Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hi, beautiful friend!

This just randomly came to heart as I was sitting in the studio yesterday, recording my new album, so I thought I'd write it down and share it with you...

The love of Christ is all surpassing, all encompassing, all consuming. It cannot be contained, defined, or even fathomed. In order to experience its awesome power, we must simply step into the flow of His living waters and let that love wash and soak us through and through. We must simply receive; just receive and release our every weight and burden...

He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water. (John 7:38 AMP)

Captured By Love So Divine,
Katie Marie 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


There was a season, not too long ago, when God placed me in a strange job. It took His awesome strength and fail-proof Word to get me out of bed each day just to face that situation. It was a difficult, trying season, to say the least, but for all I have learned and for the people I met as a result, I am so thankful.

One day, as I was running an errand for my boss, I had to walk down a long, boundless hallway. This was a corridor I trudged back and forth upon for ten plus hours a day, five tedious days a week. God had a specific purpose in this errand, though; this trek was different. As I set foot on this hallway’s carpet and turned the corner to begin my task, Etta James’ song, “At Last” began to play over the speakers.

Imagine the echo I heard as it rang through that frigid hallway…“At last, my love has come along…” Setting out upon that daunting path, I would have never imagined I’d find myself in a sweet little rendezvous with God. He met me right where I was and gave me exactly what I needed; my Father comforted my immediate pain. These few priceless moments and a vibrant picture will stand in the forefront of my mind forever.

As the words and melody carried me forward, an image flashed into my head of a beautiful wedding aisle. It seemed that with each step I took, as I advanced down this seemingly endless hall, God impressed this picture upon me more and more. With each step, my present circumstances faded further into the background. After all, I was walking with God…

As we strolled, He explained that everywhere I go in life, He is leading me further down my wedding aisle toward Christ. Not only does He guide my every step; at the end of each day, He meets me - He is there. I was flooded with the sweetest of wedding-day thoughts and excitement as these words crossed my mind…“Envision every single place you walk as the beautiful aisle of your wedding.”

You see, God is intensely pursuing each of us along life’s adventure. You are an integral part of the bride of Christ. At the very end of it all, Jesus Himself will be waiting to meet you, His beloved bride; oh, how He cherishes you and what a celebration awaits! But until then, realize that every step you advance is also one farther away from the past you’re leaving behind. Remember that each day you continue walking down the aisle toward your eternal wedding. And as you make yourself ready each day, your Royal Husband is preparing for your future with Him. Listen to the words of Jesus,
“When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”
John 14:3 (NLT)

I pray you will tap into the experience I lived within those few hundred steps down a passageway I had hiked a million and a half times. May it encourage you to walk each step of this life filled with excitement, anticipation, and butterflies deep within your core. Come to understand the true purpose of intentionally placing one foot in front of the next: these steps bring you one footprint closer to your beloved Christ.

Today and for the rest of your life, wear a smile portraying the thrill awaiting you. Always remember the true reason why, where, and to whom you are walking, no matter the seemingly ordinary or burdensome road you trod. Do this, knowing that at the very end of your long journey, Jesus, yes, Jesus will be waiting right there for you, His priceless, beloved, breathtaking bride. There, you will join with all faithful believers as the complete bride of Christ, and together we will celebrate for all-time...

“For your Royal Husband delights in your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord. The bride, a princess, looks glorious in her golden gown. In her beautiful robes, she is led to the King, accompanied by her bridesmaids. What a joyful and enthusiastic procession as they enter the King’s palace!” Psalms 45:11, 13-15 (NLT)