“Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.” Isaiah 63:7 (NIV)
Have you ever longed for a special touch from God? Have you yearned lately for a very specific sign to know He is there...listening and responding to your unique prayers? I found myself in that very place just a few days ago.
God certainly does work in mysterious ways, but He also makes His Presence clearly known when He wants to. Allow me to explain - it had been a long, hard day and I had driven to one of my favorite spots to get away and just cry out to my Father. There, in the quiet oasis of my car, I poured out my heart to Him – every drop. I talked and talked until there wasn’t an hint of breath left in my lungs and then I waited...
As I sat in that quiet space, windows rolled down, summer breezes dancing about, something extraordinary happened; a sudden dollop of cotton rode upon a gust of wind into my presence. To my utter shock, this tiny fluff looked just like a clump of down feathers from a beautiful bird’s wings. It was a surreal moment; I looked to my left, wide-eyed, and watched as yet another puff flew into my car. Others like them mingled together just outside. As I laid my head upon the backrest and watched those feathers dance around before me, I couldn’t stop thanking my Father for sending me such a sweet, tangible sign of His presence.
You see, in the few days leading up to that day in the car, I had come across scriptures in the Bible making mention of God’s wings and the shelter they provide. Thinking back, I even remember praying several times that the Lord would cover me beneath His glorious spanse, and I thanked Him for allowing me to reside in such an incredible place.
Surely it is common for those summer puffs to ride around on the wind, but back in that moment I knew my Heavenly Daddy was letting me know He was right there with me. He was showing me that He perfectly hears and acts upon my specific heart’s cry. As I watched those fluffy feathers fly on by, I could literally envision my frame beneath His breathtaking wings. It was a beautiful sight...
“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 17:8 (NIV)
Only God could have known that I had been pondering that place and proclaiming my safety within His mighty shadow. Only He could have orchestrated the perfect currents that would send those cotton puffs my way, and only He could have known I’d have my eyes open to recognize His hand. He knew I needed a touch, and He saw I was watching...God faithfully responded.
I am sharing this special, Divine moment between my Creator and me simply to remind you that you also reside beneath the shadow of the Almighty’s wings. If you proclaim Jesus as your Savior, He has made you righteous in the eyes of God and He, Himself, has opened those majestic wings to you. At this very moment, God has you held securely beneath their eternal shade and shelter.
“I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.” Psalm 61:4 (NIV)
Never forget this beautiful place in which you are privileged to reside. Call upon His wings to cover you and thank Him for such a gift. Thank Jesus for making a way where once there was no way. And keep your eyes open – you never know when God may send a sweet little feather across your path to remind you just how surely He is there...
“How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings." Psalm 36:7 (NLT)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Throughout this life there are many trials and hardships we must all face. There are never-ending ups and downs, potholes, and slaps in the face of all kinds. People let us down, put us down, and try to keep us down. Others scream in our ears or even bring us physical harm. Though it hurts to accept the truth that these moments will come and it stings when salt gets in our wounds, there is hope on the horizon.
This morning as I was heading for my Bible, Hebrews 12 began echoing in my mind. I couldn’t recall exactly what that portion of Scripture was about, but I was eager to turn and see what it would reveal. I had to fight off the wave of tears that swept over me as I began reading the second verse: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)
You see, just yesterday I had to bear a very difficult circumstance amidst my already hectic day. I was hurt by what happened and though I was able to lean upon Jesus to get me through, I had a hard time laying it down and just moving on. As soon as I read those powerful words this morning, I knew God was saying to me, “Katie Marie, I know your day was hard...I saw what happened to you, and it wasn’t right. That was certainly not what I wanted for you, but look at all my Son endured. For the joy set before Him, He suffered on that horrific cross and harbored the full amount of shame that was intended for the world.”
Can you fathom? Have you imagined the weight of our sin upon Christ’s back? Do you realize that the soldiers who were to crucify Him plucked out the individual hairs of His beard...that they literally spit in His face as He writhed in pain upon the whipping post? (Isaiah 50:6) Do you recall how they mocked Jesus and taunted Him to save Himself as He hung from those nails? (Mark 15:30) Do you remember?
The Scripture goes on: “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:3 (NIV)
I don’t know what you’ve had to endure lately or what is to unfold in your coming days, but I do know one thing. Our God is loving, merciful, and present. He saw me yesterday, even through my pain, as I was forced to grin and bear that situation. My Father comforted me and showered His strength upon me so I could pull myself together and carry on with the mission that was ahead. I know He was still with me this morning, putting Hebrews 12 on my heart to remind me of the best approach to get through every circumstance. And it will get you through, too...
We must continue to fix our eyes on Jesus, no matter what. We must look to Him and follow His gaze to see what HE was focused on as He endured the cross...the joy set before Him.
Life on earth is so temporary, so fleeting. One day bumps into another, and weeks pass like race cars on a track. Months and years fly by, but all that really matters is the eternal...the unseen things. (1 Corinthians 4:18) And what is yet to be seen is beautiful. It is full of joy and more than worthy of our hope. I speak of the time when we will see our Creator face-to-face and live with Him forever!
Today I encourage you as I encourage myself. Let us not grow weary or lose heart; this too shall pass. Look to the joy you have in Christ and the promises of God written on your heart to get you through everything you face. No matter what it is, how tough or trying, remember all of the hardships Jesus endured on this earth. Nothing you or I come up against will ever compare to the suffering He faithfully bore. Call on Him to be your strength, for in your greatest weakness, His strength is perfected. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
As I finished reading those incredible verses in Hebrews 12, a few words escaped my lips, “Jesus, if You did it, I can, too.”
If Jesus conquered all He did, we can certainly triumph over our own trials each day. Let us fix our eyes upon Christ today, and endure everything just as He did: for joy...
In His Love,
Katie Marie
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)
This morning as I was heading for my Bible, Hebrews 12 began echoing in my mind. I couldn’t recall exactly what that portion of Scripture was about, but I was eager to turn and see what it would reveal. I had to fight off the wave of tears that swept over me as I began reading the second verse: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)
You see, just yesterday I had to bear a very difficult circumstance amidst my already hectic day. I was hurt by what happened and though I was able to lean upon Jesus to get me through, I had a hard time laying it down and just moving on. As soon as I read those powerful words this morning, I knew God was saying to me, “Katie Marie, I know your day was hard...I saw what happened to you, and it wasn’t right. That was certainly not what I wanted for you, but look at all my Son endured. For the joy set before Him, He suffered on that horrific cross and harbored the full amount of shame that was intended for the world.”
Can you fathom? Have you imagined the weight of our sin upon Christ’s back? Do you realize that the soldiers who were to crucify Him plucked out the individual hairs of His beard...that they literally spit in His face as He writhed in pain upon the whipping post? (Isaiah 50:6) Do you recall how they mocked Jesus and taunted Him to save Himself as He hung from those nails? (Mark 15:30) Do you remember?
The Scripture goes on: “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:3 (NIV)
I don’t know what you’ve had to endure lately or what is to unfold in your coming days, but I do know one thing. Our God is loving, merciful, and present. He saw me yesterday, even through my pain, as I was forced to grin and bear that situation. My Father comforted me and showered His strength upon me so I could pull myself together and carry on with the mission that was ahead. I know He was still with me this morning, putting Hebrews 12 on my heart to remind me of the best approach to get through every circumstance. And it will get you through, too...
We must continue to fix our eyes on Jesus, no matter what. We must look to Him and follow His gaze to see what HE was focused on as He endured the cross...the joy set before Him.
Life on earth is so temporary, so fleeting. One day bumps into another, and weeks pass like race cars on a track. Months and years fly by, but all that really matters is the eternal...the unseen things. (1 Corinthians 4:18) And what is yet to be seen is beautiful. It is full of joy and more than worthy of our hope. I speak of the time when we will see our Creator face-to-face and live with Him forever!
Today I encourage you as I encourage myself. Let us not grow weary or lose heart; this too shall pass. Look to the joy you have in Christ and the promises of God written on your heart to get you through everything you face. No matter what it is, how tough or trying, remember all of the hardships Jesus endured on this earth. Nothing you or I come up against will ever compare to the suffering He faithfully bore. Call on Him to be your strength, for in your greatest weakness, His strength is perfected. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
As I finished reading those incredible verses in Hebrews 12, a few words escaped my lips, “Jesus, if You did it, I can, too.”
If Jesus conquered all He did, we can certainly triumph over our own trials each day. Let us fix our eyes upon Christ today, and endure everything just as He did: for joy...
In His Love,
Katie Marie
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Back when God created the world and Man, perfection reigned. Beauty surrounded Adam and Eve in the Garden, and the Lord’s glory shined without spoil. Then came the Fall and the ugliness of imperfection as sin crept in.
As I was looking out a nearby window just the other day, I was struck by the reminder that God’s glory is still radiantly displayed in a myriad of ways. This made me love Him all the more, because I realized He didn’t have to continue bringing His beauty into the world. He would have been justified to completely uproot it from our lives and make the world nothing but a dismal place. Back in the Garden, God could have pulled away His glory and saved it for the time when we would again be perfect. He could have waited, but He didn’t.
After we were banned from perfection, God could have chosen to wipe grace off the face of the Earth, and He certainly could have waited until Christ’s final return to bring us the abundant life, but he didn’t. The Sovereign One would have been right to take away the sun, blot out the moon, and replace our vibrant colors with nothing but shades of gray. We could have been sentenced to what we deserve: a world of black and white, but we aren’t.
Imagine your life stripped of color. You may not even have noticed, but color is an intricate part of life...the spice we all crave. Now envision this black and white world, nothing but sadness and stark misery. This is what we deserve as a result of our fallen nature, but God in all His compassion would not allow it. He had a beautiful plan to redeem all that had been stolen away from us as a result of sin. Instead of a bleak, lack-luster world, we were handed a life of vibrant colors and priceless moments.
Together, let’s reflect upon all we have been given to enjoy. We are free to experience God’s perfect love through breathtaking sunsets, pristine landscapes, and intriguing wildlife. His glory dances upon the shimmering waves and blows through flower sprinkled fields. We are allowed to savor the warmth of a loved one’s embrace and watch the hand of our majestic Creator at work as He opens a newborn baby’s eyes. Most of all, through Christ, each of us is justified to stand confidently before the Almighty God as His beloved sons and daughters. Though we did not earn them, we have been given the keys to Eternity with God. What a God. WHAT A GOD!
Today, I just want to remind you to keep your eyes open to the truth that the glory of God is still shining upon the earth. This is all because He has chosen to direct it here. Be vigilant in your own life to recognize the ways He displays His loving character and splendor. Wherever you go, whatever you do, get away for a few moments and just love on your Creator today. Express your gratitude for being rescued from a world of black and white. Thank Him for His unending sacrifice and for choosing to give you what you did not deserve: vibrant beauty.
The glory of God can surely be found in your life today. Simply open your eyes, give thanks, and soak it all in...
Vibrant and Blessed,
Katie Marie
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” Isaiah 60:1-2 (NIV)
As I was looking out a nearby window just the other day, I was struck by the reminder that God’s glory is still radiantly displayed in a myriad of ways. This made me love Him all the more, because I realized He didn’t have to continue bringing His beauty into the world. He would have been justified to completely uproot it from our lives and make the world nothing but a dismal place. Back in the Garden, God could have pulled away His glory and saved it for the time when we would again be perfect. He could have waited, but He didn’t.
After we were banned from perfection, God could have chosen to wipe grace off the face of the Earth, and He certainly could have waited until Christ’s final return to bring us the abundant life, but he didn’t. The Sovereign One would have been right to take away the sun, blot out the moon, and replace our vibrant colors with nothing but shades of gray. We could have been sentenced to what we deserve: a world of black and white, but we aren’t.
Imagine your life stripped of color. You may not even have noticed, but color is an intricate part of life...the spice we all crave. Now envision this black and white world, nothing but sadness and stark misery. This is what we deserve as a result of our fallen nature, but God in all His compassion would not allow it. He had a beautiful plan to redeem all that had been stolen away from us as a result of sin. Instead of a bleak, lack-luster world, we were handed a life of vibrant colors and priceless moments.
Together, let’s reflect upon all we have been given to enjoy. We are free to experience God’s perfect love through breathtaking sunsets, pristine landscapes, and intriguing wildlife. His glory dances upon the shimmering waves and blows through flower sprinkled fields. We are allowed to savor the warmth of a loved one’s embrace and watch the hand of our majestic Creator at work as He opens a newborn baby’s eyes. Most of all, through Christ, each of us is justified to stand confidently before the Almighty God as His beloved sons and daughters. Though we did not earn them, we have been given the keys to Eternity with God. What a God. WHAT A GOD!
Today, I just want to remind you to keep your eyes open to the truth that the glory of God is still shining upon the earth. This is all because He has chosen to direct it here. Be vigilant in your own life to recognize the ways He displays His loving character and splendor. Wherever you go, whatever you do, get away for a few moments and just love on your Creator today. Express your gratitude for being rescued from a world of black and white. Thank Him for His unending sacrifice and for choosing to give you what you did not deserve: vibrant beauty.
The glory of God can surely be found in your life today. Simply open your eyes, give thanks, and soak it all in...
Vibrant and Blessed,
Katie Marie
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” Isaiah 60:1-2 (NIV)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Did you ever play with pipe cleaners as a child? I have many memories of sitting in my mom’s kindergarten classroom after school, passing the time by bending and shaping these vibrant, fuzzy wires. The delight of pipe cleaners is not only can you form them into whatever shape you desire, they also maintain their structure and combine with each other to create many beautiful rainbows of color.
As I awakened this morning, a Scripture popped into my head from 1 John 4:18 (NIV), “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear...” Immediately, an image of these pipe cleaners came to mind.
Imagine with me for a moment that these childhood gizmos represent God’s Perfect Love, and the varying colors each symbolize a facet of this love. Now take a minute to consider the fears taunting you today, plugging up your heart and mind. Envision those lies that are holding you back from all you are capable of.
What are you facing today? Are you overwhelmed? The God of the universe boldly proclaims, “I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Is 41:10 NIV) Feeling misunderstood? God says He knew you before He even formed you in the womb! (Jer 1:5) Are you facing abandonment? Your Creator promises, “I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...” (Is 41:9, 10 NIV)
Do you see how the varying colors of God’s Perfect Love can be shaped to fit every situation you face and clear out all fears you are dealing with? Allow each brilliant hue to permeate the deep crevices inside you that are crowded with apprehension. Utilizing the truth of His promises in the Bible, let Him clean out every single fear and doubt that is plaguing your life.
Our sweet Heavenly Father has already given us the keys to His heart through Jesus’ sacrifice. When we truly embrace the goodness, faithfulness, and love of God in our lives, what do we have to fear? He has equipped us with every tool we need to be in order to be cleansed from all forms of fear.
Take some time today to flip through the pages of God’s Word. Pick out your own colorful “pipe cleaners” and shape them to fit whatever circumstances you find yourself in today. Then allow God’s Perfect Love to infuse you and drive out all fears from your being.
Christ lived a perfect life and died a perfect death so we could know God’s Perfect Love. No matter what happened yesterday, from this day forward, let us each use His powerful love to drive away all that has been holding us back from living the abundant life Jesus offers us. Happy spring cleaning, my friend...
As I awakened this morning, a Scripture popped into my head from 1 John 4:18 (NIV), “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear...” Immediately, an image of these pipe cleaners came to mind.
Imagine with me for a moment that these childhood gizmos represent God’s Perfect Love, and the varying colors each symbolize a facet of this love. Now take a minute to consider the fears taunting you today, plugging up your heart and mind. Envision those lies that are holding you back from all you are capable of.
What are you facing today? Are you overwhelmed? The God of the universe boldly proclaims, “I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Is 41:10 NIV) Feeling misunderstood? God says He knew you before He even formed you in the womb! (Jer 1:5) Are you facing abandonment? Your Creator promises, “I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...” (Is 41:9, 10 NIV)
Do you see how the varying colors of God’s Perfect Love can be shaped to fit every situation you face and clear out all fears you are dealing with? Allow each brilliant hue to permeate the deep crevices inside you that are crowded with apprehension. Utilizing the truth of His promises in the Bible, let Him clean out every single fear and doubt that is plaguing your life.
Our sweet Heavenly Father has already given us the keys to His heart through Jesus’ sacrifice. When we truly embrace the goodness, faithfulness, and love of God in our lives, what do we have to fear? He has equipped us with every tool we need to be in order to be cleansed from all forms of fear.
Take some time today to flip through the pages of God’s Word. Pick out your own colorful “pipe cleaners” and shape them to fit whatever circumstances you find yourself in today. Then allow God’s Perfect Love to infuse you and drive out all fears from your being.
Christ lived a perfect life and died a perfect death so we could know God’s Perfect Love. No matter what happened yesterday, from this day forward, let us each use His powerful love to drive away all that has been holding us back from living the abundant life Jesus offers us. Happy spring cleaning, my friend...
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