Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Hi, my blog friends,

I just wanted to share a few thoughts with you about a subject that has been heavy on my heart these last few days. In Romans 8:1, the Bible boldly proclaims that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. And yet, it seems we are constantly fighting the spirit of condemnation wherever we turn.

I love how the Message version states the truth in Romans: "With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ's being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death.”

Did you receive that? What a beautiful word to grab hold of DAILY. Our fateful dilemma is solved if we will just enter into the fact that Jesus is here for us, desiring nothing more than to release us from all condemnation. The key is, we must accept this gift and choose to continually renew ourselves in this truth.

Any time we have lies sweeping across our minds or infiltrating our ears, we must choose to cast them out in Jesus' powerful name. If Jesus never condemns us but acts as our constant defender, how is it so hard to receive this hard work He is doing for us every moment of our days?

Imagine all forms of condemnation as gigantic fish hooks. The enemy of our souls is constantly dangling these sparkling, unassuming barbed traps before us just hoping we will sink our teeth in. And it doesn't have to be a huge bite to be caught by these traps. It only takes a tiny nibble of the lies we're bombarded with for us to become immediately ensnared. The moment we entertain a single negative thought or receive the hurtful words of others, the devil has us.

Suddenly feeling the terrible tension and discomfort of this hook, we begin to pull away with all of our might. But, instead of using the truth of Christ to untangle us, at times we choose to try to release ourselves by our own means. The next thing we know, we've run into another hook and then another.

Without warning, we are trapped, riddled with hooks and tangled in lines of lies. We become nothing more than powerless fish squirming at the end of satan's lures. This is certainly no place for those who are given authority in Christ to boldly walk in freedom.

Let's allow ourselves the liberty today of letting ourselves off the proverbial hook. Let's allow Jesus the space and freedom to reveal our hooks of condemnation, whatever they may be, and simply rest where He has us today. May we proclaim out of our mouths God's words of truth to combat and defeat the constant lies being dangled in our faces.

Whether we feel it or not, we are each strong and mighty in Christ. He is fully able and longing to help us through this day. It is simply our job to allow ourselves to be content with where God has us today and know that He is more than delighted in us and He is desperately longing to direct the way for this moment. Join me as we let ourselves off the hook today - freedom is so sweet...

In His Love,
Katie Marie

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