Tuesday, March 29, 2011


A few moments ago I stopped to gaze out the window before me. As my eyes settled on the waters of the inland lake off in the distance, I followed the ripples of the water as they danced along down the lake. A strong current was carrying them along.

If we so choose, we can fight the current of life with all of our might. We can exhaust ourselves struggling upstream or allow God’s stream to peacefully carry us along. If we really do believe, deep down, that His interests are for our ultimate best, why not let go and allow Him to carry us along?

Of course, this sounds easier than it actually is. Immersed in an ever-changing world, we all long to have answers and to maintain the feeling of some level of control. We want stability – something constant to count on, day after day.

Well, with each day I live I learn more and more that there are pretty much two constants surrounding us – God and change. God is the Author of all and the very orchestrator of life. He may not always like the results human free will has created, but He does have the power to reign supreme.

Even as I write, I’m watching the waters continue along the current. As long as this lake exists, water laps its shores and the wind blows, this current will remain. It may change directions or course, but the flow will continue. The same is true considering the currents of life.

If you are walking each day with Jesus, you don’t have to settle for the chaotic waters of this world. You’re headed for a different destination, carried by a stronger tide.

The water’s current is a simple picture to behold, but I pray you will take this message to heart. You may not know where you’re headed, but God does. You might not even know how you landed in the spot you find yourself in today, but God does. He knows everything about you and is fully present in the waters surrounding you. Will you let go and stop fighting to swim upstream? Allow God the freedom to release you from the anxieties, questions, and burdens you’re holding right now. May He peacefully carry you along on His current today...

Swept Along,
Katie Marie

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