Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hi, Friends :)

I went for a walk along the ocean with Jesus today, on the beaches of San Jose, California. As I spent some awesome time loving on my Creator, I was so fed as I felt pulled and tugged on by the tide’s ebb and flow; as I sensed the weight of the waves crashing just beyond the reach of my Asics.

I love walking beside massive expanses of water because I am forced to realize just how small, powerless, and insignificant I am. I am simply a speck upon its seemingly endless shores, and yet, my Heavenly Creator and Daddy knows right where I am; He knows exactly which “speck” I am. I love it – feeling so small and overlookable, and yet, so noticed, validated, and irreplaceable.

As I walked along this morning, my eyes were suddenly drawn to a tiny, whole sand dollar lying on top of a pushed up pile of sand. Looking back on it, I think I was so excited, I audibly said, “No way, Jesus!” (I will never suppress my excitement and thanksgiving when God does sweet little things for me. It’s my praise! WARNING: It’s very addictive, but you should try it!)

Now, if my memory serves correctly, I have only found one whole sand dollar like that in my entire life. Perfect, unbroken sand dollars are very rare to find, and there I was with a sweet little perfect treasure peering up from my chilled hand. It was exciting!

I continued on my journey, and as I was stopped far down the coast by a little inlet, I was blown away to find sand dollars scattered everywhere! Most were broken, marred, dark gray. Some were even still furry due to the little creature’s recent death. But, there were some that were perfect and white, reflecting God’s Glory from where they lay. I picked up as many as I could find and turned to head back.

I passed some sweet little children digging holes in the sand at water’s edge as their daddy admired their work. Just after I passed by, a few sand dollars thudded to the ground as they fell from my pocket. They must have made quite a noise because I even heard them over my Ipod. As I turned to see what had happened, there the little escape artists were, scattered on the sand. I picked them up again and put them back from whence they came, when a sudden urge hit me. I felt led to turn around and give some of my treasures to those little children.

Quickly, I shook off the feeling and continued putting distance between us, but I didn’t like denying the feeling I had. I had a moment of selfishness pass over me, thinking of how I have never found such sand dollars in my life and justifying it because there are so many loved ones back home I’d love to give them to. Yup, it was a classic case of straight-up human selfishness and fear of giving something “important” away. Wow, how silly and trivial, and yet it happens all the time.

Today, I chose to turn these little feet around and shine some Jesus on the people He put in my path. I headed back to the daddy standing by, and asked him if he’d like to give them to his kids. With three in my hand, I bent down to the little girl digging right under me and she picked out her favorite. How perfect the number three was, because she had a sister and brother just up the beach who would love their own sandy treasure to take home.

They thanked me and I said, “God bless you.” I never really got a response to that final send-off greeting, but it didn’t bother me. The Lord reminded me that I was simply doing what He had prompted me to do and the rest was up to Him. After all, those weren’t my treasures…Almighty God is the One who formed each sand dollar and the One who allowed me to come upon them. And who knows the seeds I planted in that tiny act of sandy kindness today? Well, God does, and I think that’s really awesome.

I wish I could say I jump at the chance each time I feel like I’m supposed to do something for or say something to another person…I don’t. Every once in a while, when I just don’t “feel like it," I let the opportunity slip through my fingers. These are the moments I find myself wondering about, long after the chance has passed. I don’t like those kind of "what if's?" Not when they have to do with God and His awesome ways! I don’t want to miss these sweet sand dollar days. I don’t want to pass up that abounding joy I felt as I walked away from those people today. I was so full of His love for those precious ones He created, and I knew I was shining His love upon them.

I wanted to share this story with you today, not because I’m a Sand Dollar Superhero, but because I am a simple human, living my life out for Jesus. I wanted to show you how I struggle to love as He does, and how I wrestle daily with following His ways instead of my own; how heavy it can be to carry my will over His! I want to help you as I learn it’s much better to put Him in the driver’s seat from the beginning, instead of waiting until you’re broken down at the side of the road, calling out for a rescue (spiritually speaking).

My prayer today is to get myself out of the way so Christ can step in and take over. I want to shine His light until it permeates even the hardest of hearts. I want to be His hands and feet today, no matter what “treasure” I have to give away. That’s all I want to do…shine Jesus and be His “little helper.” If He’s given something to me and asks me to give away, then I better doggone do it! I trust Him to take care of me no matter what.

Even as I sit here at the kitchen table where I’m staying, I realize how blessed I am. I am pouring my heart out to you, listening to the ocean roar and waves break outside in the company of 11 more little sand dollars God’s letting me take back home. What a sweet, awesome God we serve...

Join me, and give what you’ve got today :)

"Freely you have received; freely give." Matthew 10:8

In His Beautiful Love,

"Sand Dollar Katie Marie"

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