Friday, April 29, 2011


It’s amazing the places God brings us as we travel through different seasons of life. He definitely has a plan and purpose for each new destination, both physically and spiritually speaking.

Over the last few months, I’ve been infinitely blessed to be surrounded by my family in my hometown. In the past years I’ve traveled so much, it’s been impossible to have consistent, steady months of quality time with each of them. So these days have been an unforgettable series of gifts to me.

Some of my most treasured moments have been with my two nieces and nephew. It’s been such a blast to be available to pour my love into them and share my passion for Jesus with these sweet children. I’m blessed to pick them up from the bus stop, serve up chicken noodle soup in their favorite mugs, make heart-shaped peanut butter sandwiches, and just hang out.

We’ve already built countless memories filled with long walks on the beach talking about Jesus, God’s awesome power, and even what heaven will be like. Together, we’ve dreamed of the huge gates of heaven, each made of a single pearl, described the specifications of our unique heavenly mansions, and a million other things. We've even sung spontaneous original worship songs to God at the top of our lungs as we laid out on an ice-covered lake. These are the moments I will cherish forever...

Sometimes I’m even there to cuddle up in bed with them and pray. Just last night, Cole prayed, “Thank you for dying on the cross...that people would respect that...that people on earth would know You...” Though fragmented, these prayers were heart-felt and genuine. That sleepy little boy desired for other people to understand what he, himself understands: Jesus is real, alive, and wants everyone on earth to love Him.

A couple of mornings ago, I dropped Cole and Elissa off to catch their bus to school. As they opened my car door to be on their way, I yelled, “Love you! Go shine some Jesus!” And with that, the door slammed shut. I figured it probably went in one ear and right back out the other, but it didn’t...

Out of the blue yesterday as Cole and I were hanging out after school, he said, “Hey Aunt Katie, after you told us to go talk about God at school the other day, I told some kids about Jesus and two chose Him.” I almost fell over as the words crossed his lips! I’m sure my eyes were as big as saucers as I begged him to tell me exactly how the whole scene played out.

Cole explained how he told the boys that Jesus died for them to save them from their sin and that they could choose to have Him live in their hearts. They could be in heaven with Him forever instead of the ‘very bad place’ we all deserve because of sin...

He then proceeded to tell me about one of the other boys who didn’t believe what he was saying. This little boy said, “There is no such thing as the ‘bad place.’ Everyone gets to go to heaven if you’re a good person.” This rebuttal was clearly difficult for Cole to accept because in his heart, he knew it was not true.

I encouraged him by explaining that every time he takes a chance to talk about Jesus, it’s like he’s planting a seed in the person’s heart. Whether the person seems to accept it or not, Cole has done his part. After the seed is planted, it’s God’s job to nurture it. I let him know that every time he talks to that friend about Jesus, it will help the seed’s roots grow deeper.

As Cole sat there on my lap, I hugged and hugged him. I asked question after question as the story details were revealed. This little boy wore his faith on his sleeve, took a huge leap, and offered the awesome salvation of Christ to his classmates. It was simple to him – he’s excited about Jesus and wants those around him to know what he knows. He opened his mouth and shared the gift he has.

What a huge heart housed inside such a small vessel! My sweet nephew is part of the rising generation passionately displaying Christ to this world. These are the children we hear of who immediately stop to pray for their sick mom or dad, daydream about their heavenly homes, and carry Jesus with them to the bus stop. These children are clear reflections of what Jesus was talking about when He said to His disciples, “...Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Luke 18:16-17

Back on that recent morning in my car, I took a chance to encourage my niece and nephew to step out in a special way in the midst their day. I had no idea it would have been received with such impact or that it would have caused such an awesome story to come about.

I’d like to use that opportunity to remind each of us that children do listen, and that the words of life we speak to each other really do hold great weight for the Kingdom of God. As I described to my nephew, each time we share God’s love with another, it plants a seed...EVERY SINGLE TIME. That morning, I could have stopped with, “I love you,” but I didn’t. Without thinking twice, I chose to sow...

In what way can you encourage another person to step out? And how can you, yourself, go out and shine Christ? Maybe today is the day God will open a door for you to sow into the heart of the person next to you at the gas pump. You might feel cumbersome or even silly stepping out in your faith, but the more you do it, the more it becomes second nature. If all else fails, think back to my little Cole Bear...if an 8-year-old child can share God’s message, you and I can too. And so, my friend, I proclaim to you today, “Love you! Go shine some Jesus...”

Still Amazed,
Katie Marie

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Resurrection Weekend to you, my blog friend! I’d like to share a little story with you. Just the other day I was standing in the checkout line at a local Walgreens when my eyes were drawn to some movement coming from a high window.

Gorgeous, puffy clouds were being pushed forward on a jet stream high in the sky. A moment later my gaze was pulled over to the ticking hands of the store’s clock just beside the window. As the second hand rounded 12 o’clock, it began traveling in the exact same direction as the clouds. Though the two were aligned for but a few brief moments, they continued to contain one similarity: forward movement.

Suddenly, the realization that life was quickly passing and clearly moving forward came to mind. Much like watching the time slip by on a running microwave, I was keenly aware of just how fleeting time is. Not only that, but life is being continuously moved along by the very hand of God.

Today you may be feeling like His touch is a bit too fast-paced or perhaps that He’s not carrying you forward quickly enough. You might find yourself wishing your days would simply slow down to a tolerable pace. Maybe you’re longing for that second hand of the clock to wiz around and around to hasten your timeline and plans. Are you trying to hit the pause on your clock or are your moments dragging on without end?

Most times it seems my days pass too quickly. But that day, as I watched those sweeping clouds rolling forward with the tick of that clock, I found myself actually thankful for the fast-forward movement of this life. You see, I am longing for the first moment when time no longer exists. On that glorious day, I will gaze upon the face of my risen Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I can’t wait to feel His loving embrace, touch those nail-scarred hands, and kiss the feet of Him who carried the rugged cross for me. Face to face with Jesus, I’ll attempt to find the words to somehow express my gratitude for His supreme sacrifice for my life.

No matter the circumstances you find yourself in over this blessed Easter weekend, ponder this thought: with every step you take and every tick of the second hand, you are one moment closer to seeing your risen Savior. Are you ready?

Let us not allow ourselves to question God’s timeline or tolerate ticking clocks that distract from the Kingdom work He has for us. Neither of those are luxuries we can afford. Instead, let’s keep our eyes and attentions focused on what really matters. Our Heavenly Father holds all of time in His hands and His push is the absolute perfect pace.

May each of us live out every second consciously reflecting the beautiful redemption we have so freely received. Christ hung upon that splintered tree for us, and His mind was completely focused on our unique faces throughout those fatal hours. In return, I pray God would forever imprint the heart-wrenching image of His only Son splayed upon that cross into the forefront of our minds.

We can’t alter the passing of time or the forward thrust of life, but we can grow in our depth of gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice and anticipation of being in His presence. We know not the day or the hour, but one day soon we ourselves will be caught up to meet Christ in the most breathtaking of clouds...

“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (NIV)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Devotion #27 from my upcoming book, AN ECLECTIC DEVOTION. I pray it encourages you in your place of need today...

Sometimes life can take you to the very end of your rope. Struggles can bury you with burdens, overwhelming fear, weakness, and feelings of failure. Before you know it, you are buried over your head in the dirt of this life. But, don’t give up. At the very moment your last ounce of strength is about to run out, that is the time you must push through.

Think of the first hint of spring. A tender seed begins to grow beneath the earth, just out of sight. Though nothing is visible from above ground, much energy is being expended just below the surface. The emerging embryo advances its tiny, delicate roots, searching for moisture and nutrients as it struggles through the weighty soil opposing its upward ascent. Finally, new life bursts into the light, freed from its dormancy. In the coming days, it will blossom to share its fragrant face with the world.

You are that seed. You must push through…for it’s in those days yet to be lived that you will truly bless the earth and eternity to come. If you fail to press through the last moments of your most difficult challenges, those you are meant to influence will never be allowed that gift. They will miss the chance to experience the blessings intended for them through your story.

These people may be walking right along the shallow ground you lay just beneath, laden with their own troubles. They could even be trudging down the same road you’ve walked, lugging the exact same burdens you’ve struggled to carry around. Someone is waiting right now at the very place you are meant to appear in triumph.

If you do not push through, the world will never be inspired by you or learn from your journey. No matter where you are, there are many people waiting just on the other side of your breakthrough. Focus on these faces as you fight and conquer the dirt pinning you down. They need you to push through victoriously. This conquest is more than worth the struggle, for the world is waiting for you

“So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.” 2 Timothy 2:10 (NLT)

Father God, please give me Christ’s perfect strength to endure and push through my present circumstances. I know there are lives meant to know the “me” on the other side of my struggles. I know I need You to help me in this. On my own, I have nothing and I am nothing; You are my everything. Please transform me into the person You created me to be and prepare me for the souls I am meant to bless with my life. I love you, Lord, and I can do all things through You, my strength. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Of all the places I’ve ever set foot, one small waterfront city holds my heart – the timeless shores of Grand Haven, Michigan. I must say, though I may be biased, it is arguably the most beautiful area in all of Western Michigan, if not the country. I was raised not far from its perfect beaches, but I’ve lived out of state so much over the last few years, I haven’t visited that favorite place in almost two summers.

Last night was the perfect night; I celebrated my birthday’s eve right out on Grand Haven’s famous pier. Just as the spring sun was setting over the vast waters of Lake Michigan, my party people and I strolled down the massive pier. I was struck by the profound beauty. God was all around...

The past few weeks the weather has carried such a nip on its breezes, not many people could have withstood direct exposure to the wind-chill whipping across the waters. But yesterday was the very first time it had reached the mid to even upper 60’s since the fall. With a slight touch of humidity in the air, the moisture held the heat of the radiant day and wrapped us in a blanket of warmth. It was glorious!

As we ventured towards the tip of the jetty, off in the distance I heard the faint trailing of an acoustic guitar. Before I could even pick out a single note or recognize a lyric, deep inside I knew what I was hearing...the unmistakable sounds of worship. We made our way around to the very head of the pier and my intuition proved correct. There before us sat a gathering of high school students led by a single 6-string guitarist. This group was passionately pursuing the heart of God, and He was definitely inhabiting the praises of these young people.

I was taken aback...

You see, what I had stumbled upon was certainly not the type of situation you’d experience on any given Saturday night at the end of the Grand Haven pier. In fact, I was so excited to encounter such an awesome phenomenon, that I walked right up and asked them what church they all went to. Much to my surprise, they all explained that each went to different churches scattered throughout the Grand Rapids area.

These teens had made plans to drive 60-some miles to gather out at the beach just so they could publicly display adoration for the One who made them. And they didn’t wait until the sun had set to begin worshiping. They didn’t hide their faces under the cover of darkness; they boldly began to express deep love for their Savior in clear daylight.

If this cluster of teens I crossed paths with gives even a glimpse of the emerging generation, this world had better just hold on. To quote Hillsong’s Hosanna lyrics, “I see a generation rising up to take their place with selfless faith." That is exactly what I witnessed last night – selfless faith. Instead of getting wild at a house party, this group was crazy for Jesus and they weren't ashamed to show it. They could have been out anywhere painting the towns all shades of red, but instead they had placed themselves upon that sturdy, Lighthouse-decorated was their platform for praise.

There is nothing like standing with arms splayed out wide before an endless view of rolling waters. Few things compare to gazing out at the brilliantly painted horizon, giving your heart to the One who brushed in every color and detail. And because of these teens' selfless faith, I was given a spontaneous opportunity to worship my God with abandon in that exact way...

As I stood there joining my voice with their harmonies, I lifted my thanks and hands to the Creator of all things. I smiled up at the moon sliced sky as we proclaimed, “Together we sing: Holy is the Lord God Almighty; the earth is filled with His glory; the earth is filled with His glory...” I will never forget the moments we shared.

To any of my new pier friends reading this: I wasn’t joking when I said you all were my birthday gift from Jesus. You truly were - thank you for touching me with your awesome hearts and conversation. I can’t think of a more meaningful way to ring in another year of life than to worship the RISEN Savior, Jesus Christ, with all of you.

You, my sweet high school friends, are an inspiration...not just to me, but to all who saw and heard you last night. We were deeply impacted as we witnessed such a passionate group of worshipers. Clearly, you understand that our God is a mighty God...He’s a tangible God...and He is so worthy of our praise.

To each person taking in these words today: I pray that with every breath you take, you would exhale more and more of Jesus’ passion and grace into this dying world. I pray God ignites your heart to inferno proportions as you go out, a living example of the redeemed life available through Christ. Continue to radiate God’s all-consuming love for His treasured creation; never stop shining for Him.

May each of us stand as a constant, faithful beacon of light, flashing to all of those souls stranded out in the foggy seas of this life...

“...Become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.” Philippians 2:15-16 (NIV)

Shining On,
Katie Marie

Friday, April 8, 2011


There is nothing like the security of a true embrace – a strong, heartfelt hug from someone who deeply loves you. Within its few meaningful moments, you can’t help but close your eyes, feeling so protected, understood, and treasured.

God is the author of the original and most powerful embrace of all times...“I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.” Romans 8:38 (MSG)

Absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God because of all Jesus did for us...because of the way He has embraced us.’s 6th definition of this word helps further paint the picture: “To encircle; surround; enclose.”

We were once fully embraced by God in the Garden of Eden. But one day Sin painted itself in the scene and its hideous fingers ripped us from the very arms of our loving Father. Sin not only tore us from the security of His arms; it drove a wedge between us. There we were: hopelessly stranded and separated from our Creator by an impassable chasm.

Sadly, there was no way in our own human effort or schemes that we could make the journey back over to His side. God was Holy...suddenly, we were not. And no one could have been more brokenhearted over this split than He. In all His wisdom and faithfulness, the Almighty had already devised the perfect plan and set out to make things right. The Lord knew the only way to make our relationship whole again was to send His perfect son, Jesus, to come and fill the gap; to cover our sin with His sacrifice and redemption.

God sent Jesus to earth on a very specific and selfless mission: to embrace you. He came to encircle, surround, and enclose you. Because of this impenetrable grip, nothing can now estrange you from the love of your Holy God. His strong arms have formed a bond that cannot be broken by anything or anyone. The New Living Translation goes farther to say that not even your fears for today or worries of tomorrow can drive a wedge between His affections and you.

“...Absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.”

I don’t know if you’ve received a meaningful hug yet today, but I’m here to remind you that Jesus is embracing you in His arms right now. And within those arms are two of His greatest possessions: God’s unending love and you, His redeemed child. He conquered height and depth just to hold you at this very moment. But this is not a fleeting hug; it is a grip that will envelop every inch of your being until forever finds its end. Now close your eyes, take a deep breath, and revel in the wonder of this magnificent embrace...

In His Arms,
Katie Marie