Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sticky Notes of Love

Have you ever heard someone say, "God spoke this to me" or "He showed me today..." and wondered what on earth they were talking about? Maybe it'll help to think of it this way: when you love someone and you want to show just how much you love them, you think of unique ways to express your feelings.

While you will always be sure to include the audible words, "I love you," you may leave a favorite flower on the pillow before they awaken, stick a note in his or her bag, or tape a love letter on the mirror.

It's through these inaudible gestures that the person comes to feel and understand the true depth of our love for him or her; our actions speak so much louder than mere words. Through these actions, our love grows deeper roots and forms greater meaning in this person's life. This is similar to how God seems to express and embed His love and thoughts deep within each of us.

At times, God may paint a sunset that brings tears to your eyes, give you a dolphin in the water you're gazing upon, send a butterfly across the breeze in front of you, or speak His heart clearly through a close friend He's placed in your life. Imagine each of these expressions as God's little sticky notes of adoration; His love letters hand stamped and addressed directly to you.

Trust me; if you ask Him to show Himself clearly to you, He surely will. Just keep your ears highly attentive to His unique, adoring expressions and maintain eyes wide open to His sticky notes of love addressed straight to you...

In His Love,
Katie Marie :)

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