Tuesday, May 24, 2011


A year ago today, I took a beautiful walk into God's creation. It was one of those times when I couldn’t help but pick every new flower and admire each unique feature and vibrant color. Each blossom was so completely different; yet they all worked together to finish a live portrait of extravagant beauty.

As I strolled along, I remember spotting a small cluster of dandelion puffs by the road to my left. I was intrigued to pick one up and study it, too. As soon as I plucked it, I was hit with a memorable image.
With this small, seed-loaded dandelion in my hand, I realized I had an option...to use my breath to help scatter its seeds or let the wind carry them to wherever they were destined to land. Do you see the spiritual lesson we can glean from this?

There are opportunities each day along the road of life to help God reach every one of His beloved children. We can choose to take the time to nurture that person whose life has crossed our path, or we can walk on by...leaving God to work through another vessel.

What moments are we all missing by keeping our heads down, busied in our days? I can recall so many times when I began my day asking the Lord to use me to touch someone else’s life. Each time, He faithfully answered those prayers. Along with those windows of opportunity, I was also presented the choice to step out and act on them or continue along on my own way.

Isn't life too short to pass by the seed puffs planted along your life’s path? And aren’t people’s lives too important to ignore the opportunity to reach out with kind eyes, an encouraging word, and a sweet smile?

Dandelions can be an absolute nuisance. You know, many people see the Gospel as a dandelion in their yards...Jesus continues to cross their paths, springing up in the most unlikely places. And though He is a true gentleman, never forcing His way into someone’s heart, He will not give up. It's true; we can pluck Him from the front yard, but somehow He'll surface in the back! Christ is the loving Savior who seeks to be welcomed and planted in our lives!

Today, I’m asking you to consider dandelions from another angle. Allow them to be a reminder of God's awesome plan for the redemption of His creation. We are each called to carry forth the love and light of Jesus, spreading His gospel to the farthest reaches of this world.

I encourage you to take a small step of faith today. Make a commitment to yourself that the next time you see a dandelion puff along your path, you’ll pick it, pray for God to use you to carry His love into this lost world, then blow the dandelion’s seeds into the air. Follow them as they ride the wind and envision each seed as a life you can touch.

You’ll most likely notice joy bursting from your heart and a perma-grin beaming from your face…

With Love,
Katie Marie

"He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'" Mark 16:15 (NIV)

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