Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I was just sitting out on my balcony reading around in Isaiah 38 when I came across verse 19, "...the living, the living - they praise You as I am doing today." These words rang loudly in my head and then dove straight into my heart. I was moved to suddenly pen my own words in the margins next to God's Word. They were simple: "THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE." I then had to go grab my computer to share this with you, too.

It was in the moments leading up to writing those five tiny words that I realized something so obvious and yet so deeply powerful. Today, I am living. I was awakened this morning and the sun was rising yet again. My heart was still beating, my body still functioning, and my lungs were still taking in the air of this world. Each of us were given the gift of life today; some were not so fortunate.

I once heard a statistic of the amount of people who fail to awaken from night to day, and though I am not going to post it here, I remember it being a staggering amount. It devastates me to know that many people who walked this planet yesterday are not here with us today. I wonder what would they say if they were given the chance for a few more words. Would they be thankful for this day if they could have it to live out?

Today, I am setting out, first thing, and thanking God for my life. In Isaiah 38:18, the Bible talks about how the grave can not sing praises and that those who fell into eternal destruction can no longer speak of God's faithfulness. It is such a gift to be able to say to God, "thank You for my life!"

Don't get me wrong...my life is not made up of sweet strawberries and ice-cream (my personal fave) or any other sweet treat all the time, but I am so incredibly blessed. I am loved, cherished, chosen, saved, called, and living. I am thankful.

What blessings are surrounding you today? What is it you are taking for granted and want to lift up thanks for right now? If you knew you had but a few more hours to bask in thankfulness for all that surrounds you in life, what would you do? What would you say? And to whom? Could you set aside some precious time today, even if your schedule's jammed past full, just to get alone with God and love on Him for all He has done for you?

After you read these last few lines, take a moment and close your eyes. Pause all you are doing and take a deep breath. Stop to feel the beat of your heart. Notice how it feels to pull in that cleansing, life-giving air deep into your lungs. Realize that today you are living. Reflect on all you have to be thankful for, and then give thanks and praise where it is due...

Today, I am so thankful to be living right along-side you :)

Katie Marie

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