Welcome to my blog - thanks so much for hanging out with me!
I am just like you: a human being striving to make my way in this world. I certainly don't have everything figured out, but I do know life is a journey SO worth living.
I welcome you to join me on this journey as I share with you my experiences, revelations, perspectives, and everyday stories. This is life through my eyes...
For those of you who know me and even to those who don't yet, it doesn't take long to realize my favorite thing to do in life is worship God through song and assist others in doing so.
Many people wonder what "WORSHIP" is, exactly. I define it as simply showering God with the glory, honor, and love He is due and is so worthy of receiving!
There are infinite ways to worship the King of Kings; it's all about your heart and intention of your actions. I believe you can even express your love and thanks to God by baking something sweet for a neighbor, calling a friend in need when you don't think you have the time, or holding the door open for a stranger when you, yourself, are running late. The possibilities are truly endless...
When it comes to worship through song, I'd like to share something I came across last night. It's a unique version of Psalm 100:4, found in The Message.
"On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence. Know this: God is God, and God, God . He made us; we didn't make him. We're his people, his well-tended sheep. Enter with the password: "Thank you!" Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him. For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever." (Psalm 100:1-5 MSG)
Think of this - TALKING with praise, entering the "password" of THANK YOU...WOW! I had never read such a popular Scripture painted so uniquely - I was so excited to come across it!
I'm praying that today and in your days to come, these God-breathed words from Psalm 100 will give you a fresh, exciting perspective on worship, as they have for me...
Hello, beloved treasure of God - Will you please do me a favor? Take a deep breath in...hold it. Slowly release...isn't that a precious gift?!!! It's a gift you did nothing to earn in any way. And yet, you took it in and it nourished your body.
This, my friend, is a simple parallel to the lavish gift of forgiveness and redemption found in the one and ONLY Christ, and He is only a breath away...
Won't you take Him in today? ❤
In His Love,
Katie Marie
"Only the living can praise you as I do today. Each generation tells of your faithfulness to the next." (Isaiah 38:19 NLT)
Hey sweet peeps! For those of you who missed my interview in Denver, CO on the CORNER CAFE, it's not too late to listen in! The show will be re-airing today at 3 PM Mountain Standard Time. Locally you can turn to AM 670 KLTT or online at www.670KLTT.com
Let me know what you think of my forthcoming album, ROOM TO BREATHE...
I am so jazzed to get it out to you before Christmas!
Those of you who were hoping to tune in to my latest radio interview here in Denver can do so today only! Locals can tune in @ AM 670 KLTT and for all of you around the globe, head to http://www.670kltt.com/ at 3 pm MST (5 EST).
Throughout the interview, I'll be sharing 3 songs off the new album, ROOM TO BREATHE. Please let me know what you think!
I love you all so much and am beyond thankful for your love, support, and constant prayers...I couldn't do this without you ❤
Hey awesome friends!!! Update for you: I'll be releasing my new 4 song record entitled ROOM TO BREATHE in time for Christmas!
Calling all prayer warriors and faithful supporters: Please lift up my last studio session in Colorado. It's been an awesome time here and God is really moving!
Also, I'll be releasing 2 songs off the album on air tomorrow on The Corner Cafe in Denver.
The interview will actually air Saturday...If you're interested in tuning in, I'll fill you in with the details later this week. Y'all are the best - FO REAL! Love you all!
I just had another blessed day in The Grey Room studios with the awesome Aaron Wagner (Kirby) finishing up my latest record! AND it'll be ready for Christmas!!!! Finally have decided on its name - I'll be releasing that update soon. So much more in store before the holidays...
EPIC thanks to all of you who have been praying for this project - God has surely been showing up! I love you all and can't wait to share my heart through these new songs ❤
I truly do not know what I would do without the outlet of ceaseless creativity in my moment by moment life...nothing else comes close to expressing my soul like penning a new song, pouring out my heart in a devotional, or sketching a radiant butterfly on flower.
You know what this just made me realize?
This HUGE part of my existence and makeup is a direct result of being fashioned in the incomprehensible image of the one and only true God!!!
So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27 NLT)
It may seem like a simple realization, but it sure did make me smile and scoot a little closer to Jesus this morning...for He is the TRUE Creator of all things majestic and beautiful.
Take a few moments to ponder who God made you to be...how has God uniquely, fearfully, and wonderfully made you? In what ways are your traits a direct result of the Most High's DNA?
Look closely today and you will find the shimmering strands of God's likeness woven through the beautiful and awesome tapestry that is YOU. Now celebrate this by boldly walkin out your LoveWalk with Him in vibrant, living color!
No matter the situation, live a life filled with intentional worship and adoration of the One who formed you in your mother's womb ❤
Creatively Created,
Katie Marie
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
I posted this online back on September 11, 2006, and felt led to share it again on this historic anniversary of our country and lives. God has not left us and He never will...run to Him in times of devastation and loss...be blessed today and always.
Monday, September 11, 2006
After SUCH a long trip home yesterday (and into the early morning today) from touring, I was so excited to revel in the comfort of my own bed this morning. After waking up a little, I turned my TV on and flipped thru the channels. Within 30 seconds, I settled on watching the Songs of Solomon Choir singing Josh Groban's popular "You Raise Me Up" live in New York City. To my dismay, the cameras switched from shots of the choir singing to scans of countless tear-streaked faces in the onlooking crowd.
I was immediately stabbed with the realization that the anniversary of one of the most horrific and unforgettable days our country has ever seen had arrived yet again. Today is September 11th.
Tears immediately welled up in my eyes as I watched mothers and daughters holding each other, both unable to stand alone, but finding strength in one another. There were those with their heads in their praying hands, and so many others who could do nothing else but stand and cry.
I sat in my room breathless, hearing those beautiful voices sing this familiar song, imagining the unspeakable devastation and loss these family members and survivors must feel every day of their lives, yet painfully brought to light even more on this very day.
The lyrics rang in my head, "I am strong when I am on your shoulders, you raise me up to more than I can be..."
I imagine those gathered today where the Twin Towers once stood didn't feel very strong. All of those years back, I'm sure many children in that crowd, both young and old, were left without their daddy who used to raised them up on his shoulders to see above crowds. Whose shoulders do they sit on now? I imagine wives and husbands were left without their partner's shoulder to cry on. Who catches the tears that have fallen since 9/11/2001? Countless parents must have been reminded, as if they could ever forget, of how empty they are without the children who once slept upon their shoulder. Who fills that seemingly unfulfillable spot? I don't understand how, but God takes on all of those roles, comforts their aching hearts, and hears their desperate cries.
It's unfathomable to imagine how many prayers are lifted up to God each day. But, think about this; how many millions or trillions more is He hearing today? How many people are throwing their unbearable hate and anger over the aftermath of 9/11 upon Him right now? How many are hounding Him with countless "Why"'s and "how could you's?" Humanity has not even come close to dreaming up the name for a number of that size.
How does He handle it all? How can He have the strength to hold up the entire world day in and out while still holding out His loving hand to catch the tears that fall from each eye? I don't know how, but this is the God I am so in love with. He's the one who shows us we are never alone; who tells us to take the weight of the world off our small shoulders and put it on His; to cast our worries and cares on Him. He's telling us He can handle it...all of it. He's whispering, "Lean on me; rest in me; trust me. I am strong enough."
What about those who don't believe in God? NEWSFLASH: He doesn't need our acknowledgment or accolades to be who He is or to do what He does. I'm so thankful that no amount of unbelief can take away His power or even His belief in us. We are all still standing each day because of Christ alone, even those who don't believe. Every person huddled at ground zero today was standing because Jesus was holding them in His hands. They may not have felt it; they may not have even sensed Him, but way deep down, woven into the very fabric of their being, they knew they were not standing alone.
He was there September 11, 2001, holding His creation trapped inside the smoldering, teetering structures. He was there on those planes that were set out to destroy and marked to demolish our faith in our country and in Him. Jesus held each person who lost their lives that day, and is still holding the ones they left behind. He was there, He is here, He is...GOD.
The Twin Towers may have fallen into rubble several years ago due to unspeakable evils and grotesque hate, but God's creation will not end in a pile of dust and debris. No, no, no. This was not the first assault on mankind, and I realize it is probably not the last. On any given day, devastation and sadness sweep this fallen world. Yet, when the clouds of smoke and soot clear each time, amidst the rubble and ash, He is standing there, strong and unshaken. And, just as a single, vibrant blade of grass pushes its way through the blackened, charred remains of what once was, we rise again, because HE rose again. We do not stand alone. He won't let us. You see, in our weakness, His strength is perfected. We are strong because of His strength.
Over two thousand years ago, Jesus took the weight of the world, the sins of the world, the 9/11's of the world, upon His shoulders; upon His frame...and today He is still standing. We are still standing...WE DO NOT STAND ALONE.
"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
Today I enjoyed an infinitely beautiful walk along one of my favorite rivers. The Colorado sun shined brightly as it danced upon the waters and was tossed from rock to random rock.
Adding to the beauty of sights and sounds, cotton puffs rode along the spring breezes, reminding me of a devotion I had written just under a year ago. I felt led to share it again; I pray it truly blesses you and meets you right where you are AT THIS MOMENT...
“Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.” Isaiah 63:7 (NIV)
Have you ever longed for a special touch from God? Have you yearned lately for a very specific sign to know He is there...listening and responding to your unique prayers? I found myself in that very place just a few days ago.
God certainly does work in mysterious ways, but He also makes His Presence clearly known when He wants to. Allow me to explain - it had been a long, hard day and I had driven to one of my favorite spots to get away and just cry out to my Father. There, in the quiet oasis of my car, I poured out my heart to Him – every drop. I talked and talked until there wasn’t an hint of breath left in my lungs and then I waited...
As I sat in that quiet space, windows rolled down, summer breezes dancing about, something extraordinary happened; a sudden dollop of cotton rode upon a gust of wind into my presence. To my utter shock, this tiny fluff looked just like a clump of down feathers from a beautiful bird’s wings. It was a surreal moment; I looked to my left, wide-eyed, and watched as yet another puff flew into my car. Others like them mingled together just outside. As I laid my head upon the backrest and watched those feathers dance around before me, I couldn’t stop thanking my Father for sending me such a sweet, tangible sign of His presence.
You see, in the few days leading up to that day in the car, I had come across scriptures in the Bible making mention of God’s wings and the shelter they provide. Thinking back, I even remember praying several times that the Lord would cover me beneath His glorious spans, and I thanked Him for allowing me to reside in such an incredible place.
Surely it is common for those summer puffs to ride around on the wind, but back in that moment I knew my Heavenly Daddy was letting me know He was right there with me. He was showing me that He perfectly hears and acts upon my specific heart’s cry. As I watched those fluffy feathers fly on by, I could literally envision my frame beneath His breathtaking wings. It was a beautiful sight...
“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 17:8 (NIV)
Only God could have known that I had been pondering that place and proclaiming my safety within His mighty shadow. Only He could have orchestrated the perfect currents that would send those cotton puffs my way, and only He could have known I’d have my eyes open to recognize His hand. He knew I needed a touch, and He saw I was watching...God faithfully responded.
I am sharing this special, Divine moment between my Creator and me simply to remind you that you also reside beneath the shadow of the Almighty’s wings. If you proclaim Jesus as your Savior, He has made you righteous in the eyes of God and He, Himself, has opened those majestic wings to you. At this very moment, God has you held securely beneath their eternal shade and shelter.
“I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.” Psalm 61:4 (NIV)
Never forget this beautiful place in which you are privileged to reside. Call upon His wings to cover you and thank Him for such a gift. Thank Jesus for making a way where once there was no way. And keep your eyes open – you never know when God may send a sweet little feather across your path to remind you just how surely He is there...
"How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings." Psalm 36:7 (NLT)
Just the other night I just spent some of the sweetest, yet simple moments with
God. After a long, blessed week of ministry, I was drawn to my double window, beaming
with light from the fiery stars above. With electric toothbrush buzzing in hand,
I settled at the edge of my bed and gazed up at those twinkling lights hanging
high above. In that moment, I was again struck with the reminder that the
mighty One who formed each and every nighttime jewel I was staring at, also
created me and was engaging me.
I sat and wondered, “How could this possibly be? He is the
Most High God, Creator of the Heavens and Earth, Savior of the World, my
precious Daddy in Heaven, Weaver of my beating heart, and Lover of my very soul. My God is all of these things and so much
more at the very same time!”
My friend, I ask you to ponder, “Who is this God? Who is
this magnificent Lord who can be all things to all people?” He is the One
capable and compassionate to listen to each prayer, catch and bottle every
tear, hold and mend all broken hearts, deliver the oppressed, beckon and save
lost souls, AND meet with us as we brush our teeth?
When I dive in deep, I find myself feeling so unworthy to
receive and handle such affections. I am simply baffled at the majesty of His
awesomeness. I find myself fumbling with the weight of God’s glory, and all I
can do in response is love Him with all I have and worship with my whole life.
Friend, when you and I take a few priceless moments on the
daily to stop and simply revel in the character and epic magnificence of God,
how can we not become overtaken by Him? When we seek Him who loved us enough to
give up His greatest gift to redeem us, doesn’t it seem impossible NOT to draw
closer to God...to remain a bit longer in worship? Perhaps spend a few more
moments talking with Him? Offer a
few more loving gestures to one another in response to the love we have been so
lavishly given?
Whatever you do or wherever you go to connect with God and marvel
at His grandeur, do it today. After all, what’s holding you back? Take some
precious time to rendezvous with your personal Savior. Linger a titch longer
with Him, breathe Him in...allow His mercy, goodness, truth, and love to wash
over you and CHANGE you.
No matter when or where you two meet, you will be blessed.
No matter what you are doing, even brushing your teeth, I guarantee that when
you seek Him with all you have, He will touch your heart. Just get away and
enjoy Him today, remembering it is the God of the Universe with which you are
keeping company...
“’When you come looking for me, you'll find me. "Yes,
when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll
make sure you won't be disappointed...’” Jeremiah 29:13
Almost two years ago, I vividly remember a walk I took in God's creation. It was one of those times when I couldn’t help but pick every new flower and admire each unique feature and vibrant color. Each blossom was so completely different; yet they all worked together to finish a live portrait of extravagant beauty.
As I strolled along, I remember spotting a small cluster of dandelion puffs by the road to my left. I was intrigued to pick one up and study it, too. As soon as I plucked it, I was hit with a memorable image.
With this small, seed-loaded dandelion in my hand, I realized I had an option...to use my breath to help scatter its seeds or let the wind carry them to wherever they were destined to land. Do you see the spiritual lesson we can glean from this?
There are opportunities each day along the road of life to help God reach every one of His beloved children. We can choose to take the time to nurture that person whose life has crossed our path, or we can walk on by...leaving God to work through another vessel.
What moments are we all missing by keeping our heads down, busied in our days? I can recall so many times when I began my day asking the Lord to use me to touch someone else’s life. Each time, He faithfully answered those prayers. Along with those windows of opportunity, I was also presented the choice to step out and act on them or continue along on my own way.
Isn't life too short to pass by the seed puffs planted along your life’s path? And aren’t people’s lives too important to ignore the opportunity to reach out with kind eyes, an encouraging word, and a sweet smile?
Dandelions can be an absolute nuisance. You know, many people see the Gospel as a dandelion in their yards...Jesus continues to cross their paths, springing up in the most unlikely places. And though He is a true gentleman, never forcing His way into someone’s heart, He will not give up. It's true; we can pluck Him from the front yard, but somehow He'll surface in the back! Christ is the loving Savior who seeks to be welcomed and planted in our lives.
Today, I’m asking you to consider dandelions from another angle. Allow them to be a reminder of God's awesome plan for the redemption of His creation. We are each called to carry forth the love and light of Jesus, spreading His gospel to the farthest reaches of this world.
I encourage you to take a small step of faith today. Make a commitment to yourself that the next time you see a dandelion puff along your path, you’ll pick it, pray for God to use you to carry His love into this lost world, then blow the dandelion’s seeds into the air. Follow them as they ride the wind and envision each seed as a life you can touch.
You’ll most likely notice joy bursting from your heart and a perma-grin beaming from your face…
Today, I pose an elementary question to you...what is the face value of a penny? It is quite simple: one single cent. But what is the redemptive value of a penny to you? Do you keep a close eye on the pennies in your pockets, purse, or wallet? What about when you spot a lonely cent on the ground; is it worth your time and energy to interrupt your day, bend over, and pick it up? And if you do hold onto that coin, do you ever get around to depositing or redeeming it?
Chances are, even if you rescue that penny from the pavement, its next home will not likely be in your bank account or a merchant's cash register. Sadly, it will probably fall again to rest between the cracks of your car seat or sofa along with gum wrappers, dust bunnies, and stale cheetos.
It's just a simple fact of life: a penny isn't very valuable. Have you ever wondered why we have such insignificant little things? After all, it takes 100 of these copper coins to become a dollar. Even a dollar doesn't hold much esteem these days. How much less is assigned to a single cent? To build up to a dollar amount that is even somewhat significant, it takes tens of thousands of those little coins.
To collect such a staggering amount by happenstance would be far too time consuming and exhaustive. There are many more productive and meaningful tasks we can all partake in. Loose change is all around us scattered about the planet. When redeemed, it does have value, but is it equal to the energy spent holding onto it? And so, I ask you the question: pick up the penny or pass it by?
We humans could very easily imagine ourselves being seen by our Creator as millions of pennies scattered upon the earth. Even the Bible says that apart from God we are worthless, expendable, fragile, and ill productive. And yet, with Him, we are more than conquerors, infinitely valuable, and able to do all things! Almighty God takes it even a step further – because of His boundless love and passion to be near us, He has chosen to make home right within our hearts. Considering this, we little pennies must hold far more value than we see in each other and ourselves.
Today you may feel like a penny strewn upon the worn pavement of life, completely overlooked by passers by or even by God Himself. Does it almost seem as though people peer down and spot you in your condition, but they lack the impetus necessary to reach down and pick you up? No matter - you have infinite value in the eyes of your Creator. Though it is possible to feel cast away by another person, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be discarded by your Heavenly Father. You are more than worth the effort and sacrifice needed to be rescued and redeemed. Each of us must come to truly grasp and continue to call upon this truth, regardless of what our eyes or emotions are telling us. That condemning voice within is always looking for opportunities to deceive and mislead our interpretations of situations. We, however, can choose not to believe the lies...
A penny may be just a single cent, but you, a fragile, created, and purposed being, are worth far more than you can fathom. You’re worth the sacrifice of another’s life. I speak not just of any life that was given to redeem you, but the very life of the one and only perfect Son of God!
Jesus stepped down from Glory because you caught His eye right where you were on the ground, and He found you lovely! Christ Jesus lowered Himself, lifted you up, and redeemed you eternally. No matter the face value you imagine when you see your reflection, you are a priceless treasure in the nail-scarred hands of your Savior; the crown of God’s creation.
So pick up the penny or pass it by? The very next time I find one, in remembrance of God's perspective concerning my eternal value, I think I might just bend down, pick up that lonely little penny, and deposit it straight into the bank...
I just wanted to let you in on my blessed weekend. I had the unforgettable gift of spending 3.5 days in the rolling hills of Kentucky near Cumberland Falls with some of the most beautiful, Jesus-loving women I have ever encountered.
What a blessing it was to raise my hands in worship with my new sisters in Chrit and watch as the Almighty God of the universe Himself grabbed hold of each of their hearts in the most loving and personal ways...witnessing Him move and reveal Himself over and over again was indescribable.
To each of you priceless ladies who attended our KEEP REACHING Women's Retreat, you have found and will forever hold such a special place in my big ol heart...thank you for celebrating the King with me, laughing in the silly moments, embracing my exuberance for Jesus, and even holding me up as I led you in worship standing on random chairs in stiletto heels!!! :)
My girls, until we meet again either upon this earth or in glorious eternity, continue REACHING and running with hope and intention...remembering who you are, WHOSE you are, and just how beautifully He sees you. He is actively pursuing you and longs for a moment by moment love walk with you!
And if you should ever need a lil giggle, just ponder my gloriously unforgettable horse cantering story, all of our random awesomeness, and maybe even give a lil Kung fu kick or two for Jesus :)
This just randomly came to heart as I was sitting in the studio yesterday, recording my new album, so I thought I'd write it down and share it with you...
The love of Christ is all surpassing, all encompassing, all consuming. It cannot be contained, defined, or even fathomed. In order to experience its awesome power, we must simply step into the flow of His living waters and let that love wash and soak us through and through. We must simply receive; just receive and release our every weight and burden...
He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water. (John 7:38 AMP)
There was a season, not too long ago, when God placed me in a strange job. It took His awesome strength and fail-proof Word to get me out of bed each day just to face that situation. It was a difficult, trying season, to say the least, but for all I have learned and for the people I met as a result, I am so thankful.
One day, as I was running an errand for my boss, I had to walk down a long, boundless hallway. This was a corridor I trudged back and forth upon for ten plus hours a day, five tedious days a week. God had a specific purpose in this errand, though; this trek was different. As I set foot on this hallway’s carpet and turned the corner to begin my task, Etta James’ song, “At Last” began to play over the speakers.
Imagine the echo I heard as it rang through that frigid hallway…“At last, my love has come along…” Setting out upon that daunting path, I would have never imagined I’d find myself in a sweet little rendezvous with God. He met me right where I was and gave me exactly what I needed; my Father comforted my immediate pain. These few priceless moments and a vibrant picture will stand in the forefront of my mind forever.
As the words and melody carried me forward, an image flashed into my head of a beautiful wedding aisle. It seemed that with each step I took, as I advanced down this seemingly endless hall, God impressed this picture upon me more and more. With each step, my present circumstances faded further into the background. After all, I was walking with God…
As we strolled, He explained that everywhere I go in life, He is leading me further down my wedding aisle toward Christ. Not only does He guide my every step; at the end of each day, He meets me - He is there. I was flooded with the sweetest of wedding-day thoughts and excitement as these words crossed my mind…“Envision every single place you walk as the beautiful aisle of your wedding.”
You see, God is intensely pursuing each of us along life’s adventure. You are an integral part of the bride of Christ. At the very end of it all, Jesus Himself will be waiting to meet you, His beloved bride; oh, how He cherishes you and what a celebration awaits! But until then, realize that every step you advance is also one farther away from the past you’re leaving behind. Remember that each day you continue walking down the aisle toward your eternal wedding. And as you make yourself ready each day, your Royal Husband is preparing for your future with Him. Listen to the words of Jesus,
“When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”
John 14:3 (NLT)
I pray you will tap into the experience I lived within those few hundred steps down a passageway I had hiked a million and a half times. May it encourage you to walk each step of this life filled with excitement, anticipation, and butterflies deep within your core. Come to understand the true purpose of intentionally placing one foot in front of the next: these steps bring you one footprint closer to your beloved Christ.
Today and for the rest of your life, wear a smile portraying the thrill awaiting you. Always remember the true reason why, where, and to whom you are walking, no matter the seemingly ordinary or burdensome road you trod. Do this, knowing that at the very end of your long journey, Jesus, yes, Jesus will be waiting right there for you, His priceless, beloved, breathtaking bride. There, you will join with all faithful believers as the complete bride of Christ, and together we will celebrate for all-time...
“For your Royal Husband delights in your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord. The bride, a princess, looks glorious in her golden gown. In her beautiful robes, she is led to the King, accompanied by her bridesmaids. What a joyful and enthusiastic procession as they enter the King’s palace!” Psalms 45:11, 13-15 (NLT)
It's amazing how God infiltrates our moment by moment days with lessons and sweet take-aways if we allow Him the space. More than ever, I am convinced that He just wants to whisper to us in the simplest forms of communication...through a fallen flower on the sidewalk, a rock shaped like a heart put in our path, or witnessing a breathtaking sunrise on a morning we had no intentions of rising so early.
It’s hard to deny: God is in the daily. He is in the moment. He is in the minute and the second.
As I awakened this morning to pull the curtains back in my bedroom, I felt the radiant warmth of the sun breaking from behind the hills. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. What a tangible reminder that today, in that moment, was the fresh start to yet another day. The slate of yesterday, last week, last year, and even a lifetime had been whitewashed. Whether past days were filled with good or bad, blessing or curses, all had been wiped clean and left back in time.
The heat upon my face not only reminded me of the promises and hope of this new day, but also the everlasting radiance we will soak in as we spend eternity in the presence of our mighty God. Who are we that He would choose us, these broken people, to keep Him company for all eternity?... that He would desire to display His beauty and treasures with us?.. that He would share His extravagant heavenly places with us?
Make no mistake, this morning you may have awakened to achy knees, a new blemish gracing your face, or you may even be confined in some way, but you won't always live in this condition. You will one day receive a perfect, immortal body! We won't always fight down lies of fear, failure, and loneliness. We will live in perfect peace and true, everlasting joy. God adored us too much to leave us in such a sorry state for all eternity..."He who was seated on the throne said, 'I am making everything new!; Then he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.' Revelation 21:5 (NIV) WOW - we are loved.
No matter what condition you found yourself in this morning upon rising, know that you are incredibly treasured. Take those words and let them permeate your mind, your heart, and your life! God cherishes you so much that He never sleeps - He keeps perfect watch over you, guides and provides for you, and paints unique, captivating sunrises and sunsets for you each day.
Regardless of how yesterday played out, trust in Him TODAY to be your everything. Lean on Him when you feel weak AND when you feel strong, for He is always there as your rock. “My God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. He is my refuge, my savior, the one who saves me...” 2 Samuel 22:3 (NLT) Remember that Christ has your very best in mind and knows your every need and heart's desire. If you seek Him first, He will take care of the rest. Matthew 6:33-34 (TNIV)
If you are blessed today, even for a moment, to receive a touch of the sun on your skin, let it remind you of the overtaking love of God and help you set your eyes and intentions on Him. May the heat permeate your heart and be a reminder that every moment holds the opportunity of a new day with God. Throw your cares, worries, and even your triumphs toward Him; He will catch and know what to do with them every time. (Psalm 55:22) All you have to do each second is focus on soaking in God’s love, loving Him and others in return, and shining for Jesus wherever you go...
Have you ever reacted to a situation or person and wondered what on earth you were thinking? Did you analyze yourself backward and forward, trying to seek better understanding of your reaction, only to become more confused? Isn't it a horrible feeling to realize you don't always understand yourself, much less the reasons you do the things you do? Thank goodness God knows us better than we could ever know ourselves, and more importantly, He loves us...quirks, knee-jerk reactions, and all.
"He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good." Romans 8:27-28 (MSG)
If you are anything like me, you're not only baffled by your own ways, but also by the plans of God. His methods and motives are certainly different from ours. I think about this often and am coming to the place of thanking Him for His higher and more perfect ways - even when I really don't feel like it.
But what if each of us who live this life of faith could just immediately rest our thoughts of question and puzzlement in the hands of God? What if our first instinct was to TRUST that His ways are perfect and everything’s going to work out in the end? In theory that sounds fabulous, but it’s a true battle when the rubber of our faith hits the road of life.
"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things." Ecclesiastes 11:5 (NIV)
I cannot fathom the rhythm to God's rhymes and often can't make sense of my own, but just the other day something occurred to me. I was suddenly so thankful to remember that He is a God who not only carefully lays out each of His plans, but also has absolute understanding concerning His decisions. God's sovereignty cannot be denied and is even painful at times, but what a silver lining in the storm clouds to be reminded that His motivations are always pure, His ways are truly perfect, AND He understands every detail of them! Oh my, are they detailed...
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9 (NSV)
It is clear in life and in the Bible: God's ways are not our own. They are impossible to wrap around and much too high to grasp. Though we cannot reach them, may each of us who loves Christ be encouraged to know that His blueprints are carefully spread out in the heavenlies and each facet of them makes absolute sense to Him. Today, more than ever before, may we rest in this comfort and choose to be thankful for our God's mysterious ways...
“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (MSG)
With all I have, I love God, love people, and love life! Along my journey, I have fallen in love with the risen Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, and I am overflowing with unbridled passion for Him. He is the breath that I breathe and the light of my way.
I am captivated and called to share His truth to all who will listen
and I long to live loving the way Christ asks me to.