Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Hey awesome blog friends!

I just wanted to leave a little note to thank you for continuing to check in on my posts. I share my writing with you in hopes it will bless your life in some way.

To give you a little peek behind the scenes of my upcoming devotional book, we are hard at work in the tedious editing process. I surely appreciate your prayers covering us in this important phase, asking God to craft this book perfectly as He desires...nothing more, nothing less. Whatever He wants, I want!

I'll continue posting progress updates as the weeks draw to a close. I'm so excited to watch as God unfolds His plans for this project, and I look forward to having a physical book to share with you all!

Thank you again for your love, prayers, and support! Enjoy this month as we celebrate the incredible birth of our Savior, Jesus!!!

In Him,
Katie Marie :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Happy day to you!

Have you ever read a verse from the Bible and been shocked to realize it was the first time you’d ever seen it? Have you been more astounded that you don’t recall ever hearing it? This one hit me today:

“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” 1 Cor 5:20

Wow…if I could sum up my own interpretation, it would be: “Meet Him…then LIVE Him.” As I was thinking about this short, power-packed phrase, I really realized a mistake we Christians often make. Sometimes we’re so caught up in speaking out about Jesus that we forget to take some time and investigate the atmosphere we’re putting out in the world. Is the message we’re sharing evident and visible to a complete stranger brushing by? If our words were taken away, do our lives still convey His powerful gift?

We are clearly called and required to share Christ’s gift of salvation with everyone we cross paths with. But, if we are just talking a lot without evidence of His real love, grace, freedom, and power in our own lives, what are we? A resounding gong, it seems. We’re just another voice in the crowd, talking a “good game.”

This world is full of talkers…people who speak just because they enjoy hearing themselves. I do NOT want to be one of those people. Who on earth wants the life we have in Jesus if all they hear is talk and never actually experience Christ through us? I don’t want to be just a chattering noise for Christ, void of real life and joy.

Jesus said, “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” John 10:10 (Message) Who wouldn’t want that? IT’S AWESOME!

It blows my mind, but this is the life we are freely given to live out and to offer others. Let us not just talk a “good game,” but as Ambassadors for Christ, let’s each take some time to review our relationship with Him. As essential as it is to speak of our Mighty God’s Salvation, it’s just as important to stop and investigate the atmosphere we are cultivating in our circles of influence.

So how do we do this? How do we powerfully radiate Christ’s love, compassion, freedom, power, and grace? We seek HIM, first and foremost above all else. We search Him with all our hearts, we set our minds and thoughts on what He thinks about every single situation, and we simply love on Him.

It seems simple, but I believe when we do this, all else falls into place. God rewards us for our hearts turned in His direction and He responds by opening His floodgates. He sprinkles our Divine conversations and interactions with His anointing and POWERFUL things happen…lives are changed eternally.

Suddenly, we experience a deep joy bubbling from deep within our cores and we can’t get our minds off Christ. In turn, we can’t seem to do enough to show others how much He loves them, too. We even catch glimpses of Jesus as we pass our own reflections and smile thinking, “Wow, there’s Jesus in me…”

That sounds pretty powerful, don’t you think? “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.”

Experience…investigate…then radiate.

In Christ’s AWESOME love,
Katie Marie :)

Monday, November 15, 2010


"Your hands made me and formed me..." Psalm 119:73

Hi awesome friends,

As I was reading through Scripture this morning, I caught a glance at this verse. My eye was drawn to a tiny note I had penned next to it almost a year ago. Simply put, I had written, "You did not speak me, You touched me..." I'd like to expound on this for you today.

God explains in this portion of His love letter that His heavenly hands made us and formed us...WOW. Do you realize what he could have done? This is the God of the Universe - He could have simply breathed, spoken, struck a random rock upon a mountain, or coughed to create us, for that matter. He could have chosen any means He wanted, but none of those were good enough for our Heavenly Father. No, out of His great love, He longed to touch us with His own hands...to mold and form us from absolutely nothing into who we see reflecting back in the mirror each morning. Considering these things, doesn't this verse just drip with God's love and sweet adoration?

"Your hands made me and formed me..." Psalm 119:73

Now, not only did God take the time to knit and form us each with His hands (Psalm 139:5, 13), He also reminds us of His method for our creation over and over in the Bible. Why? So we would know just how prized, beloved, and treasured we are in His sight. We are His blessed children...the crown of His creation.

You, my friend, have been touched by the very hand of God. I speak of the One and only God who knows the exact number of hairs on your head this moment, precisely how many millimeters your fingernails have grown over the last 6.5 hours, and is keenly aware of all details surrounding your precious life.

Take a moment to stop and look down at your physical self. Each extremity and part you see, even the intricate systems you don't, have been lovingly touched and formed by the hand of Almighty God. He loves you, so much so, that He wouldn't settle for a second-rate means to create you. It wasn't enough to speak you into being; He wanted to touch you...to be involved in every single step and detail of your formation. Wow, what great love and undivided attention has been poured into each and every cell of your body! Will you recognize this today? And with a heart of thanks, will you lift your praise to Him who formed you?

When God created you, He touched you. This is still His desire...to be an invaluable part of your existence; your day-to-day everyday. There is no detail too small, no issue too huge for God's attention and care. After all, He is already present in the midst just waiting for You to let Him in. He wants you to share all of your life with Him.

God is the ONE faithful Father who is always there, intensely gazing, carefully listening, and deeply longing to share this life with you. His hands are the beautiful instruments that molded and formed you. Let Him touch you again today...

In His Great Love,
Katie Marie

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hi, precious people!

I just want to share a cool little moment and insight I had this morning. Today I ducked away with God to the end of a very special private pier extending into Lake Michigan’s waters. At its concrete and metal edge stands a lone light pole with white power-pox attached. In the night, it brightly shines its red beacon to welcome boaters and announce the pier’s presence...hmmm - much like God, don't ya think?

This is the scene where I absolutely love to be, with arms wrapped tightly around this thin pole, perched atop its little power-source. This my beloved “Jesus Spot.” It’s the place I love most in this whole world to sit and hang out with my Savior King. Through countless seasons and years, God has faithfully met with me here. I’ve never once been “stood up” for one of our dates, though many times I was long, long overdue for our rendezvous. I guess that’s why He’s God and I am not ☺

As we sat there this mild, sun-soaked morning, my Creator wrapped me up in Divine comfort and drenched me in His unmistakable love. I couldn’t help but close my eyes, as I always do, to take in the gentle noise of the waters lapping as they hugged around the massive pier’s head. I looked out upon the open waters splayed out before me, watching the sunlight dance upon the rolling waves and knew I was being delighted in my Father in Heaven. The chilly winds of late fall nipped away at my cheeks, but I didn’t mind…I was warm everywhere else.

There I was, so fulfilled and enveloped in love, yet I found myself still desiring something more from God. I wanted hear His sweet voice echoing back at me…I wanted to know what was He was planning to unfold for my day, week, year, and life. I thought I needed Him to tell me what was on His mind for me for that moment...I did. Though His words came out differently than I expected to hear, He whispered forth the phrases I needed to hear most.

As my eyes followed the waters being pulled along by the channel’s current, God suddenly spoke so tenderly: “Come away with Me…don’t think about another thing, don’t take another step today; just come away with Me.” I clung tightly there to that trusty light pole and, yet again, released all of my designs and plans. I unraveled every strand of my tight-knit will for the umpteenth time.

Though sometimes, God reveals His plans and steps to me, today He wanted me to simply sit…to come away with Him. He wanted me to search out our own little nook in the world, away from the clutches of life, free from the tick-tock of time, and just sit in His loving arms. My Heavenly Father wanted to take me away to that special place…His embrace. That’s it.

This point is simple, but God sometimes is simple. He’s incomparably creative, complex, and mysterious, but every once in a while He strips all of that away to get down to the bare bones of it all:

He just wants you…
He just wants me…
He just wants us…
To come away.

Cozy up in your favorite blankie and oversized chair; sprawl out on your back and gaze upon the illuminated numbered and named stars; hike to your favorite overlook; bury your toes deep into your favorite beachy sands; grab the keys and take that one special drive only you and God know about. Whatever you do, wherever you go, whenever you can, carve the time out and get away with God.

Then close your eyes to hear Him gently calling out to you much like He did to me today: “Come away with Me; don’t think about another thing, don’t take another step…just come away with Me.”

Friday, November 5, 2010


Hi everybody!

I wanted to post an excerpt from the devotional I wrote this morning...I keep thinking I'm done with the content of my book, but then God decides to download more!!! What can I do? I'm just His lil typist...hope you enjoy!

Excerpt from "Walls of Water"

Looking at my life and the lives of those around me, I have come to conclude it is rare that we are completely satisfied with our place in life. Much like the Israelites, we have each been redeemed, justified, protected, and delivered; yet it is not enough.

Some of you are free from your oppressors, but today you awakened to realize God has led you into the desert. This arid climate you find yourself in can be an uncomfortable place…wildly vacillating temperatures and conditions leave you questioning your resilience and ability to endure. Food can seem scarce…spiritual, emotional, and even physical sustenance can be hard to come by day-to-day.

You may seem to have no sense of direction or plan for escape. Which way is north? South? East? West? Is there a purpose and plan in all of this? There must be…there IS.

If the Lord of all Creation is your God, He has chosen you…set you apart, and placed you exactly where you are today. He wants you right where He has you and though we may not understand why, we have to trust and KNOW that He does understand why.

There are so many awesome lessons and insights we could glean from those faithful saints who have walked the paths of faith and trust before us. There are countless generations who have put their every decision and moment into the hands of God and allowed Him to lead…wherever, however, and whenever He decided.

We cannot get caught up in the discomforts of our current roads and climates so we become distracted and impatient. It breaks my heart to read the countless stories of the Israelites in their desert times…how time and time again, God rescued and provided for them…how He led them faithfully and loved them despite themselves.

“He divided the sea and led them through; He made the water stand firm like a wall. He guided them with the cloud by day and with the light from the fire all night. He split the rocks in the desert and gave them water as abundant as the seas; He brought streams out of a rocky crag and made water flow down like rivers.” Psalm 78:13-16

More to come, my friends...thank you for staying with me on this journey we call LIFE!!!

In His AWESOME Love,
Katie MArie

Friday, October 22, 2010


Hi Beautiful People,

Today, atop my balcony, I happened to look upon a young woman sitting at a picnic table next to the water. She was apparently out for a stroll with her dog and stopped for a moment to take in the view. As I saw her, she was in the process of snapping her own picture in her camera. With camera turned around to face her, she captured her image. She quickly turned it back around and viewed what she had just taken. As she hit a few more buttons and rearranged her hair, it was evident she wasn’t satisfied with what she had seen.

Taking a look behind her to be sure her background was perfect, she pulled her hair around to her front and primped a few more things. She re-took the photo and apparently approved of it enough to stand up from her table and walk away from the scene, puppy trailing behind.

We have all taken our own picture and have seen it done by others many times. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this…God just allowed me to catch this brief moment to hear His heart today; to latch onto a simple truth in a whole new way.

It was as this young woman was adjusting her hair, making sure everything was as perfect as possible, that it hit me…we are not satisfied with how God sees us.

So many of us are living our lives as if we are trying to create the perfect picture of ourselves to capture the moment so we can take the image back to God. “See, Lord? It was a beautiful day and look how pretty I can be…are You happy with me? Do you like what You see? Do you now love me more than You did before? Am I worthy of You now?"

Most times, this analyzing spills right over to affect the people in our lives. These questions can begin to contaminate every area surrounding…

Life is not a still-frame photo and we are not images that can be airbrushed, quaffed, or adjusted with our own secret tweaks. We are all broken people and we are all dealing with our own imperfections. No one can see these human flaws more than the One who made every single part of us. We need the Lord’s truth to shine upon us to cleanse, perfect, and transform us. We cannot be changed apart from Him…

“For we [Christians]…worship God in spirit and by the Spirit of God and exult and glory and pride ourselves in Jesus Christ, and put no confidence or dependence [on what we are] in the flesh and on outward privileges and physical advantages and external appearances—“ Philippians 3:3 (AMP)

Today, let us not strive to take our own “perfect” picture for God. Let us not torque our placement around to find the perfect background setup. Let us not delete the picture of who we are in this moment in order to try to hide what we see. This day is not the “end all, be all” of our story, but it is where we are today. Realizing this, we can then turn and run with all our might into the loving, faithful arms of Christ just as we are. We can bring our cameras loaded with “perfect” images trying to impress our Heavenly Daddy, but this is not what He wants. The truth of the matter is, Our Almighty Father sees us at all times, in all scenarios, whether hair is awry or every piece is exactly in place. He sees us in every way and HE STILL LOVES US.

This God we love and know as Abba, Father, is already proud of us, abounding with love, and delighted over each of His children. He doesn’t want us to airbrush our images or freeze-frame our “got it together” moments and bring them to Him for approval.

Erase the pictures you’ve snapped and saved with Perfection’s eye in mind and just bring yourself - camera still in hand to your loving Creator today. He wants to capture the truly perfect picture of Him just holding you…

In His PERFECT Love,
Katie Marie

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hi everybody!!!

I wanted to update you on the Devotional Book I'm finishing up...around the end of December I will be entering my work into a Women of Faith Writing Competition!!! If my book is the winner, I will receive publishing and distribution through a really great company. My book will be sold to retailers and bookstores AND through Women of Faith through their various outlets, conferences, and events across the globe. Even if I am not the top winner, the publishing company may still wish to pick up the book for publishing and distribution. EXCITING stuff!!!!!

I was just entered into the competition YESTERDAY and already I had an awesome conversation with my personal contact for the publishing company!

Thank you so much for your constant prayers, support, and love for me and all God is doing. It is so encouraging to hear how my writing blesses and strengthens your walk with Christ. He has given me everything I write and I do it all because of Him! From there, I am drawn to share what pours out of me and I pray you are impacted in whatever ways HE desires.

I am diligently working on finishing this book that has been in the works for the last two years. What a celebration it will be when it's finally done and in your hands!!! Please pray specifically that I will be able to finish up the content and editing phases and that every word meant to be included will be...not ONE word more or less!

I'll be updating you on the competition as my deadline draws nearer. I love you all and pray you are having an especially blessed day with our beautiful Jesus!

In His Love,
Katie Marie :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hi, Friends :)

I went for a walk along the ocean with Jesus today, on the beaches of San Jose, California. As I spent some awesome time loving on my Creator, I was so fed as I felt pulled and tugged on by the tide’s ebb and flow; as I sensed the weight of the waves crashing just beyond the reach of my Asics.

I love walking beside massive expanses of water because I am forced to realize just how small, powerless, and insignificant I am. I am simply a speck upon its seemingly endless shores, and yet, my Heavenly Creator and Daddy knows right where I am; He knows exactly which “speck” I am. I love it – feeling so small and overlookable, and yet, so noticed, validated, and irreplaceable.

As I walked along this morning, my eyes were suddenly drawn to a tiny, whole sand dollar lying on top of a pushed up pile of sand. Looking back on it, I think I was so excited, I audibly said, “No way, Jesus!” (I will never suppress my excitement and thanksgiving when God does sweet little things for me. It’s my praise! WARNING: It’s very addictive, but you should try it!)

Now, if my memory serves correctly, I have only found one whole sand dollar like that in my entire life. Perfect, unbroken sand dollars are very rare to find, and there I was with a sweet little perfect treasure peering up from my chilled hand. It was exciting!

I continued on my journey, and as I was stopped far down the coast by a little inlet, I was blown away to find sand dollars scattered everywhere! Most were broken, marred, dark gray. Some were even still furry due to the little creature’s recent death. But, there were some that were perfect and white, reflecting God’s Glory from where they lay. I picked up as many as I could find and turned to head back.

I passed some sweet little children digging holes in the sand at water’s edge as their daddy admired their work. Just after I passed by, a few sand dollars thudded to the ground as they fell from my pocket. They must have made quite a noise because I even heard them over my Ipod. As I turned to see what had happened, there the little escape artists were, scattered on the sand. I picked them up again and put them back from whence they came, when a sudden urge hit me. I felt led to turn around and give some of my treasures to those little children.

Quickly, I shook off the feeling and continued putting distance between us, but I didn’t like denying the feeling I had. I had a moment of selfishness pass over me, thinking of how I have never found such sand dollars in my life and justifying it because there are so many loved ones back home I’d love to give them to. Yup, it was a classic case of straight-up human selfishness and fear of giving something “important” away. Wow, how silly and trivial, and yet it happens all the time.

Today, I chose to turn these little feet around and shine some Jesus on the people He put in my path. I headed back to the daddy standing by, and asked him if he’d like to give them to his kids. With three in my hand, I bent down to the little girl digging right under me and she picked out her favorite. How perfect the number three was, because she had a sister and brother just up the beach who would love their own sandy treasure to take home.

They thanked me and I said, “God bless you.” I never really got a response to that final send-off greeting, but it didn’t bother me. The Lord reminded me that I was simply doing what He had prompted me to do and the rest was up to Him. After all, those weren’t my treasures…Almighty God is the One who formed each sand dollar and the One who allowed me to come upon them. And who knows the seeds I planted in that tiny act of sandy kindness today? Well, God does, and I think that’s really awesome.

I wish I could say I jump at the chance each time I feel like I’m supposed to do something for or say something to another person…I don’t. Every once in a while, when I just don’t “feel like it," I let the opportunity slip through my fingers. These are the moments I find myself wondering about, long after the chance has passed. I don’t like those kind of "what if's?" Not when they have to do with God and His awesome ways! I don’t want to miss these sweet sand dollar days. I don’t want to pass up that abounding joy I felt as I walked away from those people today. I was so full of His love for those precious ones He created, and I knew I was shining His love upon them.

I wanted to share this story with you today, not because I’m a Sand Dollar Superhero, but because I am a simple human, living my life out for Jesus. I wanted to show you how I struggle to love as He does, and how I wrestle daily with following His ways instead of my own; how heavy it can be to carry my will over His! I want to help you as I learn it’s much better to put Him in the driver’s seat from the beginning, instead of waiting until you’re broken down at the side of the road, calling out for a rescue (spiritually speaking).

My prayer today is to get myself out of the way so Christ can step in and take over. I want to shine His light until it permeates even the hardest of hearts. I want to be His hands and feet today, no matter what “treasure” I have to give away. That’s all I want to do…shine Jesus and be His “little helper.” If He’s given something to me and asks me to give away, then I better doggone do it! I trust Him to take care of me no matter what.

Even as I sit here at the kitchen table where I’m staying, I realize how blessed I am. I am pouring my heart out to you, listening to the ocean roar and waves break outside in the company of 11 more little sand dollars God’s letting me take back home. What a sweet, awesome God we serve...

Join me, and give what you’ve got today :)

"Freely you have received; freely give." Matthew 10:8

In His Beautiful Love,

"Sand Dollar Katie Marie"

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Here's my heart poured out for you today...

“Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor Me.” Psalm 50:14-15

"Thank You, Jesus." These three words have been whispered, proclaimed, sobbed, screamed, and spoken more times than any human could ever count. They have been prayed in complete silence as tears stream down a face and they have been forced out in faithful worship amidst great pain and trial. Today the incredible woman of God sitting right next to me whispered them. There I was, seated in choir during church, head bowed in prayer, as the pastor led us. Even in prayer, I was caught off-guard, moved, and rattled to the core by her praise.

You see, this woman just recently lost her husband in a sudden tragedy, leaving her a devastated, unprepared, unequipped widow and single mother of beautiful triplet daughters. Without question, she has been through more pain, faced more questions, devastation, and loss than my mind could ever fathom. All of this, and yet the words she chose to whisper today were, "Thank You, Jesus." Complete second-nature to her, I doubt she even realized they slipped out.

These sweetly hushed messages of thanks moved from within her tender heart, out through her praising mouth, up to Jesus Himself, and throughout the heavens. I believe her praise will ring through eternity. Much smaller in scale, she also happened to rattle the cages of my heart. Suddenly, I was finding myself even more in complete awe, love, and sheer wonderment of this Jesus, my beautiful King...

At that very moment, through this amazing little vessel of God, I was experiencing a new face of Christ. I was coming to know Him in a whole new way. I realized immediately that even those who have experienced deeper pain and loss than I could ever imagine, were exceedingly fulfilled and joyful because of Jesus and their relationship with Him. Clearly He is our fail-proof Savior.

After all, after just traveling down the roller coaster of sudden widowhood and back up the unforgiving hills of life, amidst painful vacancy, this daughter of God still whispered thanks to her Christ. While trudging through the desert of loneliness and loss, she has still chosen Jesus to be her companion this very day. He is her all-in-all in every way possible. Today I was infinitely blessed to share the company of such a woman; a woman who freely proclaimed, “Thank You, Jesus.”

These three precious words hold such power, such promise, praise, worship, hope, faith, trust, peace, joy, and comfort. These three have passed through the lips of children in their Sunday schools, through the mouths of moms and dads as they watch their grown child move out into the world, and through the widow’s mouth whose life is now held together only by the peace Jesus gives her that passes all human understanding. They are whispered by the woman standing with hands raised despite her recent diagnosis of cancer, the one riddled with sores upon every surface of her body, and even the parents who have warred the pain of holding their precious child who was taken to Heaven far too soon.

Though we have each been placed in a world broken and decayed by the presence of sin, we who know and love our Savior, continually find ourselves saying, "Thank You, Jesus..." This thanks flows out of the deepest part of us, for only Jesus knows what He has done for us, who He is being for us, and what we are going through. We can't help but thank the One who is carrying us in His Mighty arms through the flames and trials this very moment. He is the perfect Healer, Protector, and Lover of all…

Jesus is the Universal person to all people. He fulfills all roles and heals every wound man could ever come to know. He is the Father to the fatherless, Mother to the motherless, Husband to the widow, Friend to the friendless, Brother to the one who has lost their only...I could go on and on. He knows our every need and steps into each role that echoes with vacant silence.

Though I am far from home and all those I love, and though I walk the blind path of faith, stepping constantly into the deep unknown, I still joyfully and recklessly proclaim, "Thank You, Jesus..." After all, He is my All-in-All. He is my mom, my dad, my brother, sister, best friend, future husband, my Savior, and my King. He is my Everything.

To sum up today, I conclude one thing...Christ is too awesome to describe. He is unspeakably good. There aren’t enough words to proclaim who and what He is. He is inescapably beautiful, mighty, awesome, powerful, and praise-worthy.

Though we have each been forced to crawl through wastelands of pain, loss, anger, and question, we can’t help but lift our hands, hearts, and lives in total abandon. We lift our thanks in sacrifice, praise, and worship to Him who gave His very life for us. Though we are at a loss to describe Him, and fumble with the title to behold Him, the words still escaping our lips are those that rattled and wrecked me today: "Thank You, Jesus…"

“He who sacrifices thank offerings honors Me and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God.” Psalm 50: 23

Thursday, October 7, 2010


"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58

This verse has really gotten me thinking today...

I am such a driven person for God and have such an intense calling on my heart that I overwhelm myself at times. I have such a desire to work hard for Him and touch lives with His undeniable grace and beautiful salvation. I work, work, work...Today I've realized I am doing much more work than I even realize!

Even when my days don't allow me to sing, work on my book, write to you, practice guitar, or pen a song, my days are not in vain! Nothing that has filled this "unproductive" day has been a waste and not a moment of my time slipped away without great accomplishment. I'm tapping into the truth that even the tiniest of things I do in a day are great and meaningful when I do them out of my love for Jesus. At the end of any day, no matter its roadblocks, u-turns, or traffic jams, I want to settle into Christ's rest and peace. I want to lay my head upon my pillow hearing the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Wow, this JUST hit me as I'm writing...we are the Lord's workers; His servants. What do servants do? They do the work needed to be done at that very moment. They take care of whatever is on the docket without question or complaint. It is their job and their task. They do these things because they are indebted to or employed by the one who has given them the list of "to do's." This is awesome! It's not just our Life's Purpose that matters to God...it's in the little things we do in His name that show Him how much we love and want to serve Him.

Every single thing you do in your daily life, if you do it for Christ, is not in vain! Take this down to the very simplest of things: when you wash the dishes, do it for Him! As silly as it may sound to you, think of Him as you're doing them. When you fold your loved ones' laundry, realize you're doing the work God has put in front of you and asked of you to do in that moment. If He has given you this family and all other things in your day and life, you are at work for Him when you do these jobs! Hopefully in this moment, the thought of fulfilling your "honey do" list just grew a little sweeter in your noggin...:)

Go out and love on some unsuspecting people for Him today, next week, and the rest of your life...your labor and efforts are not in vain, no matter their apparent outcome! Keep saying "Hello" to people you pass on the street even if you feel like a heel when they ignore you. Chances are, they are not used to people acknowledging them so they were either caught off guard or figured you were talking to someone else. Don't worry, it happens to me all the time. :) And remember, when you offer that smile without receiving one in return, you are "taking one" for God's team...I assure you, He does not overlook your effort, and it is definitely not in vain! He'll bless you in ways only He can and only He has planned.

Do all you do, no matter what it is, with the heart intention of working for the Lord. I've been practicing this all morning and already I have found rest, peace, comfort, and purpose in simply existing...I am existing and living this day for Him. I will do what He's put in front of me each moment that passes. I will say the words He's wants me to say, I will write what gives me to write (i.e. I am writing to you now), and I will hug that person He wants me to hug. Today, I will stop and take the time to be there for someone in desperate need of a caring, listening ear. I'm walking out today's jobs for my Jesus.

You may be focused on the huge dreams and longings you believe God has for you in the future. Let me encourage you and pull your mindset a little closer to home today - do what He has put in front of you in every moment. Be intentional to do whatever it is for Him, out of your love for Him. You will be absolutely flooded with peace and satiety realizing every single laborious thing you do is actually good use of your time. It's all being counted on the Almighty God's time-sheet; you are on His clock. All of your work is rolling over on a heavenly payroll system so keep working for Christ! Your checks are in the mail and your sweet rewards are on their way to your doorstep this very moment...

Katie Marie :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hey friends!

I tell you what - I am absolutely amazed day in and out to realize the impact I have on people just by going out of my way to actually care. Man, we sure do live in a hurting world. We walk the soils of "What's in it for me?" and "Nothing in life is free." Sometimes these attitudes work against people like me who just sincerely want to bless strangers with a smile or genuine, "how are you today?" They may fight against me, but they surely haven't stopped me.

Every single day I am given opportunities to shine my Savior's light in both extremely common and very unusual ways. Most days, I just like to wait that extra 30 seconds to keep the door open for someone walking way behind me, offer an extra hand to a person with arms full, or show a stranger how to make "homemade cappuccino" when RaceTrac's machine has gone kaput. On occasion, I'll feel led to share a specific encouragement to someone or take care of a need that wasn't even evident to my eye. After I've filled that need, however, lots of times I am met by tears of thanks for fulfilling a silent prayer only God could have known about. (All glory to Him...I was just the little messenger. :) I'm not perfect and I know I must drop the ball in a million ways, but I must say I have become purposeful to keep my eyes open for the everyday opportunities to love on another.

I challenge you to make a pact with Jesus for even one whole day to shine His light and love in the simplest, but sometimes most impacting ways. Be intentional for this day to step out of your comfort zone, offering your true, heartfelt smile to someone who may never smile back at you. Encourage a stranger you see working hard at their "menial" job. Open your eyes to every beating human heart that crosses your path today.

May I ask you...what makes one person above another, anyway? Is one person more valued because he drives a certain car and wears a button-down shirt to work everyday? Is he above someone who pushes a broom or toilet-brush 9 hours a day? I dare boldly say, "NO!" All three of these people need genuine Christ-filled love and compassion. We are all flesh and blood and we all need each other.

Pay forward what you have been given...share your encouragement, warm hugs, extra hand, your smile, bottle of water (unopened, of course:), and your genuine concern for a stranger's well-being. I do warn you, though; by taking on this Jesus' loving mentality for even a day, you may get some strange looks and stumble across people who are very skeptical or even downright rude to you. You run the risk of offering kindness only to receive bitter hate in return. You might get a cruel remark in exchange for your genuine, "How's your day going?" Is that going to stop you? To me, these are small prices to pay in exchange for all I've been given through Jesus' love and sacrifice. No matter what, I want to keep on loving; you, too?

You may find yourself thinking, "What's in it for me? What about my needs; my hard day?" Think of this...if you put another person's well-being in front of your own, not only will you be doing what Jesus asked of you, you'll be changing this world one heart at a time and eternity will be impacted. The seeds you plant will also return you awesome fruit and blessings. I have experienced this over and over and over! Trust me, God is big enough and caring enough to be sure He sends along another unsuspecting stranger to pour that love right on back to you. :) No matter what you get in exchange for your efforts, know He is smiling back at you, and that's the best smile you could ever receive.

Make a love pact with Jesus to be His hands and feet with all who step into your life today; be His warm smile, kind voice, compassionate eyes, and loving arms. Be God's heart bursting out upon His beloved creation. Who knows? You may just be the only gift they receive this day, week, month or even year. I'll tell you who knows; the God of love does and He's sending you in His place this very day...

Grace and Love,
Katie Marie :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hi everybody,

Last weekend was my precious mom's birthday so I decided a fun gift for her would be ME in the flesh...thankfully, she was so excited, she squealed over and over! (I know, like Mother, like Daughter :) So, here I am soooooo very blessed to be in Michigan for 4 short, beautiful days with my family.

As I stepped off the plane in Western Michigan, I was absolutely shocked by the nipping cold that greeted me. What a huge vacillation from Florida's 90 degree warmth! I must say, this trip has been total confirmation that, while I will always be a Michigander at heart, I am a Floridian in nature :)

Though it's only the end of September, the colors are beginning to change all around me here in the north. As fall's cool winds have settle in the area, leaves are starting to turn and the glimmers of summer are fading away.

As you may know, I'm hard at work on my devotional book and I thought I'd share a little nibble from the piece I was constructing today entitled, "Look To The Trees." I pray it would bring you encouragement amidst the changing climates and seasons your life may be facing today...

"...Seasonal trees are forced to endure the coldest of tempests, snow, and biting climates. In the bitter winter, trees are made to lay barren and naked where they once stood decorated in splendid greens, flowers, and fruit. From one season of bounty to the next completely undressed of everything, it seems the trees are stripped bare out of punishment, disrobed of all glory and apparent purpose. But, this is all part of the plan, part of their life’s cycle. They are standing tall, allowing a sway for the harsh winds of seasons. When it is time again for spring to peek up from frozen ground, each plant knows what to do when it is their time to grow and bloom. They inherently know when to awaken again to produce new life.

"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are His. He changes times and seasons…” Daniel 2:20-21

Realize that God’s hand and breath changes the seasons; you do not. You cannot force the growth you want to see in yourself or in the people and world around you. You can’t drag your heels, pushing against life’s seasons because each is meant to turn in its proper time. You were not created to stress about the changes you experience in each season and you shouldn’t analyze every detail that shifts from day to day, week to week. Stand firm in your faith and rest all of your human thoughts, cares, worries, anxieties, and yearning for control upon Jesus, your Solid Rock..."

Amidst your current season and situations, I pray God will make Himself known to you in a very specific, special way today!

In His Love,
Katie Marie

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hi my friends,

Can I be straight up honest with you? I've got one word to say...WOAH. Okay, I've got a few more words to get out than that, but if today could be summed up into one word, it'd be "woah." Right now, in this moment and all through out the morning leading me to here, I've been truly overwhelmed with the weight of the calling placed on my life and pinned by my human weakness and unworthiness to do it.

I emphasized the word "placed" in the last paragraph because God truly did put my calling upon me. The gifts I have been given and the details of all I've been called to are nothing I ever sought out, dreamed of, or desired over the course of my life. God took the things I saw as least valuable in my gift storage and made them the very tools I use every day to touch others out there. Doesn't this so sound like Him?

I have been called to sing and to lead others into worship. I am constantly flooded with countless songs of raw, honest truth, pain, healing, redemption, and straight up worship. I can hardly keep up with the multitude of these songs and can't help but share them as they pour out. I've also been handed unique perspectives, words and a message to share through my speaking along with the passion of writing, journaling, and turning the lessons God shows me in my life into word pictures. I know, that's a lot of stuff...Again, I say, "WOAH." (Doesn't that word just feel good to say? :)

Since I've been called to so much and I have so many things constantly pouring out of me, I am bombarded at times. I have to release what's inside or I'll explode. I even tell those closest to me that sometimes I am so full I feel like my head's gonna pop off! Today was one of those days and I needed a good releasing session. As I was walking outside I felt the wave of an insatiable need to push and push hard. I just wanted to push, push, push. I had to push something...I had to exert. So I did.

There in my little community's gazebo, I threw my hands upon the creamy stucco wall and pushed with all my might. To be honest, I even gave that poor wall a little "Katie Marie kung-fu kick" (I'm sure it was a fun little sight to behold :). I pushed and pushed so hard that I began to cry and struggle. Upon that wall I poured out my tensions, anxiety, frustration, and pure energy. It was then in that silly moment I realized what I was fighting against. I was wrestling with God.

I was fighting Him just like Jacob struggled late in the night. In the story found in Genesis 32:22-32, Jacob wrestled with an unknown man (who ended up being God) with all of his might until daybreak. Through this match, God saw Jacob's passion, intensity, and powerful nature pour out. The Bible says "the man" saw he couldn't overtake Jacob, so he touched Jacob's hip to wrench it, causing his weakness and ultimate surrender.

Though it may have seemed to Jacob that he had lost due to his weakness, God saw him as an overcomer..."Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, (which means 'he struggled with God') because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome." Genesis 32:28. It's also important to read the story and realize Jacob wouldn't let God go without blessing him. WOAH. What a bold request for Jacob to make after he had just been "whooped" in an all-night wrestling match. Clearly he needed that blessing. Though he was seemingly overtaken because of his human weakness, God blessed Jacob for overcoming.

That same God blesses us for overcoming in spite of our shortcomings.

Apart from Christ, I am so unworthy and unequipped to take on this life I have been given. It's in this fact that I am so driven to Him. He has touched me to make me realize I am weak in nature. This is the very reason I push against random walls and throw my hands up with reckless abandon in worship. It's because of this weakness that I fall on my face at the honor of serving and loving Him in every way.

Were it not for Jesus, I don't have a single reason to sing or even the desire. He's the One who has always given me more songs than I can even handle, and the voice to carry the melodies into the air as HE opens my lips. To find the strength to carry this cross I tap into who I am doing this for...my Jesus. Whenever I wrestle with myself over my unworthiness, I close my human eyes to the fears attacking all around and focus my heart's eye on the beautiful face of my Resurrected King. I get away and shut out the world's chattering and distracting noises to hear my Father whispering. I have to or I can not make it through the fight until dawn.

I have to keep coming back to Him when I've lost the strength and courage to push on and endure my heavy, devastatingly awesome calling. I have so much passion, desire, fear, and angst trapped in this little vessel that it seems at times there's no other way to tap in than to get right down in the dirt and battle it out.

Today I wrestled with God. I needed Him to touch me; to wreck me on the inside, pour me out, and then rebuild me strong in Him. I longed for Him to speak to me in the quiet, tired, and hazy daybreak in the moments following our grapple. I needed Him to BLESS me. I pushed and pulled on Him until He did. I saran-wrapped myself around Him until He spoke the words I longed to hear...words of assurance, confirmation, and my worthiness in Christ. Lovingly He whispered, "do this just for me...love on me...sing for me...speak for me...write for me...be with me...rest in me..." That was it; simple and pure and it ended with "I Love you." *

Don't be afraid to wrestle with your Maker and Creator today. Search Him out and if you need to, get into the dirt with Him. Get ready to be passionately honest and raw and He will show up. I gently warn you, God will touch you and "mess you up," showing you your true weakness and frailty, but through it, you'll be blessed. You'll be given a new portion of bold humility and God-sized strength to pick up that cross of yours and walk on.

Oh, and don't you let Him go without blessing you; it's more than worth the struggle. He will give you what you longed for, and you will be released to resting in His mighty arms, feel even more secure and loved....wrestle on, my friend.

Consumed by the Call,
Katie Marie

* These last words were written on a sticky note and stuck on a pillow in my room. My best friend had written it and signed it - Jesus.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I was just sitting out on my balcony reading around in Isaiah 38 when I came across verse 19, "...the living, the living - they praise You as I am doing today." These words rang loudly in my head and then dove straight into my heart. I was moved to suddenly pen my own words in the margins next to God's Word. They were simple: "THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE." I then had to go grab my computer to share this with you, too.

It was in the moments leading up to writing those five tiny words that I realized something so obvious and yet so deeply powerful. Today, I am living. I was awakened this morning and the sun was rising yet again. My heart was still beating, my body still functioning, and my lungs were still taking in the air of this world. Each of us were given the gift of life today; some were not so fortunate.

I once heard a statistic of the amount of people who fail to awaken from night to day, and though I am not going to post it here, I remember it being a staggering amount. It devastates me to know that many people who walked this planet yesterday are not here with us today. I wonder what would they say if they were given the chance for a few more words. Would they be thankful for this day if they could have it to live out?

Today, I am setting out, first thing, and thanking God for my life. In Isaiah 38:18, the Bible talks about how the grave can not sing praises and that those who fell into eternal destruction can no longer speak of God's faithfulness. It is such a gift to be able to say to God, "thank You for my life!"

Don't get me wrong...my life is not made up of sweet strawberries and ice-cream (my personal fave) or any other sweet treat all the time, but I am so incredibly blessed. I am loved, cherished, chosen, saved, called, and living. I am thankful.

What blessings are surrounding you today? What is it you are taking for granted and want to lift up thanks for right now? If you knew you had but a few more hours to bask in thankfulness for all that surrounds you in life, what would you do? What would you say? And to whom? Could you set aside some precious time today, even if your schedule's jammed past full, just to get alone with God and love on Him for all He has done for you?

After you read these last few lines, take a moment and close your eyes. Pause all you are doing and take a deep breath. Stop to feel the beat of your heart. Notice how it feels to pull in that cleansing, life-giving air deep into your lungs. Realize that today you are living. Reflect on all you have to be thankful for, and then give thanks and praise where it is due...

Today, I am so thankful to be living right along-side you :)

Katie Marie

Friday, September 17, 2010


I just got done spending some really awesome time with God reading His Word along with another book about drawing closer to Him. As I closed both, I was filled with the overwhelming urge to thank my Heavenly Father and Sovereign Creator for all He has brought me through and even taken me through in my life.

Some things I've endured as a result of young, foolish choices, but some trials in the past years, I know, had His fingerprints caked all over them. They were His way of giving me the desperation I needed to run to Him with all my might. It's through these trials in particular that I'm finding the most purpose and thanks for. These are the seasons I had my eyes WIDE open to God so I could navigate to find my very next step and, in turn, come to understand what His purpose was in it all. I found I had more peace, satisfaction, joy, and love amidst the crazy winds stirring about me when I was desperate to just get to the heart of the lesson He wanted me to embrace and to seek Him out the whole time. All along, His ultimate goal was to bring me in closer and closer to Him...so I could know Him better, see Him in brilliant, living color, hear Him in captivating surround-sound, and feel His love for real. This, it seems, is always His goal.

I have come into the practice of thanking God for every road I've tread on and for every season I have buckled down to endure. It's in light of thanks and reflection that I have developed the ability to now see Him in every situation and type of weather I face. I see His glimmering Son amidst carefree, brilliantly breezy days and I even see Him peeking through the greatest hurricanes. I thank the Lord for making my life unbearably uncomfortable at times so I'd only find comfort under His wings and company. Don't get me wrong, I still, of course, absolutely love the perfectly beachy days more than those I get caught in the rain with no warning and no umbrella, spiritually speaking. It's also a lot easier to be thankful once the storm has cleared, I've dried off, and been warmed up by some sunny days. But, if we only said "thank You" when we felt like it, it wouldn't be a sacrifice and it'd probably never happen at all.

It isn't always easy to say those two simple words, but the more I do it and mean it, the easier it is. I thank my Father in Heaven for all of my life because today I stand tall in who I am and whose I am. I also thank Him for pulling me through, (though kicking and screaming at times), and drawing me closer to Him so I can share all I've learned with you.

Today I come as a little bird in your ear. God wants you to know He is RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE right now. He sees you in your greatest situations and in your smallest headaches. He sees and He cares...not only that, but He listens and acts. Please keep in mind: He does this in His own timing and way. After all, God's ways are certainly not ours and it's downright hard to understand them sometimes. Couldn't He just give us a "God Time" wristwatch to wear along with our "normal time" so we'd somewhat be in sync?? I guess not, or we'd never check in with Him. :)

Be encouraged today and be courageous enough to let Christ into every area you're facing, knowing all you are going through is not in vain; there is a purpose for it all. Be bold enough to step out and say "thank You" and mean it. He'll be delighted at your sacrificial gift, and you may find yourself surprisingly delighted in His reply. Watch for it and you will begin more and more to see God's purposes for His ways and celebrate the treasures He's given you as a reward for your trials and suffering. And always know I am right here, cheering you on... :)

"Then you called out to God in your desperate condition; He got you out in the nick of time. He spoke the word that healed you, that pulled you back from the brink of death. So thank God for His marvelous love, for His miracle mercy to the children He loves; offer thanksgiving sacrifices, tell the world what He's done—sing it out!" Psalm 107: 18-22 (The Message)

In Love,
Kate Marie

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Hi friends,

I posted this online back on September 11, 2006, and felt led to share it again on this historic anniversary of our country and lives. God has not left us and He never will...run to Him in times of devastation and loss...be blessed today and always.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Hi again,

After SUCH a long trip home yesterday (and into the early morning today) from touring, I was so excited to revel in the comfort of my own bed this morning. After waking up a little, I turned my TV on and flipped thru the channels. Within 30 seconds, I settled on watching the Songs of Solomon Choir singing Josh Groban's popular "You Raise Me Up" live in New York City. To my dismay, the cameras switched from shots of the choir singing to scans of countless tear-streaked faces in the onlooking crowd.

I was immediately stabbed with the realization that the anniversary of one of the most horrific and unforgettable days our country has ever seen had arrived again for the 5th time. Today is September 11th.

Tears immediately welled up in my eyes as I watched mothers and daughters holding each other, both unable to stand alone, but finding strength in one another. There were those with their heads in their praying hands, and so many others who could do nothing else but stand and cry.

I sat in my room breathless, hearing those beautiful voices sing this familiar song, imagining the unspeakable devastation and loss these family members and survivors must feel every day of their lives, yet painfully brought to light even more on this very day.

The lyrics rang in my head, "I am strong when I am on your shoulders, you raise me up to more than I can be..."

I imagine those gathered today where the Twin Towers once stood didn't feel very strong. 5 years back, I'm sure many children in that crowd, both young and old, were left without their daddy who used to raised them up on his shoulders to see above crowds. Whose shoulders do they sit on now? I imagine wives and husbands were left without their partner's shoulder to cry on. Who catches the tears that have fallen since 9/11/2001? Countless parents must have been reminded, as if they could ever forget, of how empty they are without the children who once slept upon their shoulder. Who fills that seemingly unfulfillable spot? I don't understand how, but God takes on all of those roles, comforts their aching hearts, and hears their desperate cries.

It's unfathomable to imagine how many prayers are lifted up to God each day. But, think about this; how many millions or trillions more is He hearing today? How many people are throwing their unbearable hate and anger over the aftermath of 9/11 upon Him right now? How many are hounding Him with countless "Why"'s and "how could you's?" Humanity has not even come close to dreaming up the name for a number of that size.

How does He handle it all? How can He have the strength to hold up the entire world day in and out while still holding out His loving hand to catch the tears that fall from each eye? I don't know how, but this is the God I am so in love with. He's the one who shows us we are never alone; who tells us to take the weight of the world off our small shoulders and put it on His; to cast our worries and cares on Him. He's telling us He can handle it...all of it. He's whispering, "Lean on me; rest in me; trust me. I am strong enough."

What about those who don't believe in God? NEWSFLASH: He doesn't need our acknowledgment or accolades to be who He is or to do what He does. I'm so thankful that no amount of unbelief can take away His power or even His belief in us. We are all still standing each day because of Christ alone, even those who don't believe. Every person huddled at ground zero today was standing because Jesus was holding them in His hands. They may not have felt it; they may not have even sensed Him, but way deep down, woven into the very fabric of their being, they knew they were not standing alone.

He was there 5 years ago, holding His creation trapped inside the smoldering, teetering structures. He was there on those planes that were set out to destroy and marked to demolish our faith in our country and in Him. Jesus held each person who lost their lives that day, and is still holding the ones they left behind. He was there, He is here, He is...GOD.

The Twin Towers may have fallen into rubble 5 years ago due to unspeakable evils and grotesque hate, but God's creation will not end in a pile of dust and debris. No, no, no. This was not the first assault on mankind, and I realize it is probably not the last. On any given day, devastation and sadness sweep this fallen world. Yet, when the clouds of smoke and soot clear each time, amidst the rubble and ash, He is standing there, strong and unshaken. And, just as a single, vibrant blade of grass pushes its way through the blackened, charred remains of what once was, we rise again, because HE rose again. We do not stand alone. He won't let us. You see, in our weakness, His strength is perfected. We are strong because of His strength.

Over two thousand years ago, Jesus took the weight of the world, the sins of the world, the 9/11's of the world, upon His shoulders; upon His frame...and today He is still standing. We are still standing...WE DO NOT STAND ALONE.

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

In Him,
Katie Marie

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Yesterday I witnessed something spectacular. I have never seen anything like it in all my life. Before my awestruck eyes, I watched as the God of the Universe worked out His artistry. There, suspended over the water beyond me rested the end of a brilliant rainbow. God not only hovered its right side over the water, but He slowly moved to settle its left side upon it, as well.

We’ve all heard stories of chasing the rainbow’s end to find its pot of gold or to come face-to-face with a peculiar little leprechaun outfitted in green velour. Apparently, not many others have witnessed a rainbow’s end so stories have been conjured up to capture its mystery. It’s true; there was definitely “mystery” involved in this incredibly rare and special encounter with God. I got to witness the majesty of His work while He revealed Himself to me yet again. I watched as the Lord clearly made His presence known to me...He was right there; right with me.

Most rainbows we see as the hope-filled bow God blesses the sky with after a hard rain or turbulent storm. This is the promise of God back from the days of Noah. After torrential downpours it’s always encouraging to scan the stirred skies looking for those brilliant colors suspended. This rainbow, though, was very special. It did not reveal a brimming pot of gold or a chest bursting with treasure; it did not come after the storm, as a promise the shower was over…it brought the rain.

My best friend and I stood together for the better part of 15 minutes staring in utter shock as we watched this beautiful rainbow’s end draw closer and closer to our balcony. The closer it got, the nearer the storm came, but it was beautiful. We wanted it to travel over to us so we could admire it more intricately. As I longed for the rainbow to draw in, deep inside I realized it carried a storm right along with it. I also knew there was nothing I could do to stop it, even if I wanted to.

My eyes were focused at the end of that rainbow until the last moment I was pushed inside to escape the hard rain and winds. I was given something beautiful to look upon as a nasty storm drew nearer and nearer until, at last, it was time to take cover. Within 10 minutes the front blew past, taking with it all of the overcast cover that once hovered over. Suddenly, off in the distance, brilliant blue skies shone through puffy illuminated clouds. It was breathtaking.

This life is filled with storms and turbulence; Jesus Himself said we would have trouble a plenty. No one welcomes it, yet still it comes. At times we can even watch the whirlwinds blow in, paralyzed in their path and unable to move out of the way.

As I look back on past downpours in my life, amidst the tears and pain, I have witnessed such breathtaking beauty. Over and over I’ve found God’s loving and tender fingerprints gracing the scene and I’ve gathered deep appreciation for His heart. God reminded me through that beautiful rainbow yesterday that even though driving showers will come to pelt some of our days, He shows up before each them to bless, prepare, comfort, and love on us. He will be with us through every moment of upcoming power failure, flashes of lightning, and frightening claps of thunder. He is already standing on the other side of the tempests with paintbrush in hand just waiting for the right moment to cast another brilliant masterpiece upon the sky’s canvas.

Of course, there is not always going to be a rainbow before a torrent or brilliant skies after, but this time there was. Storms aren’t always short, but this one was. Life’s showers and fronts won’t always pass quickly, but some will. Though it’s hard, we’re called to praise Him beyond circumstance.

I don’t have this road marked “life” figured out, but I do know the Mighty God who does; He’s teaching me to walk with Him day-by-day, moment-by-moment. With Christ’s grace as my shelter, I’m learning to gaze into the rainbows of God's promises to find beauty, even when it means He’s bringing on the rain…

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sticky Notes of Love

Have you ever heard someone say, "God spoke this to me" or "He showed me today..." and wondered what on earth they were talking about? Maybe it'll help to think of it this way: when you love someone and you want to show just how much you love them, you think of unique ways to express your feelings.

While you will always be sure to include the audible words, "I love you," you may leave a favorite flower on the pillow before they awaken, stick a note in his or her bag, or tape a love letter on the mirror.

It's through these inaudible gestures that the person comes to feel and understand the true depth of our love for him or her; our actions speak so much louder than mere words. Through these actions, our love grows deeper roots and forms greater meaning in this person's life. This is similar to how God seems to express and embed His love and thoughts deep within each of us.

At times, God may paint a sunset that brings tears to your eyes, give you a dolphin in the water you're gazing upon, send a butterfly across the breeze in front of you, or speak His heart clearly through a close friend He's placed in your life. Imagine each of these expressions as God's little sticky notes of adoration; His love letters hand stamped and addressed directly to you.

Trust me; if you ask Him to show Himself clearly to you, He surely will. Just keep your ears highly attentive to His unique, adoring expressions and maintain eyes wide open to His sticky notes of love addressed straight to you...

In His Love,
Katie Marie :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

"Life's Recipe"

Hey friends!

I wanted to share some exciting news with you...as a few of you may know, I'm working on a devotional book I am hoping to release and publish soon. I am tremendously excited, a little overwhelmed, and very humbled to share the insights and pictures God has given me.

Each devotional in my book is spurred on by Scripture and contains Bible verses pertaining to the topic. You'll also find a personal prayer closing each reading. Please feel free to adopt these as your own...

It would mean so much to me if you would please pray for me and with me about this upcoming book and its progression/completion. (Thank you, also, for your supportive prayers for all else God is doing in my life and ministries!)

I'd like to take you along with me on this book's journey and share with you some excerpts from it on my blog. Please comment and let me know any insights you're also gaining from these writings, topics, etc...

I mentioned to my Co-Ed Revolution bible study ladies that I'd make my first post from the book my devotional entitled "Life's Recipe." It stems from Romans 8:28, concerning how God works everything in our lives together for good.

So here you go! I pray it blesses you, my blog friends. I treasure each of you :)

"Life's Recipe"

As I dive more and more into the Word of God and as I ask the Holy Spirit to truly teach me all I can contain, one thing I am learning is that there are infinite lessons to glean from the Bible. It’s like every time I take the time out to seek God, He rewards me by revealing His Word so clearly and vividly. It has become real, exciting, and hope-filled. It is an endless fountain of truth.

Romans 8:28 proclaims, “…we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”
All things work TOGETHER for good…it’s as if all of the things that happen in our lives, both good and bad, destructive and constructive, heart-breaking and joy-fulfilling, are each combined into a recipe for good…for blessing.

Parallel this spiritual truth with me for a moment to the commonplace practice of baking. For instance, when someone sets out to make cookies, they gather together the recipe’s ingredients. If the baker were to ask you to eat any of the individual listed foods alone, you wouldn’t be too delighted to oblige. When separated, you are faced with flour, butter, baking soda, salt, raw eggs, etc…quite unappealing to partake in. And yet when combined and prepared, over time, they become a delectable treat that melts in your mouth and puts a smile on your face.

Let’s face it; life’s ingredients and situations, when singled out individually, are not always pleasant and at times, seem unbearable. Hardships and trials, disappointments, loss, and shattered dreams can each be a jagged little pill we are forced to swallow in season. But, if we can choose to look above each individual incidence or storm, I believe we can see God’s true intentions and heart of love shining through the blackness and clouds swirling about us.

If we can look through the ugliness and pain straight to God’s character which never fails, never lets us down, and only wants the very best for us in everything, suddenly, we can visualize Him as the master culinary artist who is pulling every ingredient of our lives out from our pantries only to mix, knead, stir, and combine all of these things together to become something good…something very good in our lives. If only because of His faithful, tried and true heart and Word, we can stand strong knowing we are becoming more blessed and satisfied from partaking in this unexpected new feast He is working up in His heavenly kitchen.

Though we cannot fathom the outcome of our life’s trials in the midst of them, we can imagine our faithful God thumbing through His recipe cards and books, selecting the most decadent, divine blessing to reward us for our faith and trust; our confidence in Him. And, though we can not keep this life’s undesirable ingredients from arising, it can bring us hope to know that no matter what amount of raw eggs, tasteless flour or harsh salt come our way, we know God is using each very carefully and in perfect measure. He is working together a masterpiece just for our enjoyment and life-long partaking…let’s eat up!

“Faithful Father God, I submit to You now every single ingredient of my life. I give You my love, my will, desires, dreams, longings, fears, hurts, relationships, resources, trials, weaknesses, and everything else that I possess and endure. Out of my love for You and my desire to be closer to You, I readily hand all of the ingredients of my life over to You for Your purposes and plans; for Your hands alone.
Though it is difficult to always understand Your mysterious ways, I trust You. I trust Your heart, character, and Word. And lean not on my own understanding, knowing my ways are not Your ways. I trust and know You truly are working all things in my life together for my ultimate good and final blessing.

I ask that You would give me new measures of Your grace and mercy so I may continue in this obedient walk with You. Please pour out Your favor and love upon me today and each day and and along the way, give me tastes of the ultimate blessings You are creating from all ingredients of my life. I love You, my divine chef, and ask this all in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”

In His Love,
Katie Marie

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Awesome, awesome God

Have you ever finished a day knowing it was one you will never EVER forget? It may have started out as a simple, "ordinary" day but it surely ended up as anything but ordinary because it was caked with God's everlasting fingerprints. Don't ever believe God can't rock your world through a seemingly "ordinary" day. It's just like Him to suddenly infuse these days with unforgettable, life-transforming moments where you sit back and watch His plans and your dreams TANGIBLY take form before your very eyes.

Today was one of those days for me.

To top it all off, I had an INCREDIBLE time tonight in a women's bible study small group that meets here in Clearwater, FL. Co-Ed Revolution is an AMAZING group of young people who have caught fire to the love and passion of Christ. His power is evident in them! (Love you all! :)

As I headed out of our study, I was so captivated and overtaken by how incredible this God I adore is, that I just had to get my love out. It was either write it down or explode if I contained it. (I chose the first, less messy option and wrote on a tiny index card :)

Here it is, simple and true...

At the end of the day,
in every way,
God is awesome...
He is awesome because His heart is OVERFLOWING with love for us.

Our days may not always end how we want them to,
and our dreams may not play out the way in our hearts they began,
But one thing we must know is that God is always awesome.

At the end of the day,
In our midst here today,
God is awesome...



May He bless and keep you,
Katie Marie :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Welcome to my blog! Thanks for hanging out with me :)

Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my new blog. I've been wanting to set up a special little place where I could share my thoughts and insights, and I finally took the time out, STOPPED, and did it! (If you can't tell, I'm REALLY jazzed!)

As you get to know me you'll quickly learn that I have a heart to just go out into daily life and find God in every face, conversation, interaction, detail, and situation. I love to talk with and get to know the people in my path...I love to love on people in unique ways. I am really learning to embrace the ways God has made me so I can just do what He's put in front of me in the moment. (I think this is something we're all called to do and are always working at...we can work on it together :)

I pray my words will bless you and lead you closer to the heart of God. I'd love for this to be a place of interaction so please comment and share your lives with me, too!

I'm adding my first thought with you in a moment...stay tuned and BE BLESSED!

In His Divine Love,
Katie Marie :)

A simple hug

Hi all!!!!

I'd like to share a little bit of my morning with you...

I dropped my best friend, Jen, off at work this morning and headed into my favorite gas station to grab something to drink. I've become friends with all of the employees there and I look forward to seeing their faces every day...(yup, I go in there a lot :)

I waved and said "hi" to everyone at the front counter as I headed over to the coffee station. There, hard at work, was Jane, (whose name I changed.) I asked her how her day was going so far and she said she was alright. I could see in her eyes and from her countenance that she was far from alright. With my full attention and eye contact, she could see I truly cared and wanted to be there for her more than our world's cavalier "hey, how are ya" greeting.

She then shared with me that late last night she had just found out that her best friend has been hit with another wave of cancer. He was in the clear after extensive treatments, but it looks like the disease is rearing its ugly head again.

This woman is at her wit's end. Jane, herself, has had several neck surgeries and needs to have back surgery in the near future. She's struggling with constant pain, coupled with the fear of the unknown. She has no insurance and doesn't know how she will provide for herself with these new bills and road-blocks. Adding to this already unbearable load, she is now riddled with the fear of losing a precious loved one.

Fighting back painful tears, she tried to gather herself and flash me a saddened smile. Along with many of us, she's learned that life isn't always kind and has built a strong, thick exterior of self-protection around her fragile heart. If only for that sweet moment, the walls were crumbling down.

I encouraged her with the words on my heart and reached in to give her the hug she may have been most longing for. Jane just needed comfort...a smiling, loving face amidst a sea of fear, struggle, and countless blank faces. She needed to know she's not alone and that she doesn't have to GO IT alone.

I asked for her friend's first name and told her I would truly be praying for both of them. Among many things, I told Jane, "I tell ya, God has made me a woman of great faith in Him. You may not even believe in prayer, but I do, and I have seen God's power and miracles. I will be praying for you two."

So often, I think we're all over-thinking life and how to make a lasting difference while we're here. The answers are so simple, we overlook them all the time. I'll tell you how we change this world: STOP, PRAY, and LOOK. Stop what you are doing...stop crossing off things from your "to do" list. Pray for God to open your eyes to opportunity to love someone and ask for Him to place people in your path who need a touch from someone who truly cares. Look into the face you see right next to you...in the grocery line; at the gas pump; in your every day. We all are in need of comfort, acceptance, and love. This is how we can make a difference in each others' lives...BY SHOWING WE CARE.

Stop and genuinely ask someone how they are doing; share a sweet smile; feed someone with a much-needed hug. This is how we can be the hands and feet of Christ to each other and those who are unknowingly, but desperately longing for His AMAZING grace...