others who could do nothing else but stand and cry.
I sat in my room breathless, hearing those beautiful voices sing this familiar song, imagining the unspeakable devastation and loss these family members and survivors must feel every day of their lives, yet painfully brought to light even more on this very day.
The lyrics rang in my head, "I am strong when I am on your shoulders, you raise me up to more than I can be..."
I imagine those gathered today where the Twin Towers once stood didn't feel very strong. 5 years back, I'm sure many children in that crowd, both young and old, were left without their daddy who used to raised them up on his shoulders to see above crowds. Whose shoulders do they sit on now? I imagine wives and husbands were left without their partner's shoulder to cry on. Who catches the tears that have fallen since 9/11/2001? Countless parents must have been reminded, as if they could ever forget, of how empty they are without the children who once slept upon their shoulder. Who fills that seemingly unfulfillable spot? I don't understand how, but God takes on all of those roles, comforts their aching hearts, and hears their desperate cries.
It's unfathomable to imagine how many prayers are lifted up to God each day. But, think about this; how many millions or trillions more is He hearing today? How many people are throwing their unbearable hate and anger over the aftermath of 9/11 upon Him right now? How many are hounding Him with countless "Why"'s and "how could you's?" Humanity has not even come close to dreaming up the name for a number of that size.
How does He handle it all? How can He have the strength to hold up the entire world day in and out while still holding out His loving hand to catch the tears that fall from each eye? I don't know how, but this is the God I am so in love with. He's the one who shows us we are never alone; who tells us to take the weight of the world off our small shoulders and put it on His; to cast our worries and cares on Him. He's telling us He can handle it...all of it. He's whispering, "Lean on me; rest in me; trust me. I am strong enough."
What about those who don't believe in God? NEWSFLASH: He doesn't need our acknowledgment or accolades to be who He is or to do what He does. I'm so thankful that no amount of unbelief can take away His power or even His belief in us. We are all still standing each day because of Christ alone, even those who don't believe. Every person huddled at ground zero today was standing because Jesus was holding them in His hands. They may not have felt it; they may not have even sensed Him, but way deep down, woven into the very fabric of their being, they knew they were not standing alone.
He was there 5 years ago, holding His creation trapped inside the smoldering, teetering structures. He was there on those planes that were set out to destroy and marked to demolish our faith in our country and in Him. Jesus held each person who lost their lives that day, and is still holding the ones they left behind. He was there, He is here, He is...GOD.
The Twin Towers may have fallen into rubble 5 years ago due to unspeakable evils and grotesque hate, but God's creation will not end in a pile of dust and debris. No, no, no. This was not the first assault on mankind, and I realize it is probably not the last. On any given day, devastation and sadness sweep this fallen world. Yet, when the clouds of smoke and soot clear each time, amidst the rubble and ash, He is standing there, strong and unshaken. And, just as a single, vibrant blade of grass pushes its way through the blackened, charred remains of what once was, we rise again, because HE rose again. We do not stand alone. He won't let us. You see, in our weakness, His strength is perfected. We are strong because of His strength.
Over two thousand years ago, Jesus took the weight of the world, the sins of the world, the 9/11's of the world, upon His shoulders; upon His frame...and today He is still standing. We are still standing...WE DO NOT STAND ALONE.
"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
In Him,
Katie Marie
I posted this online back on September 11, 2006, and felt led to share it again on this historic anniversary of our country and lives. God has not left us and He never to Him in times of devastation and blessed today and always.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Hi again,
After SUCH a long trip home yesterday (and into the early morning today) from touring, I was so excited to revel in the comfort of my own bed this morning. After waking up a little, I turned my TV on and flipped thru the channels. Within 30 seconds, I settled on watching the Songs of Solomon Choir singing Josh Groban's popular "You Raise Me Up" live in New York City. To my dismay, the cameras switched from shots of the choir singing to scans of countless tear-streaked faces in the onlooking crowd.
I was immediately stabbed with the realization that the anniversary of one of the most horrific and unforgettable days our country has ever seen had arrived again for the 5th time. Today is September 11th.
Tears immediately welled up in my eyes as I watched mothers and daughters holding each other, both unable to stand alone, but finding strength in one another. There were those with their heads in their praying hands, and so many others who could do nothing else but stand and cry.
I sat in my room breathless, hearing those beautiful voices sing this familiar song, imagining the unspeakable devastation and loss these family members and survivors must feel every day of their lives, yet painfully brought to light even more on this very day.
The lyrics rang in my head, "I am strong when I am on your shoulders, you raise me up to more than I can be..."
I imagine those gathered today where the Twin Towers once stood didn't feel very strong. 5 years back, I'm sure many children in that crowd, both young and old, were left without their daddy who used to raised them up on his shoulders to see above crowds. Whose shoulders do they sit on now? I imagine wives and husbands were left without their partner's shoulder to cry on. Who catches the tears that have fallen since 9/11/2001? Countless parents must have been reminded, as if they could ever forget, of how empty they are without the children who once slept upon their shoulder. Who fills that seemingly unfulfillable spot? I don't understand how, but God takes on all of those roles, comforts their aching hearts, and hears their desperate cries.
It's unfathomable to imagine how many prayers are lifted up to God each day. But, think about this; how many millions or trillions more is He hearing today? How many people are throwing their unbearable hate and anger over the aftermath of 9/11 upon Him right now? How many are hounding Him with countless "Why"'s and "how could you's?" Humanity has not even come close to dreaming up the name for a number of that size.
How does He handle it all? How can He have the strength to hold up the entire world day in and out while still holding out His loving hand to catch the tears that fall from each eye? I don't know how, but this is the God I am so in love with. He's the one who shows us we are never alone; who tells us to take the weight of the world off our small shoulders and put it on His; to cast our worries and cares on Him. He's telling us He can handle it...all of it. He's whispering, "Lean on me; rest in me; trust me. I am strong enough."
What about those who don't believe in God? NEWSFLASH: He doesn't need our acknowledgment or accolades to be who He is or to do what He does. I'm so thankful that no amount of unbelief can take away His power or even His belief in us. We are all still standing each day because of Christ alone, even those who don't believe. Every person huddled at ground zero today was standing because Jesus was holding them in His hands. They may not have felt it; they may not have even sensed Him, but way deep down, woven into the very fabric of their being, they knew they were not standing alone.
He was there 5 years ago, holding His creation trapped inside the smoldering, teetering structures. He was there on those planes that were set out to destroy and marked to demolish our faith in our country and in Him. Jesus held each person who lost their lives that day, and is still holding the ones they left behind. He was there, He is here, He is...GOD.
The Twin Towers may have fallen into rubble 5 years ago due to unspeakable evils and grotesque hate, but God's creation will not end in a pile of dust and debris. No, no, no. This was not the first assault on mankind, and I realize it is probably not the last. On any given day, devastation and sadness sweep this fallen world. Yet, when the clouds of smoke and soot clear each time, amidst the rubble and ash, He is standing there, strong and unshaken. And, just as a single, vibrant blade of grass pushes its way through the blackened, charred remains of what once was, we rise again, because HE rose again. We do not stand alone. He won't let us. You see, in our weakness, His strength is perfected. We are strong because of His strength.
Over two thousand years ago, Jesus took the weight of the world, the sins of the world, the 9/11's of the world, upon His shoulders; upon His frame...and today He is still standing. We are still standing...WE DO NOT STAND ALONE.
"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
In Him,
Katie Marie
Saturday, August 27, 2011
“Your love, GOD, is my song, and I’ll sing it! I’m forever telling everyone how faithful you are. I’ll never quit telling the story of your love -” Psalm 89:1 (MSG)
Does this phrase describe the attitude and climate of your life? Does it put into words all that your heart is screaming? It surely does mine. Though life definitely comes with its ups and downs, whooptie-dos and dives, I can’t help but speak out passionately about the faithfulness and love of my Savior, Jesus.
It seems that not a day goes by that I don’t tell someone at least one amazing thing God aligned or taught me that day...He’s just that kind of God – a show off Creator, and I am one of His little megaphones. I can’t keep it in!
“From the bottom of my heart I thank you, dear Lord; I’ve never kept secret what you’re up to. You’ve always been great toward me – what love!” Psalm 86:13-14 (MSG)
Almighty God knew what He was doing when He created us with the ability to speak. He wanted a world filled with megaphones proclaiming His story of love and redemption.
All throughout the Bible there are commissions and even examples of how we should never stop proclaiming and sharing God’s goodness with this world. It’s clear that God wants the credit for His awesome works and He loves to hear about the details of all He has done.
Do you live a life that speaks out about this majestic God Man? Are you a megaphone for Jesus or do you keep quiet to blend in with the crowd who lives every day just to “get by?” I hope you are the first and not the latter of these two groups. And if you are just going with the flow, I pray you’ll quickly jump that ship and hop onto the megaphone bandwagon. God has much more in store for you...
You see, our God is adventurous; He’s a brilliant, dangerous God, and all He does is worthy of admiration and lavish praise! He works hard to prove Himself faithful, true, compassionate, loving, and accessible. All we are called to do is stand strong, trust in Him, and praise Him all along the way.
That’s it – quite simple, but not always easy. It is hard to stand strong when our knees are buckling with uncontrollable fear, and it’s difficult to trust when we can’t see an inch in front of our noses! It’s not always easy to praise when there are tears streaming down our faces and when nothing seems to make sense in life. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, no matter what I see or how things appear, God is always working hard behind the scene to turn EVERYTHING around for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).
So what must we do? What turns situations around faster than anything? You guessed it...praise. Praise and speaking out about the awesomeness of God catches the ear of the One who is able to change circumstances into possibilities and drab clouds into vibrant rainbows. Praise unlocks the keys to our radiant futures...
“Blessed are the people who know the passwords of praise, who shout on parade in the bright presence of God. Delighted, they dance all day long; they know who you are, what you do – they can’t keep it quiet!” Psalm 89:17 (MSG)
What awesome things has God done for you? Declare them with thanksgiving! What close-calls has He spared you from lately? Tell somebody so they can praise God, too! In what situations has He come to your rescue? Shout about them with joy! How has Your Father provided for you recently? Share those miracles with someone else! How has He answered specific prayers you recognize only He knew about? Never stop thanking Him...
Let the answers to these questions be the catalyst to amplify your megaphone and help project His fame to this world. Out of the deepest parts of your heart, release new levels of fiery zeal to proclaim all He has done for you and just how wonderful He is.
There is simply no one who compares to our God. Nothing on earth, above or below, that holds a candle to our King of Kings. Doesn’t that just get you excited? How incredible to know that this is the exact same God who has chosen to live in each of our hearts and dwell in the midst of His beloved children.
“Search high and low, scan skies and land, you’ll find nothing and no one quite like God...God-of-the-Angel-Armies, who is like you, powerful and faithful from every angle?” Psalm 89:6, 8 (MSG)
My brothers and sisters in Christ, let us join together as radiant megaphones for God. May we cause people to become captivated...not because of our eloquent words or our outward appearances, but because of the brilliance and splendor of the God who lives within us, the loving Savior who shines through us. May He speak through us in words, intentions, actions, and everyday lives.
“Your vibrant beauty has gotten inside us – you’ve been so good to us! We’re walking on air! All we are and have we owe to GOD, Holy God of Israel, our King!” Psalm 89:17-18 (MSG)
Our God is awesome and more than worthy of all our praise. Amplify the name of Jesus today and with each breath that you breathe, live more and more to make the God of the Universe famous among men...
From the Top of My Megaphone Lungs,
Katie Marie
Does this phrase describe the attitude and climate of your life? Does it put into words all that your heart is screaming? It surely does mine. Though life definitely comes with its ups and downs, whooptie-dos and dives, I can’t help but speak out passionately about the faithfulness and love of my Savior, Jesus.
It seems that not a day goes by that I don’t tell someone at least one amazing thing God aligned or taught me that day...He’s just that kind of God – a show off Creator, and I am one of His little megaphones. I can’t keep it in!
“From the bottom of my heart I thank you, dear Lord; I’ve never kept secret what you’re up to. You’ve always been great toward me – what love!” Psalm 86:13-14 (MSG)
Almighty God knew what He was doing when He created us with the ability to speak. He wanted a world filled with megaphones proclaiming His story of love and redemption.
All throughout the Bible there are commissions and even examples of how we should never stop proclaiming and sharing God’s goodness with this world. It’s clear that God wants the credit for His awesome works and He loves to hear about the details of all He has done.
Do you live a life that speaks out about this majestic God Man? Are you a megaphone for Jesus or do you keep quiet to blend in with the crowd who lives every day just to “get by?” I hope you are the first and not the latter of these two groups. And if you are just going with the flow, I pray you’ll quickly jump that ship and hop onto the megaphone bandwagon. God has much more in store for you...
You see, our God is adventurous; He’s a brilliant, dangerous God, and all He does is worthy of admiration and lavish praise! He works hard to prove Himself faithful, true, compassionate, loving, and accessible. All we are called to do is stand strong, trust in Him, and praise Him all along the way.
That’s it – quite simple, but not always easy. It is hard to stand strong when our knees are buckling with uncontrollable fear, and it’s difficult to trust when we can’t see an inch in front of our noses! It’s not always easy to praise when there are tears streaming down our faces and when nothing seems to make sense in life. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, no matter what I see or how things appear, God is always working hard behind the scene to turn EVERYTHING around for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).
So what must we do? What turns situations around faster than anything? You guessed it...praise. Praise and speaking out about the awesomeness of God catches the ear of the One who is able to change circumstances into possibilities and drab clouds into vibrant rainbows. Praise unlocks the keys to our radiant futures...
“Blessed are the people who know the passwords of praise, who shout on parade in the bright presence of God. Delighted, they dance all day long; they know who you are, what you do – they can’t keep it quiet!” Psalm 89:17 (MSG)
What awesome things has God done for you? Declare them with thanksgiving! What close-calls has He spared you from lately? Tell somebody so they can praise God, too! In what situations has He come to your rescue? Shout about them with joy! How has Your Father provided for you recently? Share those miracles with someone else! How has He answered specific prayers you recognize only He knew about? Never stop thanking Him...
Let the answers to these questions be the catalyst to amplify your megaphone and help project His fame to this world. Out of the deepest parts of your heart, release new levels of fiery zeal to proclaim all He has done for you and just how wonderful He is.
There is simply no one who compares to our God. Nothing on earth, above or below, that holds a candle to our King of Kings. Doesn’t that just get you excited? How incredible to know that this is the exact same God who has chosen to live in each of our hearts and dwell in the midst of His beloved children.
“Search high and low, scan skies and land, you’ll find nothing and no one quite like God...God-of-the-Angel-Armies, who is like you, powerful and faithful from every angle?” Psalm 89:6, 8 (MSG)
My brothers and sisters in Christ, let us join together as radiant megaphones for God. May we cause people to become captivated...not because of our eloquent words or our outward appearances, but because of the brilliance and splendor of the God who lives within us, the loving Savior who shines through us. May He speak through us in words, intentions, actions, and everyday lives.
“Your vibrant beauty has gotten inside us – you’ve been so good to us! We’re walking on air! All we are and have we owe to GOD, Holy God of Israel, our King!” Psalm 89:17-18 (MSG)
Our God is awesome and more than worthy of all our praise. Amplify the name of Jesus today and with each breath that you breathe, live more and more to make the God of the Universe famous among men...
From the Top of My Megaphone Lungs,
Katie Marie
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
“I love you...” These three words have been tossed around more flippantly than a frisbee on a carefree Saturday afternoon. They have been spoken countless times with little or no mind, emotion, or meaning behind them. In fact, bouquets of roses, bowed knees of proposal, even shouting matches and fits of rage have accompanied these words. Since the beginning of time careless, thoughtless people have dispensed "I love you’s” like cheap candy or dime store trinkets.
Yet on the flip side, “I love you,” has passed through millions of mouths with such truth, feeling, and sincerity, they have moved grown men to tears. Obviously, these words were meant to hold much more meaning than they often do today.
How could three small words mean so much to some people and absolutely nothing to many, many more? What was this phrase originally intended to convey? Were the exact same words meant to express our intense adoration for a spouse or child and our love of pizza? And what makes the difference in the delivery of these simple, yet poignant words?
Clearly, it’s the heart and intention hidden behind this common phrase that determines the weight of its understanding. “I love you,” was meant to be delivered with deep purpose, utter transparency, and intensity. But why?
More than any other reason, I believe the words “I love you” were created so we humans could fully express and receive (to the fullness of our abilities) the intense love of our Creator and Savior God. These words were intended to be the verbal conduits traveling from our mouths to the Lord’s heart, and back down from His voice to our ears. They were made to kiss the ears of our gracious and merciful God...our Abba Father.
Sure, God is unfathomably complicated and His ways are clearly high above ours, yet this mysterious God is strangely similar to us. He wants to be loved, desired, sought after, and understood. The Almighty longs to be pursued by those who make it their eternal mission to run after His heart and the things that mean the most to Him.
After all, our Creator formed us out of the intense love that makes up His very being (1 John 4:16). Majestic God simply wants to be loved by someone who intentionally chooses to love Him for who He is, not just the miraculous wonders He pulls off for His Beloveds.
Doesn’t that sound familiar? Isn’t that how you and I dream of being loved and spoken to? Don’t we long to hear the words, “I love you,” pouring out of lips that really mean them? Don’t we desire to be pursued by those who long to know us for the true “us” deep inside?
“Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that.” Ephesians 5:1 (MSG)
But what can we, who are broken and flawed, really offer this perfect God? Simply put, we can present our love and life’s devotion. We can send forth our voices. God is yearning to hear us shout, declare, cry out, and even whisper three unadorned words, “I love you...” He doesn’t want them shot out as a result of our daily checklist, religious duties, or any other loaded intentions. Our Father longs to hear those words brought to Him the same way we humans desire them to be – spoken with true meaning and devotion.
With those thoughts now in mind, don’t the words, “I love you,” suddenly take on a whole new depth? Their weight and authenticity can be detected from quite a great distance. Listen closely...
“I love you, GOD— you make me strong. GOD is bedrock under my feet, the castle in which I live, my rescuing knight.” Psalm 18:1-2 (MSG)
“I love you, LORD; you are my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.” Psalm 18:1-2 (NLT)
These phrases of profound truth and authenticity are perfect examples of how “I love you,” was meant to be spoken.
Today’s commission is simple. In your own unique words and ways, express to God how much you love Him; demonstrate how much He means to you. Lavish your adoration upon the God of the Universe, and let Him bask in your offerings of praise.
During this time of conversation with God, I challenge you ~ don’t ask a single request of Him, simply allow the Lord to sit and absorb your sweet, tender expressions. And don’t forget to take the liberty of sending along that matchless phrase that most readily melts the heart of your Creator, Savior and Friend. Those three simple words, “I love you...”
“So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover's life...a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:9 (MSG)
Loving Him Lavishly,
Katie Marie :)
Yet on the flip side, “I love you,” has passed through millions of mouths with such truth, feeling, and sincerity, they have moved grown men to tears. Obviously, these words were meant to hold much more meaning than they often do today.
How could three small words mean so much to some people and absolutely nothing to many, many more? What was this phrase originally intended to convey? Were the exact same words meant to express our intense adoration for a spouse or child and our love of pizza? And what makes the difference in the delivery of these simple, yet poignant words?
Clearly, it’s the heart and intention hidden behind this common phrase that determines the weight of its understanding. “I love you,” was meant to be delivered with deep purpose, utter transparency, and intensity. But why?
More than any other reason, I believe the words “I love you” were created so we humans could fully express and receive (to the fullness of our abilities) the intense love of our Creator and Savior God. These words were intended to be the verbal conduits traveling from our mouths to the Lord’s heart, and back down from His voice to our ears. They were made to kiss the ears of our gracious and merciful God...our Abba Father.
Sure, God is unfathomably complicated and His ways are clearly high above ours, yet this mysterious God is strangely similar to us. He wants to be loved, desired, sought after, and understood. The Almighty longs to be pursued by those who make it their eternal mission to run after His heart and the things that mean the most to Him.
After all, our Creator formed us out of the intense love that makes up His very being (1 John 4:16). Majestic God simply wants to be loved by someone who intentionally chooses to love Him for who He is, not just the miraculous wonders He pulls off for His Beloveds.
Doesn’t that sound familiar? Isn’t that how you and I dream of being loved and spoken to? Don’t we long to hear the words, “I love you,” pouring out of lips that really mean them? Don’t we desire to be pursued by those who long to know us for the true “us” deep inside?
“Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that.” Ephesians 5:1 (MSG)
But what can we, who are broken and flawed, really offer this perfect God? Simply put, we can present our love and life’s devotion. We can send forth our voices. God is yearning to hear us shout, declare, cry out, and even whisper three unadorned words, “I love you...” He doesn’t want them shot out as a result of our daily checklist, religious duties, or any other loaded intentions. Our Father longs to hear those words brought to Him the same way we humans desire them to be – spoken with true meaning and devotion.
With those thoughts now in mind, don’t the words, “I love you,” suddenly take on a whole new depth? Their weight and authenticity can be detected from quite a great distance. Listen closely...
“I love you, GOD— you make me strong. GOD is bedrock under my feet, the castle in which I live, my rescuing knight.” Psalm 18:1-2 (MSG)
“I love you, LORD; you are my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.” Psalm 18:1-2 (NLT)
These phrases of profound truth and authenticity are perfect examples of how “I love you,” was meant to be spoken.
Today’s commission is simple. In your own unique words and ways, express to God how much you love Him; demonstrate how much He means to you. Lavish your adoration upon the God of the Universe, and let Him bask in your offerings of praise.
During this time of conversation with God, I challenge you ~ don’t ask a single request of Him, simply allow the Lord to sit and absorb your sweet, tender expressions. And don’t forget to take the liberty of sending along that matchless phrase that most readily melts the heart of your Creator, Savior and Friend. Those three simple words, “I love you...”
“So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover's life...a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:9 (MSG)
Loving Him Lavishly,
Katie Marie :)
Sunday, July 24, 2011
“Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven.” Psalm 85:11 (NIV)
As I read this verse just a few moments ago, I was deeply touched by its meaning and the promises locked within it. Immediately, I saw fountains and streams of faithfulness bubbling up from the earth and the face of Christ pouring His righteousness down upon us from the heavens. What a sight...what treasures.
It seems everywhere I look, I find the faithfulness of God. His love is audible in the echoes of children's laughter, it glides through the leaves riding summer breezes, and sparkles along the white-capped waves. The Almighty’s goodness is so evident in the ways only He can move, and in how He proves Himself strong on our behalf over and over again. His unfailing attentiveness and blessings truly spring from the earth like a fountain.
Oh, and righteousness - what a beautiful gift. Our righteousness (right standing with God) has been showered down upon us through the precious sacrifice of Jesus, our beautiful Savior. It is because of His love and redeeming blood, alone, that we have been given the right to be known as sons and daughters of the Most High God. We have been named His Beloved!
So here we are, imagining faithfulness popping up all over the world and righteousness coming down from heaven. Now envision with me these streams of faithfulness forming into a single ribbon upon Earth and righteousness doing the same, coming down from above.
Over two thousand years ago, God reached down to our world with His creative hands and gave us His Son. He then gently tied His faithfulness and Christ’s righteousness together into a beautiful Love Bow that wraps our world to this day. We are His gift, created for His delight and enjoyment...tied in perfect love. We are surrounded by God’s beauty in Creation and are constantly justified as worthy through Jesus.
Perhaps imagining this bow could help us further understand Psalm 85:10 (NIV) where it says, “Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.” After all, true and lasting love can only be proved through constant faithfulness. And wherever righteousness is found, there, peace will be also. Jesus personified love as He hung upon the cross and the Lord continues to love us, day in and out, in spite of our faults. It is only because He looks down through Jesus’ blood and sees us, His Creation, as spotless and righteous.
If each of us would grasp this concept of being wrapped in a Love Bow, tied together by God’s faithfulness and our righteousness through Christ, we would walk more consistently in lasting freedom and peace. We’d hold our heads high, confident in whom we are and whose we are. So let’s get to it!
Sure, we are not perfect, but we are perfectly loved. True, we do not do everything right, but we are seen as righteous by the very eyes of our Heavenly Father. And nothing could be more important than that.
Open your eyes today to the fountains of God’s faithfulness springing up all around you, and look up to meet the eyes of righteousness gazing down upon you. Thank our incredible God for His unending goodness and the priceless Love Bow securely holding you right where you stand today...
“Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven.” Psalm 85:11 (NIV)
Tied in Love,
Katie Marie
As I read this verse just a few moments ago, I was deeply touched by its meaning and the promises locked within it. Immediately, I saw fountains and streams of faithfulness bubbling up from the earth and the face of Christ pouring His righteousness down upon us from the heavens. What a sight...what treasures.
It seems everywhere I look, I find the faithfulness of God. His love is audible in the echoes of children's laughter, it glides through the leaves riding summer breezes, and sparkles along the white-capped waves. The Almighty’s goodness is so evident in the ways only He can move, and in how He proves Himself strong on our behalf over and over again. His unfailing attentiveness and blessings truly spring from the earth like a fountain.
Oh, and righteousness - what a beautiful gift. Our righteousness (right standing with God) has been showered down upon us through the precious sacrifice of Jesus, our beautiful Savior. It is because of His love and redeeming blood, alone, that we have been given the right to be known as sons and daughters of the Most High God. We have been named His Beloved!
So here we are, imagining faithfulness popping up all over the world and righteousness coming down from heaven. Now envision with me these streams of faithfulness forming into a single ribbon upon Earth and righteousness doing the same, coming down from above.
Over two thousand years ago, God reached down to our world with His creative hands and gave us His Son. He then gently tied His faithfulness and Christ’s righteousness together into a beautiful Love Bow that wraps our world to this day. We are His gift, created for His delight and enjoyment...tied in perfect love. We are surrounded by God’s beauty in Creation and are constantly justified as worthy through Jesus.
Perhaps imagining this bow could help us further understand Psalm 85:10 (NIV) where it says, “Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.” After all, true and lasting love can only be proved through constant faithfulness. And wherever righteousness is found, there, peace will be also. Jesus personified love as He hung upon the cross and the Lord continues to love us, day in and out, in spite of our faults. It is only because He looks down through Jesus’ blood and sees us, His Creation, as spotless and righteous.
If each of us would grasp this concept of being wrapped in a Love Bow, tied together by God’s faithfulness and our righteousness through Christ, we would walk more consistently in lasting freedom and peace. We’d hold our heads high, confident in whom we are and whose we are. So let’s get to it!
Sure, we are not perfect, but we are perfectly loved. True, we do not do everything right, but we are seen as righteous by the very eyes of our Heavenly Father. And nothing could be more important than that.
Open your eyes today to the fountains of God’s faithfulness springing up all around you, and look up to meet the eyes of righteousness gazing down upon you. Thank our incredible God for His unending goodness and the priceless Love Bow securely holding you right where you stand today...
“Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven.” Psalm 85:11 (NIV)
Tied in Love,
Katie Marie
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
In the quiet stillness of the morning, I met with God today. And as my thoughts formed silent words only He could hear, I was taken by a realization. I was hit by the fact that the God of the Universe was listening to me at that very moment...He was hanging on my every word. This was certainly not because I had anything profound to say or had any new enlightenment to bring Him. He was soaking in my words simply because I delighted Him and what I had to say was uniquely important.
I sat there in my chair and pondered these thoughts with my Dad Above. I expressed my extreme gratitude for loving and cherishing me so much. But how could this be? Who am I that He would want to turn His ear my way? I am just a woman with a heart turned to God...yet somehow, that means everything to Him.
“...I look at my micro-self and wonder, why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way? Yet we've so narrowly missed being gods, bright with Eden's dawn light. You put us in charge of your handcrafted world, repeated to us your Genesis-charge, made us lords of sheep and cattle, even animals out in the wild, birds flying and fish swimming, whales singing in the ocean deeps." Psalm 8:4-8 (MSG)
Who is this God who longs to hear the voices of His children? Why would He choose us, above all else He has created? Who is this Supreme One who has chosen mere mortals to be the object of His affections? Look at the courage of horses that never turn from the intensity of battle. Imagine the extreme speed of a cheetah pouncing through open the grasses. Envision the sheer size and power of an elephant staking its territory. Surely, in all of their power, these created beings overshadow the might of a man. And yet, we have been elected above all other living things to be loved and redeemed. We are set in a position to reign over all of the beasts of the air, land, and waters.
"His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love." Psalm 147:10-11 (NIV)
God is not impressed by accomplishments, placards on walls, or bank account balances. He is not awed by the physical feats of man nor the power wielded on Earth. This Creator of ours is drawn to those who hope, trust, and authentically love on Him. He finds joy in the ones who take time just to sit and be with Him.
Picture a young child sitting on the knee of her adoring father. Chances are, she won’t offer tremendous insights to her dad but that’s not what He’s looking for. He’s simply longing to be with his bask her giggle as she bounces upon his knee, to catch the sparkle in her eye, and soak in every detail of her imaginative stories. He wants to hear the things that riddle her most with fear along with those that paint her greatest smiles.
This is just a peek into the complex heart of our loving Dad. We are infinitely blessed to have such a Father, Savior, and Friend. Who could ever love us more than He? Who else could make us feel more accepted, understood, or welcomed? one but the King of Kings, Lord of the Ages, and the lover of our unique souls.
Take some time today to truly appreciate how dialed in God is to your every action. He is concentrated on you, delighting in you, and longing for you to talk with Him about everything - to engage Him with abandon. And as you do this, realize just how profound it is that the Creator of All is sitting right there with you, hanging on your every word...
"I love the LORD because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!" Psalm 116:1-2 (NLT)
Held and Heard,
Katie Marie
I sat there in my chair and pondered these thoughts with my Dad Above. I expressed my extreme gratitude for loving and cherishing me so much. But how could this be? Who am I that He would want to turn His ear my way? I am just a woman with a heart turned to God...yet somehow, that means everything to Him.
“...I look at my micro-self and wonder, why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way? Yet we've so narrowly missed being gods, bright with Eden's dawn light. You put us in charge of your handcrafted world, repeated to us your Genesis-charge, made us lords of sheep and cattle, even animals out in the wild, birds flying and fish swimming, whales singing in the ocean deeps." Psalm 8:4-8 (MSG)
Who is this God who longs to hear the voices of His children? Why would He choose us, above all else He has created? Who is this Supreme One who has chosen mere mortals to be the object of His affections? Look at the courage of horses that never turn from the intensity of battle. Imagine the extreme speed of a cheetah pouncing through open the grasses. Envision the sheer size and power of an elephant staking its territory. Surely, in all of their power, these created beings overshadow the might of a man. And yet, we have been elected above all other living things to be loved and redeemed. We are set in a position to reign over all of the beasts of the air, land, and waters.
"His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love." Psalm 147:10-11 (NIV)
God is not impressed by accomplishments, placards on walls, or bank account balances. He is not awed by the physical feats of man nor the power wielded on Earth. This Creator of ours is drawn to those who hope, trust, and authentically love on Him. He finds joy in the ones who take time just to sit and be with Him.
Picture a young child sitting on the knee of her adoring father. Chances are, she won’t offer tremendous insights to her dad but that’s not what He’s looking for. He’s simply longing to be with his bask her giggle as she bounces upon his knee, to catch the sparkle in her eye, and soak in every detail of her imaginative stories. He wants to hear the things that riddle her most with fear along with those that paint her greatest smiles.
This is just a peek into the complex heart of our loving Dad. We are infinitely blessed to have such a Father, Savior, and Friend. Who could ever love us more than He? Who else could make us feel more accepted, understood, or welcomed? one but the King of Kings, Lord of the Ages, and the lover of our unique souls.
Take some time today to truly appreciate how dialed in God is to your every action. He is concentrated on you, delighting in you, and longing for you to talk with Him about everything - to engage Him with abandon. And as you do this, realize just how profound it is that the Creator of All is sitting right there with you, hanging on your every word...
"I love the LORD because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!" Psalm 116:1-2 (NLT)
Held and Heard,
Katie Marie
Thursday, June 23, 2011
“Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.” Isaiah 63:7 (NIV)
Have you ever longed for a special touch from God? Have you yearned lately for a very specific sign to know He is there...listening and responding to your unique prayers? I found myself in that very place just a few days ago.
God certainly does work in mysterious ways, but He also makes His Presence clearly known when He wants to. Allow me to explain - it had been a long, hard day and I had driven to one of my favorite spots to get away and just cry out to my Father. There, in the quiet oasis of my car, I poured out my heart to Him – every drop. I talked and talked until there wasn’t an hint of breath left in my lungs and then I waited...
As I sat in that quiet space, windows rolled down, summer breezes dancing about, something extraordinary happened; a sudden dollop of cotton rode upon a gust of wind into my presence. To my utter shock, this tiny fluff looked just like a clump of down feathers from a beautiful bird’s wings. It was a surreal moment; I looked to my left, wide-eyed, and watched as yet another puff flew into my car. Others like them mingled together just outside. As I laid my head upon the backrest and watched those feathers dance around before me, I couldn’t stop thanking my Father for sending me such a sweet, tangible sign of His presence.
You see, in the few days leading up to that day in the car, I had come across scriptures in the Bible making mention of God’s wings and the shelter they provide. Thinking back, I even remember praying several times that the Lord would cover me beneath His glorious spanse, and I thanked Him for allowing me to reside in such an incredible place.
Surely it is common for those summer puffs to ride around on the wind, but back in that moment I knew my Heavenly Daddy was letting me know He was right there with me. He was showing me that He perfectly hears and acts upon my specific heart’s cry. As I watched those fluffy feathers fly on by, I could literally envision my frame beneath His breathtaking wings. It was a beautiful sight...
“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 17:8 (NIV)
Only God could have known that I had been pondering that place and proclaiming my safety within His mighty shadow. Only He could have orchestrated the perfect currents that would send those cotton puffs my way, and only He could have known I’d have my eyes open to recognize His hand. He knew I needed a touch, and He saw I was watching...God faithfully responded.
I am sharing this special, Divine moment between my Creator and me simply to remind you that you also reside beneath the shadow of the Almighty’s wings. If you proclaim Jesus as your Savior, He has made you righteous in the eyes of God and He, Himself, has opened those majestic wings to you. At this very moment, God has you held securely beneath their eternal shade and shelter.
“I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.” Psalm 61:4 (NIV)
Never forget this beautiful place in which you are privileged to reside. Call upon His wings to cover you and thank Him for such a gift. Thank Jesus for making a way where once there was no way. And keep your eyes open – you never know when God may send a sweet little feather across your path to remind you just how surely He is there...
“How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings." Psalm 36:7 (NLT)
Have you ever longed for a special touch from God? Have you yearned lately for a very specific sign to know He is there...listening and responding to your unique prayers? I found myself in that very place just a few days ago.
God certainly does work in mysterious ways, but He also makes His Presence clearly known when He wants to. Allow me to explain - it had been a long, hard day and I had driven to one of my favorite spots to get away and just cry out to my Father. There, in the quiet oasis of my car, I poured out my heart to Him – every drop. I talked and talked until there wasn’t an hint of breath left in my lungs and then I waited...
As I sat in that quiet space, windows rolled down, summer breezes dancing about, something extraordinary happened; a sudden dollop of cotton rode upon a gust of wind into my presence. To my utter shock, this tiny fluff looked just like a clump of down feathers from a beautiful bird’s wings. It was a surreal moment; I looked to my left, wide-eyed, and watched as yet another puff flew into my car. Others like them mingled together just outside. As I laid my head upon the backrest and watched those feathers dance around before me, I couldn’t stop thanking my Father for sending me such a sweet, tangible sign of His presence.
You see, in the few days leading up to that day in the car, I had come across scriptures in the Bible making mention of God’s wings and the shelter they provide. Thinking back, I even remember praying several times that the Lord would cover me beneath His glorious spanse, and I thanked Him for allowing me to reside in such an incredible place.
Surely it is common for those summer puffs to ride around on the wind, but back in that moment I knew my Heavenly Daddy was letting me know He was right there with me. He was showing me that He perfectly hears and acts upon my specific heart’s cry. As I watched those fluffy feathers fly on by, I could literally envision my frame beneath His breathtaking wings. It was a beautiful sight...
“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 17:8 (NIV)
Only God could have known that I had been pondering that place and proclaiming my safety within His mighty shadow. Only He could have orchestrated the perfect currents that would send those cotton puffs my way, and only He could have known I’d have my eyes open to recognize His hand. He knew I needed a touch, and He saw I was watching...God faithfully responded.
I am sharing this special, Divine moment between my Creator and me simply to remind you that you also reside beneath the shadow of the Almighty’s wings. If you proclaim Jesus as your Savior, He has made you righteous in the eyes of God and He, Himself, has opened those majestic wings to you. At this very moment, God has you held securely beneath their eternal shade and shelter.
“I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.” Psalm 61:4 (NIV)
Never forget this beautiful place in which you are privileged to reside. Call upon His wings to cover you and thank Him for such a gift. Thank Jesus for making a way where once there was no way. And keep your eyes open – you never know when God may send a sweet little feather across your path to remind you just how surely He is there...
“How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings." Psalm 36:7 (NLT)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Throughout this life there are many trials and hardships we must all face. There are never-ending ups and downs, potholes, and slaps in the face of all kinds. People let us down, put us down, and try to keep us down. Others scream in our ears or even bring us physical harm. Though it hurts to accept the truth that these moments will come and it stings when salt gets in our wounds, there is hope on the horizon.
This morning as I was heading for my Bible, Hebrews 12 began echoing in my mind. I couldn’t recall exactly what that portion of Scripture was about, but I was eager to turn and see what it would reveal. I had to fight off the wave of tears that swept over me as I began reading the second verse: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)
You see, just yesterday I had to bear a very difficult circumstance amidst my already hectic day. I was hurt by what happened and though I was able to lean upon Jesus to get me through, I had a hard time laying it down and just moving on. As soon as I read those powerful words this morning, I knew God was saying to me, “Katie Marie, I know your day was hard...I saw what happened to you, and it wasn’t right. That was certainly not what I wanted for you, but look at all my Son endured. For the joy set before Him, He suffered on that horrific cross and harbored the full amount of shame that was intended for the world.”
Can you fathom? Have you imagined the weight of our sin upon Christ’s back? Do you realize that the soldiers who were to crucify Him plucked out the individual hairs of His beard...that they literally spit in His face as He writhed in pain upon the whipping post? (Isaiah 50:6) Do you recall how they mocked Jesus and taunted Him to save Himself as He hung from those nails? (Mark 15:30) Do you remember?
The Scripture goes on: “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:3 (NIV)
I don’t know what you’ve had to endure lately or what is to unfold in your coming days, but I do know one thing. Our God is loving, merciful, and present. He saw me yesterday, even through my pain, as I was forced to grin and bear that situation. My Father comforted me and showered His strength upon me so I could pull myself together and carry on with the mission that was ahead. I know He was still with me this morning, putting Hebrews 12 on my heart to remind me of the best approach to get through every circumstance. And it will get you through, too...
We must continue to fix our eyes on Jesus, no matter what. We must look to Him and follow His gaze to see what HE was focused on as He endured the cross...the joy set before Him.
Life on earth is so temporary, so fleeting. One day bumps into another, and weeks pass like race cars on a track. Months and years fly by, but all that really matters is the eternal...the unseen things. (1 Corinthians 4:18) And what is yet to be seen is beautiful. It is full of joy and more than worthy of our hope. I speak of the time when we will see our Creator face-to-face and live with Him forever!
Today I encourage you as I encourage myself. Let us not grow weary or lose heart; this too shall pass. Look to the joy you have in Christ and the promises of God written on your heart to get you through everything you face. No matter what it is, how tough or trying, remember all of the hardships Jesus endured on this earth. Nothing you or I come up against will ever compare to the suffering He faithfully bore. Call on Him to be your strength, for in your greatest weakness, His strength is perfected. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
As I finished reading those incredible verses in Hebrews 12, a few words escaped my lips, “Jesus, if You did it, I can, too.”
If Jesus conquered all He did, we can certainly triumph over our own trials each day. Let us fix our eyes upon Christ today, and endure everything just as He did: for joy...
In His Love,
Katie Marie
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)
This morning as I was heading for my Bible, Hebrews 12 began echoing in my mind. I couldn’t recall exactly what that portion of Scripture was about, but I was eager to turn and see what it would reveal. I had to fight off the wave of tears that swept over me as I began reading the second verse: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)
You see, just yesterday I had to bear a very difficult circumstance amidst my already hectic day. I was hurt by what happened and though I was able to lean upon Jesus to get me through, I had a hard time laying it down and just moving on. As soon as I read those powerful words this morning, I knew God was saying to me, “Katie Marie, I know your day was hard...I saw what happened to you, and it wasn’t right. That was certainly not what I wanted for you, but look at all my Son endured. For the joy set before Him, He suffered on that horrific cross and harbored the full amount of shame that was intended for the world.”
Can you fathom? Have you imagined the weight of our sin upon Christ’s back? Do you realize that the soldiers who were to crucify Him plucked out the individual hairs of His beard...that they literally spit in His face as He writhed in pain upon the whipping post? (Isaiah 50:6) Do you recall how they mocked Jesus and taunted Him to save Himself as He hung from those nails? (Mark 15:30) Do you remember?
The Scripture goes on: “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:3 (NIV)
I don’t know what you’ve had to endure lately or what is to unfold in your coming days, but I do know one thing. Our God is loving, merciful, and present. He saw me yesterday, even through my pain, as I was forced to grin and bear that situation. My Father comforted me and showered His strength upon me so I could pull myself together and carry on with the mission that was ahead. I know He was still with me this morning, putting Hebrews 12 on my heart to remind me of the best approach to get through every circumstance. And it will get you through, too...
We must continue to fix our eyes on Jesus, no matter what. We must look to Him and follow His gaze to see what HE was focused on as He endured the cross...the joy set before Him.
Life on earth is so temporary, so fleeting. One day bumps into another, and weeks pass like race cars on a track. Months and years fly by, but all that really matters is the eternal...the unseen things. (1 Corinthians 4:18) And what is yet to be seen is beautiful. It is full of joy and more than worthy of our hope. I speak of the time when we will see our Creator face-to-face and live with Him forever!
Today I encourage you as I encourage myself. Let us not grow weary or lose heart; this too shall pass. Look to the joy you have in Christ and the promises of God written on your heart to get you through everything you face. No matter what it is, how tough or trying, remember all of the hardships Jesus endured on this earth. Nothing you or I come up against will ever compare to the suffering He faithfully bore. Call on Him to be your strength, for in your greatest weakness, His strength is perfected. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
As I finished reading those incredible verses in Hebrews 12, a few words escaped my lips, “Jesus, if You did it, I can, too.”
If Jesus conquered all He did, we can certainly triumph over our own trials each day. Let us fix our eyes upon Christ today, and endure everything just as He did: for joy...
In His Love,
Katie Marie
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Back when God created the world and Man, perfection reigned. Beauty surrounded Adam and Eve in the Garden, and the Lord’s glory shined without spoil. Then came the Fall and the ugliness of imperfection as sin crept in.
As I was looking out a nearby window just the other day, I was struck by the reminder that God’s glory is still radiantly displayed in a myriad of ways. This made me love Him all the more, because I realized He didn’t have to continue bringing His beauty into the world. He would have been justified to completely uproot it from our lives and make the world nothing but a dismal place. Back in the Garden, God could have pulled away His glory and saved it for the time when we would again be perfect. He could have waited, but He didn’t.
After we were banned from perfection, God could have chosen to wipe grace off the face of the Earth, and He certainly could have waited until Christ’s final return to bring us the abundant life, but he didn’t. The Sovereign One would have been right to take away the sun, blot out the moon, and replace our vibrant colors with nothing but shades of gray. We could have been sentenced to what we deserve: a world of black and white, but we aren’t.
Imagine your life stripped of color. You may not even have noticed, but color is an intricate part of life...the spice we all crave. Now envision this black and white world, nothing but sadness and stark misery. This is what we deserve as a result of our fallen nature, but God in all His compassion would not allow it. He had a beautiful plan to redeem all that had been stolen away from us as a result of sin. Instead of a bleak, lack-luster world, we were handed a life of vibrant colors and priceless moments.
Together, let’s reflect upon all we have been given to enjoy. We are free to experience God’s perfect love through breathtaking sunsets, pristine landscapes, and intriguing wildlife. His glory dances upon the shimmering waves and blows through flower sprinkled fields. We are allowed to savor the warmth of a loved one’s embrace and watch the hand of our majestic Creator at work as He opens a newborn baby’s eyes. Most of all, through Christ, each of us is justified to stand confidently before the Almighty God as His beloved sons and daughters. Though we did not earn them, we have been given the keys to Eternity with God. What a God. WHAT A GOD!
Today, I just want to remind you to keep your eyes open to the truth that the glory of God is still shining upon the earth. This is all because He has chosen to direct it here. Be vigilant in your own life to recognize the ways He displays His loving character and splendor. Wherever you go, whatever you do, get away for a few moments and just love on your Creator today. Express your gratitude for being rescued from a world of black and white. Thank Him for His unending sacrifice and for choosing to give you what you did not deserve: vibrant beauty.
The glory of God can surely be found in your life today. Simply open your eyes, give thanks, and soak it all in...
Vibrant and Blessed,
Katie Marie
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” Isaiah 60:1-2 (NIV)
As I was looking out a nearby window just the other day, I was struck by the reminder that God’s glory is still radiantly displayed in a myriad of ways. This made me love Him all the more, because I realized He didn’t have to continue bringing His beauty into the world. He would have been justified to completely uproot it from our lives and make the world nothing but a dismal place. Back in the Garden, God could have pulled away His glory and saved it for the time when we would again be perfect. He could have waited, but He didn’t.
After we were banned from perfection, God could have chosen to wipe grace off the face of the Earth, and He certainly could have waited until Christ’s final return to bring us the abundant life, but he didn’t. The Sovereign One would have been right to take away the sun, blot out the moon, and replace our vibrant colors with nothing but shades of gray. We could have been sentenced to what we deserve: a world of black and white, but we aren’t.
Imagine your life stripped of color. You may not even have noticed, but color is an intricate part of life...the spice we all crave. Now envision this black and white world, nothing but sadness and stark misery. This is what we deserve as a result of our fallen nature, but God in all His compassion would not allow it. He had a beautiful plan to redeem all that had been stolen away from us as a result of sin. Instead of a bleak, lack-luster world, we were handed a life of vibrant colors and priceless moments.
Together, let’s reflect upon all we have been given to enjoy. We are free to experience God’s perfect love through breathtaking sunsets, pristine landscapes, and intriguing wildlife. His glory dances upon the shimmering waves and blows through flower sprinkled fields. We are allowed to savor the warmth of a loved one’s embrace and watch the hand of our majestic Creator at work as He opens a newborn baby’s eyes. Most of all, through Christ, each of us is justified to stand confidently before the Almighty God as His beloved sons and daughters. Though we did not earn them, we have been given the keys to Eternity with God. What a God. WHAT A GOD!
Today, I just want to remind you to keep your eyes open to the truth that the glory of God is still shining upon the earth. This is all because He has chosen to direct it here. Be vigilant in your own life to recognize the ways He displays His loving character and splendor. Wherever you go, whatever you do, get away for a few moments and just love on your Creator today. Express your gratitude for being rescued from a world of black and white. Thank Him for His unending sacrifice and for choosing to give you what you did not deserve: vibrant beauty.
The glory of God can surely be found in your life today. Simply open your eyes, give thanks, and soak it all in...
Vibrant and Blessed,
Katie Marie
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” Isaiah 60:1-2 (NIV)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Did you ever play with pipe cleaners as a child? I have many memories of sitting in my mom’s kindergarten classroom after school, passing the time by bending and shaping these vibrant, fuzzy wires. The delight of pipe cleaners is not only can you form them into whatever shape you desire, they also maintain their structure and combine with each other to create many beautiful rainbows of color.
As I awakened this morning, a Scripture popped into my head from 1 John 4:18 (NIV), “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear...” Immediately, an image of these pipe cleaners came to mind.
Imagine with me for a moment that these childhood gizmos represent God’s Perfect Love, and the varying colors each symbolize a facet of this love. Now take a minute to consider the fears taunting you today, plugging up your heart and mind. Envision those lies that are holding you back from all you are capable of.
What are you facing today? Are you overwhelmed? The God of the universe boldly proclaims, “I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Is 41:10 NIV) Feeling misunderstood? God says He knew you before He even formed you in the womb! (Jer 1:5) Are you facing abandonment? Your Creator promises, “I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...” (Is 41:9, 10 NIV)
Do you see how the varying colors of God’s Perfect Love can be shaped to fit every situation you face and clear out all fears you are dealing with? Allow each brilliant hue to permeate the deep crevices inside you that are crowded with apprehension. Utilizing the truth of His promises in the Bible, let Him clean out every single fear and doubt that is plaguing your life.
Our sweet Heavenly Father has already given us the keys to His heart through Jesus’ sacrifice. When we truly embrace the goodness, faithfulness, and love of God in our lives, what do we have to fear? He has equipped us with every tool we need to be in order to be cleansed from all forms of fear.
Take some time today to flip through the pages of God’s Word. Pick out your own colorful “pipe cleaners” and shape them to fit whatever circumstances you find yourself in today. Then allow God’s Perfect Love to infuse you and drive out all fears from your being.
Christ lived a perfect life and died a perfect death so we could know God’s Perfect Love. No matter what happened yesterday, from this day forward, let us each use His powerful love to drive away all that has been holding us back from living the abundant life Jesus offers us. Happy spring cleaning, my friend...
As I awakened this morning, a Scripture popped into my head from 1 John 4:18 (NIV), “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear...” Immediately, an image of these pipe cleaners came to mind.
Imagine with me for a moment that these childhood gizmos represent God’s Perfect Love, and the varying colors each symbolize a facet of this love. Now take a minute to consider the fears taunting you today, plugging up your heart and mind. Envision those lies that are holding you back from all you are capable of.
What are you facing today? Are you overwhelmed? The God of the universe boldly proclaims, “I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Is 41:10 NIV) Feeling misunderstood? God says He knew you before He even formed you in the womb! (Jer 1:5) Are you facing abandonment? Your Creator promises, “I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...” (Is 41:9, 10 NIV)
Do you see how the varying colors of God’s Perfect Love can be shaped to fit every situation you face and clear out all fears you are dealing with? Allow each brilliant hue to permeate the deep crevices inside you that are crowded with apprehension. Utilizing the truth of His promises in the Bible, let Him clean out every single fear and doubt that is plaguing your life.
Our sweet Heavenly Father has already given us the keys to His heart through Jesus’ sacrifice. When we truly embrace the goodness, faithfulness, and love of God in our lives, what do we have to fear? He has equipped us with every tool we need to be in order to be cleansed from all forms of fear.
Take some time today to flip through the pages of God’s Word. Pick out your own colorful “pipe cleaners” and shape them to fit whatever circumstances you find yourself in today. Then allow God’s Perfect Love to infuse you and drive out all fears from your being.
Christ lived a perfect life and died a perfect death so we could know God’s Perfect Love. No matter what happened yesterday, from this day forward, let us each use His powerful love to drive away all that has been holding us back from living the abundant life Jesus offers us. Happy spring cleaning, my friend...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
A year ago today, I took a beautiful walk into God's creation. It was one of those times when I couldn’t help but pick every new flower and admire each unique feature and vibrant color. Each blossom was so completely different; yet they all worked together to finish a live portrait of extravagant beauty.
As I strolled along, I remember spotting a small cluster of dandelion puffs by the road to my left. I was intrigued to pick one up and study it, too. As soon as I plucked it, I was hit with a memorable image.
With this small, seed-loaded dandelion in my hand, I realized I had an use my breath to help scatter its seeds or let the wind carry them to wherever they were destined to land. Do you see the spiritual lesson we can glean from this?
There are opportunities each day along the road of life to help God reach every one of His beloved children. We can choose to take the time to nurture that person whose life has crossed our path, or we can walk on by...leaving God to work through another vessel.
What moments are we all missing by keeping our heads down, busied in our days? I can recall so many times when I began my day asking the Lord to use me to touch someone else’s life. Each time, He faithfully answered those prayers. Along with those windows of opportunity, I was also presented the choice to step out and act on them or continue along on my own way.
Isn't life too short to pass by the seed puffs planted along your life’s path? And aren’t people’s lives too important to ignore the opportunity to reach out with kind eyes, an encouraging word, and a sweet smile?
Dandelions can be an absolute nuisance. You know, many people see the Gospel as a dandelion in their yards...Jesus continues to cross their paths, springing up in the most unlikely places. And though He is a true gentleman, never forcing His way into someone’s heart, He will not give up. It's true; we can pluck Him from the front yard, but somehow He'll surface in the back! Christ is the loving Savior who seeks to be welcomed and planted in our lives!
Today, I’m asking you to consider dandelions from another angle. Allow them to be a reminder of God's awesome plan for the redemption of His creation. We are each called to carry forth the love and light of Jesus, spreading His gospel to the farthest reaches of this world.
I encourage you to take a small step of faith today. Make a commitment to yourself that the next time you see a dandelion puff along your path, you’ll pick it, pray for God to use you to carry His love into this lost world, then blow the dandelion’s seeds into the air. Follow them as they ride the wind and envision each seed as a life you can touch.
You’ll most likely notice joy bursting from your heart and a perma-grin beaming from your face…
With Love,
Katie Marie
"He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'" Mark 16:15 (NIV)
As I strolled along, I remember spotting a small cluster of dandelion puffs by the road to my left. I was intrigued to pick one up and study it, too. As soon as I plucked it, I was hit with a memorable image.
With this small, seed-loaded dandelion in my hand, I realized I had an use my breath to help scatter its seeds or let the wind carry them to wherever they were destined to land. Do you see the spiritual lesson we can glean from this?
There are opportunities each day along the road of life to help God reach every one of His beloved children. We can choose to take the time to nurture that person whose life has crossed our path, or we can walk on by...leaving God to work through another vessel.
What moments are we all missing by keeping our heads down, busied in our days? I can recall so many times when I began my day asking the Lord to use me to touch someone else’s life. Each time, He faithfully answered those prayers. Along with those windows of opportunity, I was also presented the choice to step out and act on them or continue along on my own way.
Isn't life too short to pass by the seed puffs planted along your life’s path? And aren’t people’s lives too important to ignore the opportunity to reach out with kind eyes, an encouraging word, and a sweet smile?
Dandelions can be an absolute nuisance. You know, many people see the Gospel as a dandelion in their yards...Jesus continues to cross their paths, springing up in the most unlikely places. And though He is a true gentleman, never forcing His way into someone’s heart, He will not give up. It's true; we can pluck Him from the front yard, but somehow He'll surface in the back! Christ is the loving Savior who seeks to be welcomed and planted in our lives!
Today, I’m asking you to consider dandelions from another angle. Allow them to be a reminder of God's awesome plan for the redemption of His creation. We are each called to carry forth the love and light of Jesus, spreading His gospel to the farthest reaches of this world.
I encourage you to take a small step of faith today. Make a commitment to yourself that the next time you see a dandelion puff along your path, you’ll pick it, pray for God to use you to carry His love into this lost world, then blow the dandelion’s seeds into the air. Follow them as they ride the wind and envision each seed as a life you can touch.
You’ll most likely notice joy bursting from your heart and a perma-grin beaming from your face…
With Love,
Katie Marie
"He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'" Mark 16:15 (NIV)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Spring is such a beautiful, matchless time of year. For those people living in climates where the dormancy of winter is bleak, the first splash of green is medicine to the soul. There’s nothing like eying the very first buds kissing the barren trees or spotting the tender shoots of wildflowers poking their way up from the recently snow-covered ground.
The fresh winds of spring usher in countless blessings with their breezes...a beautiful lark’s song, the captivating aroma of hyacinths and lilacs, the sweet faces of daffodils and tulips. Spring beckons new life with warm rains and drops of sunshine that were once but a distant memory and future longing. Of all things, spring brings renewal.
As I’ve soaked in the changing season all around me, I haven’t been able to stop pondering this concept of renewal. I picture the word and envision deep cleansing, restoration, fresh grace, hopeful futures, and regeneration. What do you see? Have you taken the time to admire the changes surrounding you?
Spring is rolling towards summer and I sense that God Almighty is again asking us to glean a lesson by peeking at His handiwork in nature. Imagine the shifts of fall. As it draws to a close, many trees’ leaves come to rest upon Earth’s floor. This is simply a process that must happen year after year. The same is true of the buds that form at the branches’ tips in the springtime. These leaves beautifully characterize the ebb and flow of life.
Just as the times and seasons change, our God wants us to allow changes in our lives. He yearns for us to welcome the fresh rains and radiant greens popping up amidst our situations and circumstances. The Lord clearly shines uniquely through each season to remind us of His goodness, compassion, and unending love. Though our Heavenly Father’s nurturing rains may come on a day we were planning a fantastic picnic, we must roll with His change in plans. Let us remember that He is a beautiful, creative, Sovereign God and He knows what He is doing.
In what areas are you sensing God desires to bring renewal into your own life? Are you warming up to the changes you see all around or are you frustrated that storm clouds have come and you've forgotten your proverbial parka?
I ask you: will you take this journey into renewal with me this season? Let’s grab our rain gear, dust off the gardening gloves, and pull out the sunglasses for our awesome adventures. I have no idea what’s in store, but I can certainly assure you: when fall rolls around in just a few short months, each of us will have collected a backpack full of stories and memories of our sweet times with God. Together, let’s deeply breathe in the fresh aroma and cleansing renewal of this very day...
Taking It All In,
Katie Marie
“The one who loves me...said to me, 'Rise up, my love. Come with me, my beautiful one. Look! The winter is are appearing on the earth. The season for singing has come. The cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig trees are producing their early fruit. The flowers on the vines are giving off their sweet smell. Rise up and come, my love. Come with me, my beautiful one.' " Song of Solomon 2:9-13 (NIRV)
The fresh winds of spring usher in countless blessings with their breezes...a beautiful lark’s song, the captivating aroma of hyacinths and lilacs, the sweet faces of daffodils and tulips. Spring beckons new life with warm rains and drops of sunshine that were once but a distant memory and future longing. Of all things, spring brings renewal.
As I’ve soaked in the changing season all around me, I haven’t been able to stop pondering this concept of renewal. I picture the word and envision deep cleansing, restoration, fresh grace, hopeful futures, and regeneration. What do you see? Have you taken the time to admire the changes surrounding you?
Spring is rolling towards summer and I sense that God Almighty is again asking us to glean a lesson by peeking at His handiwork in nature. Imagine the shifts of fall. As it draws to a close, many trees’ leaves come to rest upon Earth’s floor. This is simply a process that must happen year after year. The same is true of the buds that form at the branches’ tips in the springtime. These leaves beautifully characterize the ebb and flow of life.
Just as the times and seasons change, our God wants us to allow changes in our lives. He yearns for us to welcome the fresh rains and radiant greens popping up amidst our situations and circumstances. The Lord clearly shines uniquely through each season to remind us of His goodness, compassion, and unending love. Though our Heavenly Father’s nurturing rains may come on a day we were planning a fantastic picnic, we must roll with His change in plans. Let us remember that He is a beautiful, creative, Sovereign God and He knows what He is doing.
In what areas are you sensing God desires to bring renewal into your own life? Are you warming up to the changes you see all around or are you frustrated that storm clouds have come and you've forgotten your proverbial parka?
I ask you: will you take this journey into renewal with me this season? Let’s grab our rain gear, dust off the gardening gloves, and pull out the sunglasses for our awesome adventures. I have no idea what’s in store, but I can certainly assure you: when fall rolls around in just a few short months, each of us will have collected a backpack full of stories and memories of our sweet times with God. Together, let’s deeply breathe in the fresh aroma and cleansing renewal of this very day...
Taking It All In,
Katie Marie
“The one who loves me...said to me, 'Rise up, my love. Come with me, my beautiful one. Look! The winter is are appearing on the earth. The season for singing has come. The cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig trees are producing their early fruit. The flowers on the vines are giving off their sweet smell. Rise up and come, my love. Come with me, my beautiful one.' " Song of Solomon 2:9-13 (NIRV)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Hello and happy, BLESSED Mother's Day to all of you awesome moms out there in the world!!! Thank you for your constant sacrifice, inspiration, beauty, dedication, prayers, and unending love. In your honor, I am sharing with you this poem I wrote for my INCREDIBLE mom as a Mother's Day gift almost 12 years ago.
It has never been more true than today ~ I love you, Mama!
You are
The ever-whispering wind
Who has firmly planted my seed;
The fertile soil my very being
Sprung from and will always need.
You are the humble, nurturing rains,
Seeping deep into my roots;
The living water stirring my soul,
You've made me strong and astute.
You are my greatest inspiration;
Having taught me how to fight
For everything in the world
Which is just and true and right.
You are the graceful, flowing river
Tenderly sweeping me along;
You are my entity,
The very reason I have
Grown to be so
With All of My Love,
~Katie Marie
It has never been more true than today ~ I love you, Mama!
You are
The ever-whispering wind
Who has firmly planted my seed;
The fertile soil my very being
Sprung from and will always need.
You are the humble, nurturing rains,
Seeping deep into my roots;
The living water stirring my soul,
You've made me strong and astute.
You are my greatest inspiration;
Having taught me how to fight
For everything in the world
Which is just and true and right.
You are the graceful, flowing river
Tenderly sweeping me along;
You are my entity,
The very reason I have
Grown to be so
With All of My Love,
~Katie Marie
Friday, April 29, 2011
It’s amazing the places God brings us as we travel through different seasons of life. He definitely has a plan and purpose for each new destination, both physically and spiritually speaking.
Over the last few months, I’ve been infinitely blessed to be surrounded by my family in my hometown. In the past years I’ve traveled so much, it’s been impossible to have consistent, steady months of quality time with each of them. So these days have been an unforgettable series of gifts to me.
Some of my most treasured moments have been with my two nieces and nephew. It’s been such a blast to be available to pour my love into them and share my passion for Jesus with these sweet children. I’m blessed to pick them up from the bus stop, serve up chicken noodle soup in their favorite mugs, make heart-shaped peanut butter sandwiches, and just hang out.
We’ve already built countless memories filled with long walks on the beach talking about Jesus, God’s awesome power, and even what heaven will be like. Together, we’ve dreamed of the huge gates of heaven, each made of a single pearl, described the specifications of our unique heavenly mansions, and a million other things. We've even sung spontaneous original worship songs to God at the top of our lungs as we laid out on an ice-covered lake. These are the moments I will cherish forever...
Sometimes I’m even there to cuddle up in bed with them and pray. Just last night, Cole prayed, “Thank you for dying on the cross...that people would respect that...that people on earth would know You...” Though fragmented, these prayers were heart-felt and genuine. That sleepy little boy desired for other people to understand what he, himself understands: Jesus is real, alive, and wants everyone on earth to love Him.
A couple of mornings ago, I dropped Cole and Elissa off to catch their bus to school. As they opened my car door to be on their way, I yelled, “Love you! Go shine some Jesus!” And with that, the door slammed shut. I figured it probably went in one ear and right back out the other, but it didn’t...
Out of the blue yesterday as Cole and I were hanging out after school, he said, “Hey Aunt Katie, after you told us to go talk about God at school the other day, I told some kids about Jesus and two chose Him.” I almost fell over as the words crossed his lips! I’m sure my eyes were as big as saucers as I begged him to tell me exactly how the whole scene played out.
Cole explained how he told the boys that Jesus died for them to save them from their sin and that they could choose to have Him live in their hearts. They could be in heaven with Him forever instead of the ‘very bad place’ we all deserve because of sin...
He then proceeded to tell me about one of the other boys who didn’t believe what he was saying. This little boy said, “There is no such thing as the ‘bad place.’ Everyone gets to go to heaven if you’re a good person.” This rebuttal was clearly difficult for Cole to accept because in his heart, he knew it was not true.
I encouraged him by explaining that every time he takes a chance to talk about Jesus, it’s like he’s planting a seed in the person’s heart. Whether the person seems to accept it or not, Cole has done his part. After the seed is planted, it’s God’s job to nurture it. I let him know that every time he talks to that friend about Jesus, it will help the seed’s roots grow deeper.
As Cole sat there on my lap, I hugged and hugged him. I asked question after question as the story details were revealed. This little boy wore his faith on his sleeve, took a huge leap, and offered the awesome salvation of Christ to his classmates. It was simple to him – he’s excited about Jesus and wants those around him to know what he knows. He opened his mouth and shared the gift he has.
What a huge heart housed inside such a small vessel! My sweet nephew is part of the rising generation passionately displaying Christ to this world. These are the children we hear of who immediately stop to pray for their sick mom or dad, daydream about their heavenly homes, and carry Jesus with them to the bus stop. These children are clear reflections of what Jesus was talking about when He said to His disciples, “...Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Luke 18:16-17
Back on that recent morning in my car, I took a chance to encourage my niece and nephew to step out in a special way in the midst their day. I had no idea it would have been received with such impact or that it would have caused such an awesome story to come about.
I’d like to use that opportunity to remind each of us that children do listen, and that the words of life we speak to each other really do hold great weight for the Kingdom of God. As I described to my nephew, each time we share God’s love with another, it plants a seed...EVERY SINGLE TIME. That morning, I could have stopped with, “I love you,” but I didn’t. Without thinking twice, I chose to sow...
In what way can you encourage another person to step out? And how can you, yourself, go out and shine Christ? Maybe today is the day God will open a door for you to sow into the heart of the person next to you at the gas pump. You might feel cumbersome or even silly stepping out in your faith, but the more you do it, the more it becomes second nature. If all else fails, think back to my little Cole Bear...if an 8-year-old child can share God’s message, you and I can too. And so, my friend, I proclaim to you today, “Love you! Go shine some Jesus...”
Still Amazed,
Katie Marie
Over the last few months, I’ve been infinitely blessed to be surrounded by my family in my hometown. In the past years I’ve traveled so much, it’s been impossible to have consistent, steady months of quality time with each of them. So these days have been an unforgettable series of gifts to me.
Some of my most treasured moments have been with my two nieces and nephew. It’s been such a blast to be available to pour my love into them and share my passion for Jesus with these sweet children. I’m blessed to pick them up from the bus stop, serve up chicken noodle soup in their favorite mugs, make heart-shaped peanut butter sandwiches, and just hang out.
We’ve already built countless memories filled with long walks on the beach talking about Jesus, God’s awesome power, and even what heaven will be like. Together, we’ve dreamed of the huge gates of heaven, each made of a single pearl, described the specifications of our unique heavenly mansions, and a million other things. We've even sung spontaneous original worship songs to God at the top of our lungs as we laid out on an ice-covered lake. These are the moments I will cherish forever...
Sometimes I’m even there to cuddle up in bed with them and pray. Just last night, Cole prayed, “Thank you for dying on the cross...that people would respect that...that people on earth would know You...” Though fragmented, these prayers were heart-felt and genuine. That sleepy little boy desired for other people to understand what he, himself understands: Jesus is real, alive, and wants everyone on earth to love Him.
A couple of mornings ago, I dropped Cole and Elissa off to catch their bus to school. As they opened my car door to be on their way, I yelled, “Love you! Go shine some Jesus!” And with that, the door slammed shut. I figured it probably went in one ear and right back out the other, but it didn’t...
Out of the blue yesterday as Cole and I were hanging out after school, he said, “Hey Aunt Katie, after you told us to go talk about God at school the other day, I told some kids about Jesus and two chose Him.” I almost fell over as the words crossed his lips! I’m sure my eyes were as big as saucers as I begged him to tell me exactly how the whole scene played out.
Cole explained how he told the boys that Jesus died for them to save them from their sin and that they could choose to have Him live in their hearts. They could be in heaven with Him forever instead of the ‘very bad place’ we all deserve because of sin...
He then proceeded to tell me about one of the other boys who didn’t believe what he was saying. This little boy said, “There is no such thing as the ‘bad place.’ Everyone gets to go to heaven if you’re a good person.” This rebuttal was clearly difficult for Cole to accept because in his heart, he knew it was not true.
I encouraged him by explaining that every time he takes a chance to talk about Jesus, it’s like he’s planting a seed in the person’s heart. Whether the person seems to accept it or not, Cole has done his part. After the seed is planted, it’s God’s job to nurture it. I let him know that every time he talks to that friend about Jesus, it will help the seed’s roots grow deeper.
As Cole sat there on my lap, I hugged and hugged him. I asked question after question as the story details were revealed. This little boy wore his faith on his sleeve, took a huge leap, and offered the awesome salvation of Christ to his classmates. It was simple to him – he’s excited about Jesus and wants those around him to know what he knows. He opened his mouth and shared the gift he has.
What a huge heart housed inside such a small vessel! My sweet nephew is part of the rising generation passionately displaying Christ to this world. These are the children we hear of who immediately stop to pray for their sick mom or dad, daydream about their heavenly homes, and carry Jesus with them to the bus stop. These children are clear reflections of what Jesus was talking about when He said to His disciples, “...Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Luke 18:16-17
Back on that recent morning in my car, I took a chance to encourage my niece and nephew to step out in a special way in the midst their day. I had no idea it would have been received with such impact or that it would have caused such an awesome story to come about.
I’d like to use that opportunity to remind each of us that children do listen, and that the words of life we speak to each other really do hold great weight for the Kingdom of God. As I described to my nephew, each time we share God’s love with another, it plants a seed...EVERY SINGLE TIME. That morning, I could have stopped with, “I love you,” but I didn’t. Without thinking twice, I chose to sow...
In what way can you encourage another person to step out? And how can you, yourself, go out and shine Christ? Maybe today is the day God will open a door for you to sow into the heart of the person next to you at the gas pump. You might feel cumbersome or even silly stepping out in your faith, but the more you do it, the more it becomes second nature. If all else fails, think back to my little Cole Bear...if an 8-year-old child can share God’s message, you and I can too. And so, my friend, I proclaim to you today, “Love you! Go shine some Jesus...”
Still Amazed,
Katie Marie
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Resurrection Weekend to you, my blog friend! I’d like to share a little story with you. Just the other day I was standing in the checkout line at a local Walgreens when my eyes were drawn to some movement coming from a high window.
Gorgeous, puffy clouds were being pushed forward on a jet stream high in the sky. A moment later my gaze was pulled over to the ticking hands of the store’s clock just beside the window. As the second hand rounded 12 o’clock, it began traveling in the exact same direction as the clouds. Though the two were aligned for but a few brief moments, they continued to contain one similarity: forward movement.
Suddenly, the realization that life was quickly passing and clearly moving forward came to mind. Much like watching the time slip by on a running microwave, I was keenly aware of just how fleeting time is. Not only that, but life is being continuously moved along by the very hand of God.
Today you may be feeling like His touch is a bit too fast-paced or perhaps that He’s not carrying you forward quickly enough. You might find yourself wishing your days would simply slow down to a tolerable pace. Maybe you’re longing for that second hand of the clock to wiz around and around to hasten your timeline and plans. Are you trying to hit the pause on your clock or are your moments dragging on without end?
Most times it seems my days pass too quickly. But that day, as I watched those sweeping clouds rolling forward with the tick of that clock, I found myself actually thankful for the fast-forward movement of this life. You see, I am longing for the first moment when time no longer exists. On that glorious day, I will gaze upon the face of my risen Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I can’t wait to feel His loving embrace, touch those nail-scarred hands, and kiss the feet of Him who carried the rugged cross for me. Face to face with Jesus, I’ll attempt to find the words to somehow express my gratitude for His supreme sacrifice for my life.
No matter the circumstances you find yourself in over this blessed Easter weekend, ponder this thought: with every step you take and every tick of the second hand, you are one moment closer to seeing your risen Savior. Are you ready?
Let us not allow ourselves to question God’s timeline or tolerate ticking clocks that distract from the Kingdom work He has for us. Neither of those are luxuries we can afford. Instead, let’s keep our eyes and attentions focused on what really matters. Our Heavenly Father holds all of time in His hands and His push is the absolute perfect pace.
May each of us live out every second consciously reflecting the beautiful redemption we have so freely received. Christ hung upon that splintered tree for us, and His mind was completely focused on our unique faces throughout those fatal hours. In return, I pray God would forever imprint the heart-wrenching image of His only Son splayed upon that cross into the forefront of our minds.
We can’t alter the passing of time or the forward thrust of life, but we can grow in our depth of gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice and anticipation of being in His presence. We know not the day or the hour, but one day soon we ourselves will be caught up to meet Christ in the most breathtaking of clouds...
“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (NIV)
Gorgeous, puffy clouds were being pushed forward on a jet stream high in the sky. A moment later my gaze was pulled over to the ticking hands of the store’s clock just beside the window. As the second hand rounded 12 o’clock, it began traveling in the exact same direction as the clouds. Though the two were aligned for but a few brief moments, they continued to contain one similarity: forward movement.
Suddenly, the realization that life was quickly passing and clearly moving forward came to mind. Much like watching the time slip by on a running microwave, I was keenly aware of just how fleeting time is. Not only that, but life is being continuously moved along by the very hand of God.
Today you may be feeling like His touch is a bit too fast-paced or perhaps that He’s not carrying you forward quickly enough. You might find yourself wishing your days would simply slow down to a tolerable pace. Maybe you’re longing for that second hand of the clock to wiz around and around to hasten your timeline and plans. Are you trying to hit the pause on your clock or are your moments dragging on without end?
Most times it seems my days pass too quickly. But that day, as I watched those sweeping clouds rolling forward with the tick of that clock, I found myself actually thankful for the fast-forward movement of this life. You see, I am longing for the first moment when time no longer exists. On that glorious day, I will gaze upon the face of my risen Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I can’t wait to feel His loving embrace, touch those nail-scarred hands, and kiss the feet of Him who carried the rugged cross for me. Face to face with Jesus, I’ll attempt to find the words to somehow express my gratitude for His supreme sacrifice for my life.
No matter the circumstances you find yourself in over this blessed Easter weekend, ponder this thought: with every step you take and every tick of the second hand, you are one moment closer to seeing your risen Savior. Are you ready?
Let us not allow ourselves to question God’s timeline or tolerate ticking clocks that distract from the Kingdom work He has for us. Neither of those are luxuries we can afford. Instead, let’s keep our eyes and attentions focused on what really matters. Our Heavenly Father holds all of time in His hands and His push is the absolute perfect pace.
May each of us live out every second consciously reflecting the beautiful redemption we have so freely received. Christ hung upon that splintered tree for us, and His mind was completely focused on our unique faces throughout those fatal hours. In return, I pray God would forever imprint the heart-wrenching image of His only Son splayed upon that cross into the forefront of our minds.
We can’t alter the passing of time or the forward thrust of life, but we can grow in our depth of gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice and anticipation of being in His presence. We know not the day or the hour, but one day soon we ourselves will be caught up to meet Christ in the most breathtaking of clouds...
“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (NIV)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Devotion #27 from my upcoming book, AN ECLECTIC DEVOTION. I pray it encourages you in your place of need today...
Sometimes life can take you to the very end of your rope. Struggles can bury you with burdens, overwhelming fear, weakness, and feelings of failure. Before you know it, you are buried over your head in the dirt of this life. But, don’t give up. At the very moment your last ounce of strength is about to run out, that is the time you must push through.
Think of the first hint of spring. A tender seed begins to grow beneath the earth, just out of sight. Though nothing is visible from above ground, much energy is being expended just below the surface. The emerging embryo advances its tiny, delicate roots, searching for moisture and nutrients as it struggles through the weighty soil opposing its upward ascent. Finally, new life bursts into the light, freed from its dormancy. In the coming days, it will blossom to share its fragrant face with the world.
You are that seed. You must push through…for it’s in those days yet to be lived that you will truly bless the earth and eternity to come. If you fail to press through the last moments of your most difficult challenges, those you are meant to influence will never be allowed that gift. They will miss the chance to experience the blessings intended for them through your story.
These people may be walking right along the shallow ground you lay just beneath, laden with their own troubles. They could even be trudging down the same road you’ve walked, lugging the exact same burdens you’ve struggled to carry around. Someone is waiting right now at the very place you are meant to appear in triumph.
If you do not push through, the world will never be inspired by you or learn from your journey. No matter where you are, there are many people waiting just on the other side of your breakthrough. Focus on these faces as you fight and conquer the dirt pinning you down. They need you to push through victoriously. This conquest is more than worth the struggle, for the world is waiting for you…
“So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.” 2 Timothy 2:10 (NLT)
Father God, please give me Christ’s perfect strength to endure and push through my present circumstances. I know there are lives meant to know the “me” on the other side of my struggles. I know I need You to help me in this. On my own, I have nothing and I am nothing; You are my everything. Please transform me into the person You created me to be and prepare me for the souls I am meant to bless with my life. I love you, Lord, and I can do all things through You, my strength. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.
Sometimes life can take you to the very end of your rope. Struggles can bury you with burdens, overwhelming fear, weakness, and feelings of failure. Before you know it, you are buried over your head in the dirt of this life. But, don’t give up. At the very moment your last ounce of strength is about to run out, that is the time you must push through.
Think of the first hint of spring. A tender seed begins to grow beneath the earth, just out of sight. Though nothing is visible from above ground, much energy is being expended just below the surface. The emerging embryo advances its tiny, delicate roots, searching for moisture and nutrients as it struggles through the weighty soil opposing its upward ascent. Finally, new life bursts into the light, freed from its dormancy. In the coming days, it will blossom to share its fragrant face with the world.
You are that seed. You must push through…for it’s in those days yet to be lived that you will truly bless the earth and eternity to come. If you fail to press through the last moments of your most difficult challenges, those you are meant to influence will never be allowed that gift. They will miss the chance to experience the blessings intended for them through your story.
These people may be walking right along the shallow ground you lay just beneath, laden with their own troubles. They could even be trudging down the same road you’ve walked, lugging the exact same burdens you’ve struggled to carry around. Someone is waiting right now at the very place you are meant to appear in triumph.
If you do not push through, the world will never be inspired by you or learn from your journey. No matter where you are, there are many people waiting just on the other side of your breakthrough. Focus on these faces as you fight and conquer the dirt pinning you down. They need you to push through victoriously. This conquest is more than worth the struggle, for the world is waiting for you…
“So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.” 2 Timothy 2:10 (NLT)
Father God, please give me Christ’s perfect strength to endure and push through my present circumstances. I know there are lives meant to know the “me” on the other side of my struggles. I know I need You to help me in this. On my own, I have nothing and I am nothing; You are my everything. Please transform me into the person You created me to be and prepare me for the souls I am meant to bless with my life. I love you, Lord, and I can do all things through You, my strength. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Of all the places I’ve ever set foot, one small waterfront city holds my heart – the timeless shores of Grand Haven, Michigan. I must say, though I may be biased, it is arguably the most beautiful area in all of Western Michigan, if not the country. I was raised not far from its perfect beaches, but I’ve lived out of state so much over the last few years, I haven’t visited that favorite place in almost two summers.
Last night was the perfect night; I celebrated my birthday’s eve right out on Grand Haven’s famous pier. Just as the spring sun was setting over the vast waters of Lake Michigan, my party people and I strolled down the massive pier. I was struck by the profound beauty. God was all around...
The past few weeks the weather has carried such a nip on its breezes, not many people could have withstood direct exposure to the wind-chill whipping across the waters. But yesterday was the very first time it had reached the mid to even upper 60’s since the fall. With a slight touch of humidity in the air, the moisture held the heat of the radiant day and wrapped us in a blanket of warmth. It was glorious!
As we ventured towards the tip of the jetty, off in the distance I heard the faint trailing of an acoustic guitar. Before I could even pick out a single note or recognize a lyric, deep inside I knew what I was hearing...the unmistakable sounds of worship. We made our way around to the very head of the pier and my intuition proved correct. There before us sat a gathering of high school students led by a single 6-string guitarist. This group was passionately pursuing the heart of God, and He was definitely inhabiting the praises of these young people.
I was taken aback...
You see, what I had stumbled upon was certainly not the type of situation you’d experience on any given Saturday night at the end of the Grand Haven pier. In fact, I was so excited to encounter such an awesome phenomenon, that I walked right up and asked them what church they all went to. Much to my surprise, they all explained that each went to different churches scattered throughout the Grand Rapids area.
These teens had made plans to drive 60-some miles to gather out at the beach just so they could publicly display adoration for the One who made them. And they didn’t wait until the sun had set to begin worshiping. They didn’t hide their faces under the cover of darkness; they boldly began to express deep love for their Savior in clear daylight.
If this cluster of teens I crossed paths with gives even a glimpse of the emerging generation, this world had better just hold on. To quote Hillsong’s Hosanna lyrics, “I see a generation rising up to take their place with selfless faith." That is exactly what I witnessed last night – selfless faith. Instead of getting wild at a house party, this group was crazy for Jesus and they weren't ashamed to show it. They could have been out anywhere painting the towns all shades of red, but instead they had placed themselves upon that sturdy, Lighthouse-decorated was their platform for praise.
There is nothing like standing with arms splayed out wide before an endless view of rolling waters. Few things compare to gazing out at the brilliantly painted horizon, giving your heart to the One who brushed in every color and detail. And because of these teens' selfless faith, I was given a spontaneous opportunity to worship my God with abandon in that exact way...
As I stood there joining my voice with their harmonies, I lifted my thanks and hands to the Creator of all things. I smiled up at the moon sliced sky as we proclaimed, “Together we sing: Holy is the Lord God Almighty; the earth is filled with His glory; the earth is filled with His glory...” I will never forget the moments we shared.
To any of my new pier friends reading this: I wasn’t joking when I said you all were my birthday gift from Jesus. You truly were - thank you for touching me with your awesome hearts and conversation. I can’t think of a more meaningful way to ring in another year of life than to worship the RISEN Savior, Jesus Christ, with all of you.
You, my sweet high school friends, are an inspiration...not just to me, but to all who saw and heard you last night. We were deeply impacted as we witnessed such a passionate group of worshipers. Clearly, you understand that our God is a mighty God...He’s a tangible God...and He is so worthy of our praise.
To each person taking in these words today: I pray that with every breath you take, you would exhale more and more of Jesus’ passion and grace into this dying world. I pray God ignites your heart to inferno proportions as you go out, a living example of the redeemed life available through Christ. Continue to radiate God’s all-consuming love for His treasured creation; never stop shining for Him.
May each of us stand as a constant, faithful beacon of light, flashing to all of those souls stranded out in the foggy seas of this life...
“...Become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.” Philippians 2:15-16 (NIV)
Shining On,
Katie Marie
Last night was the perfect night; I celebrated my birthday’s eve right out on Grand Haven’s famous pier. Just as the spring sun was setting over the vast waters of Lake Michigan, my party people and I strolled down the massive pier. I was struck by the profound beauty. God was all around...
The past few weeks the weather has carried such a nip on its breezes, not many people could have withstood direct exposure to the wind-chill whipping across the waters. But yesterday was the very first time it had reached the mid to even upper 60’s since the fall. With a slight touch of humidity in the air, the moisture held the heat of the radiant day and wrapped us in a blanket of warmth. It was glorious!
As we ventured towards the tip of the jetty, off in the distance I heard the faint trailing of an acoustic guitar. Before I could even pick out a single note or recognize a lyric, deep inside I knew what I was hearing...the unmistakable sounds of worship. We made our way around to the very head of the pier and my intuition proved correct. There before us sat a gathering of high school students led by a single 6-string guitarist. This group was passionately pursuing the heart of God, and He was definitely inhabiting the praises of these young people.
I was taken aback...
You see, what I had stumbled upon was certainly not the type of situation you’d experience on any given Saturday night at the end of the Grand Haven pier. In fact, I was so excited to encounter such an awesome phenomenon, that I walked right up and asked them what church they all went to. Much to my surprise, they all explained that each went to different churches scattered throughout the Grand Rapids area.
These teens had made plans to drive 60-some miles to gather out at the beach just so they could publicly display adoration for the One who made them. And they didn’t wait until the sun had set to begin worshiping. They didn’t hide their faces under the cover of darkness; they boldly began to express deep love for their Savior in clear daylight.
If this cluster of teens I crossed paths with gives even a glimpse of the emerging generation, this world had better just hold on. To quote Hillsong’s Hosanna lyrics, “I see a generation rising up to take their place with selfless faith." That is exactly what I witnessed last night – selfless faith. Instead of getting wild at a house party, this group was crazy for Jesus and they weren't ashamed to show it. They could have been out anywhere painting the towns all shades of red, but instead they had placed themselves upon that sturdy, Lighthouse-decorated was their platform for praise.
There is nothing like standing with arms splayed out wide before an endless view of rolling waters. Few things compare to gazing out at the brilliantly painted horizon, giving your heart to the One who brushed in every color and detail. And because of these teens' selfless faith, I was given a spontaneous opportunity to worship my God with abandon in that exact way...
As I stood there joining my voice with their harmonies, I lifted my thanks and hands to the Creator of all things. I smiled up at the moon sliced sky as we proclaimed, “Together we sing: Holy is the Lord God Almighty; the earth is filled with His glory; the earth is filled with His glory...” I will never forget the moments we shared.
To any of my new pier friends reading this: I wasn’t joking when I said you all were my birthday gift from Jesus. You truly were - thank you for touching me with your awesome hearts and conversation. I can’t think of a more meaningful way to ring in another year of life than to worship the RISEN Savior, Jesus Christ, with all of you.
You, my sweet high school friends, are an inspiration...not just to me, but to all who saw and heard you last night. We were deeply impacted as we witnessed such a passionate group of worshipers. Clearly, you understand that our God is a mighty God...He’s a tangible God...and He is so worthy of our praise.
To each person taking in these words today: I pray that with every breath you take, you would exhale more and more of Jesus’ passion and grace into this dying world. I pray God ignites your heart to inferno proportions as you go out, a living example of the redeemed life available through Christ. Continue to radiate God’s all-consuming love for His treasured creation; never stop shining for Him.
May each of us stand as a constant, faithful beacon of light, flashing to all of those souls stranded out in the foggy seas of this life...
“...Become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.” Philippians 2:15-16 (NIV)
Shining On,
Katie Marie
Friday, April 8, 2011
There is nothing like the security of a true embrace – a strong, heartfelt hug from someone who deeply loves you. Within its few meaningful moments, you can’t help but close your eyes, feeling so protected, understood, and treasured.
God is the author of the original and most powerful embrace of all times...“I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.” Romans 8:38 (MSG)
Absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God because of all Jesus did for us...because of the way He has embraced us.’s 6th definition of this word helps further paint the picture: “To encircle; surround; enclose.”
We were once fully embraced by God in the Garden of Eden. But one day Sin painted itself in the scene and its hideous fingers ripped us from the very arms of our loving Father. Sin not only tore us from the security of His arms; it drove a wedge between us. There we were: hopelessly stranded and separated from our Creator by an impassable chasm.
Sadly, there was no way in our own human effort or schemes that we could make the journey back over to His side. God was Holy...suddenly, we were not. And no one could have been more brokenhearted over this split than He. In all His wisdom and faithfulness, the Almighty had already devised the perfect plan and set out to make things right. The Lord knew the only way to make our relationship whole again was to send His perfect son, Jesus, to come and fill the gap; to cover our sin with His sacrifice and redemption.
God sent Jesus to earth on a very specific and selfless mission: to embrace you. He came to encircle, surround, and enclose you. Because of this impenetrable grip, nothing can now estrange you from the love of your Holy God. His strong arms have formed a bond that cannot be broken by anything or anyone. The New Living Translation goes farther to say that not even your fears for today or worries of tomorrow can drive a wedge between His affections and you.
“...Absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.”
I don’t know if you’ve received a meaningful hug yet today, but I’m here to remind you that Jesus is embracing you in His arms right now. And within those arms are two of His greatest possessions: God’s unending love and you, His redeemed child. He conquered height and depth just to hold you at this very moment. But this is not a fleeting hug; it is a grip that will envelop every inch of your being until forever finds its end. Now close your eyes, take a deep breath, and revel in the wonder of this magnificent embrace...
In His Arms,
Katie Marie
God is the author of the original and most powerful embrace of all times...“I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.” Romans 8:38 (MSG)
Absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God because of all Jesus did for us...because of the way He has embraced us.’s 6th definition of this word helps further paint the picture: “To encircle; surround; enclose.”
We were once fully embraced by God in the Garden of Eden. But one day Sin painted itself in the scene and its hideous fingers ripped us from the very arms of our loving Father. Sin not only tore us from the security of His arms; it drove a wedge between us. There we were: hopelessly stranded and separated from our Creator by an impassable chasm.
Sadly, there was no way in our own human effort or schemes that we could make the journey back over to His side. God was Holy...suddenly, we were not. And no one could have been more brokenhearted over this split than He. In all His wisdom and faithfulness, the Almighty had already devised the perfect plan and set out to make things right. The Lord knew the only way to make our relationship whole again was to send His perfect son, Jesus, to come and fill the gap; to cover our sin with His sacrifice and redemption.
God sent Jesus to earth on a very specific and selfless mission: to embrace you. He came to encircle, surround, and enclose you. Because of this impenetrable grip, nothing can now estrange you from the love of your Holy God. His strong arms have formed a bond that cannot be broken by anything or anyone. The New Living Translation goes farther to say that not even your fears for today or worries of tomorrow can drive a wedge between His affections and you.
“...Absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.”
I don’t know if you’ve received a meaningful hug yet today, but I’m here to remind you that Jesus is embracing you in His arms right now. And within those arms are two of His greatest possessions: God’s unending love and you, His redeemed child. He conquered height and depth just to hold you at this very moment. But this is not a fleeting hug; it is a grip that will envelop every inch of your being until forever finds its end. Now close your eyes, take a deep breath, and revel in the wonder of this magnificent embrace...
In His Arms,
Katie Marie
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A few moments ago I stopped to gaze out the window before me. As my eyes settled on the waters of the inland lake off in the distance, I followed the ripples of the water as they danced along down the lake. A strong current was carrying them along.
If we so choose, we can fight the current of life with all of our might. We can exhaust ourselves struggling upstream or allow God’s stream to peacefully carry us along. If we really do believe, deep down, that His interests are for our ultimate best, why not let go and allow Him to carry us along?
Of course, this sounds easier than it actually is. Immersed in an ever-changing world, we all long to have answers and to maintain the feeling of some level of control. We want stability – something constant to count on, day after day.
Well, with each day I live I learn more and more that there are pretty much two constants surrounding us – God and change. God is the Author of all and the very orchestrator of life. He may not always like the results human free will has created, but He does have the power to reign supreme.
Even as I write, I’m watching the waters continue along the current. As long as this lake exists, water laps its shores and the wind blows, this current will remain. It may change directions or course, but the flow will continue. The same is true considering the currents of life.
If you are walking each day with Jesus, you don’t have to settle for the chaotic waters of this world. You’re headed for a different destination, carried by a stronger tide.
The water’s current is a simple picture to behold, but I pray you will take this message to heart. You may not know where you’re headed, but God does. You might not even know how you landed in the spot you find yourself in today, but God does. He knows everything about you and is fully present in the waters surrounding you. Will you let go and stop fighting to swim upstream? Allow God the freedom to release you from the anxieties, questions, and burdens you’re holding right now. May He peacefully carry you along on His current today...
Swept Along,
Katie Marie
If we so choose, we can fight the current of life with all of our might. We can exhaust ourselves struggling upstream or allow God’s stream to peacefully carry us along. If we really do believe, deep down, that His interests are for our ultimate best, why not let go and allow Him to carry us along?
Of course, this sounds easier than it actually is. Immersed in an ever-changing world, we all long to have answers and to maintain the feeling of some level of control. We want stability – something constant to count on, day after day.
Well, with each day I live I learn more and more that there are pretty much two constants surrounding us – God and change. God is the Author of all and the very orchestrator of life. He may not always like the results human free will has created, but He does have the power to reign supreme.
Even as I write, I’m watching the waters continue along the current. As long as this lake exists, water laps its shores and the wind blows, this current will remain. It may change directions or course, but the flow will continue. The same is true considering the currents of life.
If you are walking each day with Jesus, you don’t have to settle for the chaotic waters of this world. You’re headed for a different destination, carried by a stronger tide.
The water’s current is a simple picture to behold, but I pray you will take this message to heart. You may not know where you’re headed, but God does. You might not even know how you landed in the spot you find yourself in today, but God does. He knows everything about you and is fully present in the waters surrounding you. Will you let go and stop fighting to swim upstream? Allow God the freedom to release you from the anxieties, questions, and burdens you’re holding right now. May He peacefully carry you along on His current today...
Swept Along,
Katie Marie
Friday, March 25, 2011
How long did it take you to decide what you were going to wear today? Did you shove your way through drawers or rifle through the closet to find the clothes that best fit your mood? Perhaps you haphazardly threw on whatever was clean as you rushed out the door to your daily appointments. Are you a “set it all out the night before” type of person or do you just fly by the seat of your pants in the morning?
Some people take lots of time picking clothing out of their wardrobe each day while others barely give a moment’s thought at all. There are those most comfortable in 3 piece suits and shiny wingtips among others who rarely stray from jeans, a t-shirt and flip-flops. This variety is the spice of life.
But what about our wardrobe, spiritually speaking? Jesus told us to not worry about what clothes we’ll wear because there are far more important things to contemplate. So what does He think we should wear?
“So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline...and regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.” Colossians 3:12, 14 (MSG)
As I read that last phrase, I realized no matter what our daily routine for picking out physical clothing, we need to ponder our wardrobe of love and be sure to never take it off. What if while we’re placing our next morning’s clothes on the chair, we’re also picking out possible ways to love on another person? What would happen if we all spent more time thinking about the love we are called to wear than the very shirts on our backs?
This is a truly challenging and thought-provoking concept to me, so I thought I would also share it with you. I believe if we spend ample time picking out our love-clothes, they’ll be more accessible when we need them. After all, Colossians tells us God has already picked out a fine wardrobe for us. We just have to be sure to put it on and never be without it.
Wherever this day finds you and whatever clothes you’ve covered yourself with, remember that love is the most important. As The Message beautifully says, “It’s our basic, all-purpose garment.” Love may not be the easiest to remember and certainly not always the most comfortable garment to wear, but the more we remember to put it on, the more a part of our very being it will become...
Clothed in Love,
Katie Marie
Some people take lots of time picking clothing out of their wardrobe each day while others barely give a moment’s thought at all. There are those most comfortable in 3 piece suits and shiny wingtips among others who rarely stray from jeans, a t-shirt and flip-flops. This variety is the spice of life.
But what about our wardrobe, spiritually speaking? Jesus told us to not worry about what clothes we’ll wear because there are far more important things to contemplate. So what does He think we should wear?
“So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline...and regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.” Colossians 3:12, 14 (MSG)
As I read that last phrase, I realized no matter what our daily routine for picking out physical clothing, we need to ponder our wardrobe of love and be sure to never take it off. What if while we’re placing our next morning’s clothes on the chair, we’re also picking out possible ways to love on another person? What would happen if we all spent more time thinking about the love we are called to wear than the very shirts on our backs?
This is a truly challenging and thought-provoking concept to me, so I thought I would also share it with you. I believe if we spend ample time picking out our love-clothes, they’ll be more accessible when we need them. After all, Colossians tells us God has already picked out a fine wardrobe for us. We just have to be sure to put it on and never be without it.
Wherever this day finds you and whatever clothes you’ve covered yourself with, remember that love is the most important. As The Message beautifully says, “It’s our basic, all-purpose garment.” Love may not be the easiest to remember and certainly not always the most comfortable garment to wear, but the more we remember to put it on, the more a part of our very being it will become...
Clothed in Love,
Katie Marie
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