Today I joined a room full of hundreds of people as we celebrated the life of a man who left this earth far too soon. Through tear-filled eyes, I witnessed my precious friend dancing her last time before her beloved husband. I honestly don’t know how she found the strength to even step up on that stage, much less move so gracefully to their favorite song. It must have been Almighty God carrying her along...
It’s impossible to understand why some things happen the way they do...why a father of four beautiful daughters had to leave them so prematurely...why my dear friend is left to sleep alone in a bed where her love laid beside her just a few short days ago...why it all had to happen right before the most joyful time of the year – Christmas.
My mind cannot find any answers to these questions; the more I try to figure them out, the more I am left puzzled and confused. And so, as many of faith do, I must relinquish my questions and lift them to the One who knows all, sees all, and whose heart breaks along with ours...
It’s so difficult to move on once a life has been taken from among us. It makes us all realize the magnitude of our frailty and the precious nature of this life. It forces us to bow down to our Creator and, if even through tears, remind ourselves that someday He will make all things new.
Until that time, though it hurts, we must trust. We must grab hold of each precious loved one and moment we are given. And when we don’t understand the mysteries or devastation we face, may each of us remember to lift our eyes and praises to our Jesus. For He is the one who stepped down to earth over 2000 years ago in the form of a helpless babe so He could, once and for all, take away the eternal sting of death and sin.
What a comfort to know that we who love Christ will not be separated from our loved-ones forever. One day in the future unknown, we will be gloriously reunited with those we hold so dear and will join together in the presence of our mighty Savior!
And for this gift, through tears tonight, I praise You, my Jesus. It is quite probable that during my time on earth, I will never understand why Mark was taken from us. But it is not my job to understand or even question. After all, You are God, and I am not. You hold the world in Your arms and each of our hearts in Your priceless, nail-scarred hands. You are a friend to the lonely, father to the fatherless, husband to the widow, and Savior to the lost...
Thank You for working all things out for the good of those who love You. I can’t fathom how You will turn this tragedy around to become a blessing, but I know You faithfully will. It is so hard to pick up the jagged pieces left by death, but it is comforting to know You are the One who glues lives and hearts back together.
Thank You for being awesome, compassionate, and understanding. Thank You for sweeping this young man into one of Your loving arms, and the loved-ones he left behind into the other. Though we do not understand, we will continue to tearfully praise You tonight and forevermore, our Sovereign, beautiful God...
"Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.'" Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)
In Loving Memory,
Katie Marie
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
“His dynasty will go on forever; his kingdom will endure as the sun. It will be as eternal as the moon, my faithful witness in the sky!” Psalm 89:36-37 (NLT)
I came across these words a few years ago and instantly fell in love with them. The moment I read them, I realized the moon was essentially a huge neon sign hung in the sky that testifies, “God is there...right there...for you!” Since that day, whenever I gaze up at the moon, I recall it is God’s faithful witness in the sky...there to remind me of His everlasting presence in my daily and eternal life.
Tonight I couldn’t sleep, so I found myself staring out my window overlooking a small lake kissed by the first skim of ice and a fresh dusting of snow. The grounds were illuminated by the gleam of an almost full moon glowing upon the white powder. Though it was beautiful, I was just a foot or so shy of catching the waxing moon’s true radiance. It must have been positioned directly above the house, out of my view. So I settled for catching a few moments of the beauty from my viewpoint before getting some shut-eye.
Well, it didn’t take long to realize there was no sleep was to be found, so after over an hour of tossing and turning, I crept downstairs. There at the opposite end of the house, my eye was immediately drawn to a single window. It was the only window out of eight that didn’t have its shade drawn. Odd...
As I finagled myself around the Christmas tree to peek out the window, I was overtaken by the brilliant light streaming in. Finally, I could catch the full glory of the moon! Instantly, this Scripture again came to mind.
“His dynasty will go on forever; his kingdom will endure as the sun. It will be as eternal as the moon, my faithful witness in the sky!” Psalm 89:36-37 (NLT)
I know I mentioned that seeing the moon night after night has reminded me of these words, but there was something different tonight. As I gazed at that massive sphere suspended in space, it was as if the deep meaning of God’s Words finally hit me. He planted in me a new revelation about this rock we call the Moon, and what it proclaims about Him. Before I explain, let me share a bit about myself...
Anyone who knows me at all knows I am a traveler for Jesus. I live a life of constant change and new experiences. While this is incredibly fulfilling and exciting, at times it feels like I don’t have the everyday stability most of us rely on for security. Though part of me desires the every day “guarantees,” I love my life because I’m constantly reminded that Jesus is truly all I have, all I can depend on, and all I will ever need. As long my God is leading, walking alongside, and protecting me, I need nothing else.
With this in mind, my new moon revelation is simple but powerful. Whether I find myself in the security of home or the far reaches of an unfamiliar land, I take comfort knowing I’ll gaze at the exact same moon every night. No matter where I travel, be it cross-country or cross-continent, each clear night I’ll find the moon. I can count on its sure it will illuminate the night, reflecting the sun’s radiant beams. I could circle the globe day and night for the rest of my life, but I’ll never outrun or out travel the moon. It will be there; it truly is God’s faithful witness.
Our Heavenly Father placed the moon in the sky to prove He is unfathomably dependable. Even when hidden in clouds or the black of a “new moon,” it still remains, hovering in our darkness. Since God has been faithful with this since the beginning of time, do you realize the huge testimony our moon holds?
If we can count on the moon’s presence to appear each evening of our lives, how much more can we rely on the One who formed it? Shouldn’t we use its existence to build up our confidence that the God of the Universe is present, listening, seeing, and acting on our behalf?
The moon doesn’t promise a roof over our heads or even the guarantee of a next meal. It does so much more; it directs us to the God who faithfully provides our every need and cares about our deepest desires.
God clearly called me to that window tonight because I was longing for reassurance of His nearness inside my constantly transitioning life. I wanted to be tangibly reminded that He is my strong tower...never changing and reliable, even when my life screams the opposite.
God encountered me tonight, also, to pass a message along to you. I do not believe a single event occurs by coincidence, luck, or chance...therefore I assume you are reading these words because God wants you to hear them at this exact moment of your journey with Him.
And so, here I am at 4:24 AM, plucking away at my computer by moonlight, reminding us both to boldly trust the mighty God of the Ages with every detail, situation, and season of our lives. Why?...because more confidently than that familiar moon hanging in our skies each night, each of us can rely on our ever-present God. Day and night He is seeking every one of us out. Moment by moment, He watches over our unique circumstances, thoughts and actions. Not only that, He moves on our behalf.
I don’t know the circumstances swirling about you as you read these words, but I do know that with God on your side, you endure anything because He is the one carrying you through. He is your strength. He is your comfort, your fortress and guide. More dependable than the moon that appears when the sun goes down, the Lord will make Himself known in your life.
And should you need reminding of His presence or faithfulness, I encourage you to try something. In the late of the night sometime, when everyone else is fast asleep, tip-toe to the nearest window and take a peek. Find that majestic, beaming moon and gaze upon its radiance. Take note of how it is so gracefully suspended in space.
Trace back to your earliest memories – the moon has been there each night of your life and will be, even after your time on earth is over. Remember that you can count on it to be there each night, no matter what. It is present, even when covered by blankets of storm clouds or fog. Whether clear night, rain, blizzard, or monsoon, the moon will be there, positioned high above. No matter the season, weather, or circumstance, it hangs faithfully.
Most importantly, remember that these truths point directly to the everlasting faithfulness of the one and only Almighty God. Day and night, rain or shine, the Lord is right there, holding you strong. Even in the midst of storms when you can’t see an inch in front of your face, He is there...
Illuminated and Loved,
Katie Marie
I came across these words a few years ago and instantly fell in love with them. The moment I read them, I realized the moon was essentially a huge neon sign hung in the sky that testifies, “God is there...right there...for you!” Since that day, whenever I gaze up at the moon, I recall it is God’s faithful witness in the sky...there to remind me of His everlasting presence in my daily and eternal life.
Tonight I couldn’t sleep, so I found myself staring out my window overlooking a small lake kissed by the first skim of ice and a fresh dusting of snow. The grounds were illuminated by the gleam of an almost full moon glowing upon the white powder. Though it was beautiful, I was just a foot or so shy of catching the waxing moon’s true radiance. It must have been positioned directly above the house, out of my view. So I settled for catching a few moments of the beauty from my viewpoint before getting some shut-eye.
Well, it didn’t take long to realize there was no sleep was to be found, so after over an hour of tossing and turning, I crept downstairs. There at the opposite end of the house, my eye was immediately drawn to a single window. It was the only window out of eight that didn’t have its shade drawn. Odd...
As I finagled myself around the Christmas tree to peek out the window, I was overtaken by the brilliant light streaming in. Finally, I could catch the full glory of the moon! Instantly, this Scripture again came to mind.
“His dynasty will go on forever; his kingdom will endure as the sun. It will be as eternal as the moon, my faithful witness in the sky!” Psalm 89:36-37 (NLT)
I know I mentioned that seeing the moon night after night has reminded me of these words, but there was something different tonight. As I gazed at that massive sphere suspended in space, it was as if the deep meaning of God’s Words finally hit me. He planted in me a new revelation about this rock we call the Moon, and what it proclaims about Him. Before I explain, let me share a bit about myself...
Anyone who knows me at all knows I am a traveler for Jesus. I live a life of constant change and new experiences. While this is incredibly fulfilling and exciting, at times it feels like I don’t have the everyday stability most of us rely on for security. Though part of me desires the every day “guarantees,” I love my life because I’m constantly reminded that Jesus is truly all I have, all I can depend on, and all I will ever need. As long my God is leading, walking alongside, and protecting me, I need nothing else.
With this in mind, my new moon revelation is simple but powerful. Whether I find myself in the security of home or the far reaches of an unfamiliar land, I take comfort knowing I’ll gaze at the exact same moon every night. No matter where I travel, be it cross-country or cross-continent, each clear night I’ll find the moon. I can count on its sure it will illuminate the night, reflecting the sun’s radiant beams. I could circle the globe day and night for the rest of my life, but I’ll never outrun or out travel the moon. It will be there; it truly is God’s faithful witness.
Our Heavenly Father placed the moon in the sky to prove He is unfathomably dependable. Even when hidden in clouds or the black of a “new moon,” it still remains, hovering in our darkness. Since God has been faithful with this since the beginning of time, do you realize the huge testimony our moon holds?
If we can count on the moon’s presence to appear each evening of our lives, how much more can we rely on the One who formed it? Shouldn’t we use its existence to build up our confidence that the God of the Universe is present, listening, seeing, and acting on our behalf?
The moon doesn’t promise a roof over our heads or even the guarantee of a next meal. It does so much more; it directs us to the God who faithfully provides our every need and cares about our deepest desires.
God clearly called me to that window tonight because I was longing for reassurance of His nearness inside my constantly transitioning life. I wanted to be tangibly reminded that He is my strong tower...never changing and reliable, even when my life screams the opposite.
God encountered me tonight, also, to pass a message along to you. I do not believe a single event occurs by coincidence, luck, or chance...therefore I assume you are reading these words because God wants you to hear them at this exact moment of your journey with Him.
And so, here I am at 4:24 AM, plucking away at my computer by moonlight, reminding us both to boldly trust the mighty God of the Ages with every detail, situation, and season of our lives. Why?...because more confidently than that familiar moon hanging in our skies each night, each of us can rely on our ever-present God. Day and night He is seeking every one of us out. Moment by moment, He watches over our unique circumstances, thoughts and actions. Not only that, He moves on our behalf.
I don’t know the circumstances swirling about you as you read these words, but I do know that with God on your side, you endure anything because He is the one carrying you through. He is your strength. He is your comfort, your fortress and guide. More dependable than the moon that appears when the sun goes down, the Lord will make Himself known in your life.
And should you need reminding of His presence or faithfulness, I encourage you to try something. In the late of the night sometime, when everyone else is fast asleep, tip-toe to the nearest window and take a peek. Find that majestic, beaming moon and gaze upon its radiance. Take note of how it is so gracefully suspended in space.
Trace back to your earliest memories – the moon has been there each night of your life and will be, even after your time on earth is over. Remember that you can count on it to be there each night, no matter what. It is present, even when covered by blankets of storm clouds or fog. Whether clear night, rain, blizzard, or monsoon, the moon will be there, positioned high above. No matter the season, weather, or circumstance, it hangs faithfully.
Most importantly, remember that these truths point directly to the everlasting faithfulness of the one and only Almighty God. Day and night, rain or shine, the Lord is right there, holding you strong. Even in the midst of storms when you can’t see an inch in front of your face, He is there...
Illuminated and Loved,
Katie Marie
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