Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Life can chew you up and spit you out. Just when you think you're getting ahead, life comes to knock you back down to size. One morning you can awaken feeling on top of the world and the next you can barely get out of bed; the weight of the world has plopped itself onto your unsuspecting chest.

Jesus warned us of this very conundrum. "In this world you will have trouble..." He knew more than any other human being that life was going to get messy, uncomfortable, and be downright unfair. He knew we would face attacks from every angle and at times we would feel like throwing in the towel. But it's not about the challenges and roadblocks we face; it's all about how we react to them. When we hit an obstacle, do we lie down in surrender and defeat or gather the strength to stand up, dust ourselves off, and continue the fight?

The Savior of the world continued, "...but take heart, for I have overcome the world." This tangible existence we call "life" is just a vapor when compared to the eternal timeline being laid out before us. These potholes and flat tires constantly popping up in our lives are merely bumps in the road when we keep our thoughts right and perspectives pure.

Life is all about perspective; either the glass is half empty or half full. You awakened today, so consider that a step in the right direction. Sure those days will come when getting out of bed seems like the worst option, but we can face them knowing that this life is just the beginning. All of the hassles in our lives that seem so monumental right now will one day be a faint blip on the radar.

The most important thing to remember is that this day is a gift, no matter what comes. Focus on living in the present moment, instead of fretting about the future or mulling over the past. Entire lives are wasted stressing about things that cannot be changed and wishing for things that may never be achieved. The easiest way to lift the weight off our chests is to do the very best we can with each day we are given and leave the rest up to the God who gave it to us. Remember - He has already overcome everything we will ever face.

Standing Tall,
Katie Marie

Sunday, January 1, 2017


Today is the awakening of a brand new year - a clean slate, a fresh start. Each new year can bring with it so much hope of what is to come; it can also usher in anxiety and concern considering the vast mysteries that await.

I can't help but wonder what the upcoming year truly holds when placed in God's hands, lined up with His perfect Will. If I allow myself to peek too far into the future, anxiety and fear can quickly sweep over me. I can't allow that. Jesus is my everything; He is the director of my steps. Though I have no idea what this season of life will bring, I do know the One who does. 

While pondering the possibilities of several unknowns, along with so many more I don't even realize, I am quickly reminded how much I need my Jesus. I look all around me and all I see is change...shifting sands and a chasm of possibilities. But when I look to Him, I see the Rock - the unchanging, unwavering foundation upon which I have built my life; and again I am at peace. In Christ alone I find consistency, reassurance, and perfect Love. He is the one constant in my life and I am forever grateful for that. Jesus truly is my all in all.

I decided this coming year I will not look to the wind and waves in my life. Instead, I will look to my King; my unshakable God. I will meditate on His goodness and surround myself with His mercies. I will spread His love everywhere I go, expecting nothing in return (though it will be hard at times). I will remember that Jesus is my source and supply, finding my security, confidence, and stability in Him alone. 

With each new year that passes, I realize more and more that the great unknowns of the future are no mystery to my Creator. He saw the end before it began; He knows my story in and out. He knows how everything works out, and in the end, we win. This time, I am choosing not to worry about the plot twists and turns. They are simply subplots interwoven into God's Divine designs. Though the long, winding path of a new year stares boldly back at me, I am taking my first steps of 2017 with my head held high, knowing I am never alone. In fact, I am taking up company with the King of all Kings and the Potter of my days. Will you join us on the journey?

Confident in Him,
Katie Marie